Tuesday, 1 November 2022



Very Well Mind

Waking up blearily and having a heavy feeling after the aftermath of several dreams and wandering 'what on earth I am I doing hear, what use am I to the world and myself, just to do seemingly mundane matters, crapping, eating, laundry, shopping sometimes reading, juicing, eating and where to eat out and ----a busy mind them peaceful quiet moments'?

Then on a bright warm morning the above came to the forefront and I felt to pray and meditate, my prayer was of gratitude and as I sat by the window in the bedroom on a padded seat as in image with metal frames and a former adjustable piano stool I became aware of a pigeon playing with an extended twig and it played and tossed it around and then flew off with it. I was smiling broadly and realised that in some way I enjoyed the fun of the joy or whatever that the pigeon had or maybe was not self aware of its feelings but just did what pigeons and nature does.

The n I realised the word ZEN was to sit and Krishnamurti said, not in these exact words, 'sit without expectation, just sit. To me these words and the pigeon doing its thing in the garden,THAT it did what it did and maybe was not aware of its doing what it did when it did.

The pigeon I assume or surmised did what it did without thought, it did it instinctively and a sort of spontaneous activity, it may not have any thought as I do and just did what the Universe created it to do. IT did without reason or results that it may or maybe not of aware of as I do.

So doing without reason it seemed to dawn on me as the way to live and lift my heaviness of the intellect having to 'know, have a reason and explanation, to know that I know that I know, I have to be sure, safe, knowing and not just trust Life and its mystery'. Yesterday which was the 3rd.August 2022 I have several synchronicities or some say coincidences mine seemed to me mind blowing, miracles and like the birds and nature 'things' food, appear they 'sow not neither do they reap'  'the leaves drop and winter arrives the birds migrate, the spring and the leaves appear and the birds return, and I did not do a thing to make it happen' I merely breathed ate, crapped, either in wonder and peace or madly, desperately tying myself in intellectual knots, writing frantically, sitting in desperation does this mystery work, I MUST KNOW in order to feel safe, worthy to be here and living I must serve, have a purpose, please God and have a front seat and good karma in heaven and not reincarnate and go through all this mire and shit again.

So my human ego , that part of me that subscribes to human ambition   that is not in harmony and accord with nature wants to stamp its authority on nature and determine the seasons and reasons for it according to the laws of human assumption and science. Not having an intellectual and knowing reason and not making the intellect and logic my trust and reason and the safety net and the worry and energy spent endeavouring to shore up its weather worn cliffs and shores is such a relief and my fatigue is my will power endeavouring to find answers and keep it all together safely and intact, the endless strategies, insurances and yet A FEELING ARISING from the depths, the mysterious ancient and yet present and here now soft voice as it were saying like a wafting breeze let go and enjoy the ride the stay and be quiet in your mind, a calming whispering which says ' all is well you do not have to fight to stay alive, walk well and easily'   

'You do not have to do anything but live, eat crap, sleep and be merry'who do you think you are anyway? The miracles and synchronicities, coincidences, miracles, seem to my logical mind from nowhere and from no time, they come from the mystery of life I am vainly trying to find, they are out of this time space continuum, they are quantum, do not mess up the surprise and delight that Life has in store for you. Surrender to Life and know that this thirsty, drought, cruel human agenda that is now gripping a fearful world in its grasp, is but a vindictive human ego and will perish by its own hand. As for me continue to live without trying to solve life's mysteries for you are the mystery in Itself. I am the Mystery of Myself and so let it be a mystery that does not need solving by the human will for there is no answer there only confusion. Be the Pigeon and just peck the grass and branches, crap when full and just enjoy being as the pigeon shares its beingness with you.

Is the pigeon Conscious of itself? SHACK
I am the mystery I am seeking--fancy that😁 SHACK

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