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Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati |
(Ma Jay; as in image was a controversial person, however I liked the image to portray the article).
This morning of the 6th August 2022 is a warm and sunny morning and I felt out of sorts and restless and I was drawn to sit and be still and on reading the above from a calendar which I have had for many years.
As I was sitting just a for a few minutes I was drawn to type the article and for a few words that kept resounding in my head last night.
The months of July and August so far have been without rain and many parts of the world have had fires and the land looks and feels parched and dry. I feel like this as well; my joints ache as if they want water and I am thirsty and yet not dehydrated, I feel the wars and geopolitics and all the virus scares and vaccines and so on are driving the nervous systems of the populace to distraction with more suicides, depression and general terrible horrendous crimes. In some ways I feel for Mother Earth and in some ways I am emotionally shot through when the Women won the European cup, victories in net ball and hockey and the feminine energy is needed in all ways to counter the male dominance, not so much in the outer world but the inner psyche. Terrible crimes against children and woman make me feel awful and I feel to want to save them and yet I know not how.
In traditional terms the Yin energy is dark, cool, mysterious and nourishing, I feel my body needs more Yin not emotionally but to counter the strong Yang and heat. When I sit and that has been restless and be in the quiet and that is disturbed by my mind chatter and an urge to jump up and do, this takes away my energy mentally and physically.
When I just sit and go quiet, relax and breathe there is a renewal not so much physically although it does assist in this as well but and 'inner feel' which is not so much physical but as if a deep well of quiet and cool, refreshing and so nourishing in a 'place' not in body or mind a place that is not a place as such but is a space if you like which feels like the word 'soul' I cannot describe this it is beyond as it were heart it is not physical or mental it is just SOUL.
I thirst for this, it is a if my soul, this mysterious place or space within is my link to the Godhead as it were, my connection and joining with the Great Spirit. I feel refreshed and renewed and the bible saying 'behold I make all things anew' seems so apt and yet I feel the feverish plight of the homeless and the families who have to use foodbanks, the anguish and tightening jaws and grim expressions as the fuel bills and food bills rise and the politicians blame Russia and anyone else. There is enough gas in the two Russian Nord Stream Pipe lines but the politicians are blaming Russia for the war with Ukraine when the USA tore up the Minsk agreement, so freeze Europe never mind the people as long as it is politically acceptable and the cabal get there world domination agenda.
So the lesson for me is; there is a deep need for the quiet mind, the simplicity of stillness and to be in the world and not of it. Perhaps by reaching my soul as it were in the quietness with others can calm the feverish brow and somehow bring some stability to the weather and appeal to nature for forgiveness in the ways we humans are dealing with her.
Now to address the night before; I kept getting this resoundingly in me as I was about to sleep; Great Spirit I hear your voice in the wind, your smile in the trees, your love in the Sun, your calm in the soft aromas of nature, your sweetness in the soft rain, your strength in tornadoes volcanos and your fun in the animals, fish and birds, the mysteries of insects, reptiles, caves and all things hidden.
All of that above and more; I have had a lot of synchronicities lately and strange things disappearing and suddenly reappearing and even dropping out of seemingly nowhere; to me the ego has no part in this, it is as if the Great Spirit which to my human senses is invisible yet tangible with that 'soul space' works behind as it were the busy intellect and ego and is saying as it were, the account of the Zen Monk in his cabin and on winter the leaves dropped, the birds went away, the snow fell and he was cosy inside, then spring came, the leaves returned, the birds arrived, the snow melted and he exclaimed---all this and I didn't do a thing to make it happen'.
It seems letting The Great Spirit, trusting Life, just doing the simple things like shopping, eating simple and small nourishing meals, craping, sleeping and Zen again 'when hungry we eat, when tired we sleep' somehow checking in with quietness restores the natural rhythms.
Behold God knows what we need, consider the Lillie's of the field they spin not or toil, the sparrows know of their food' the predators and the prey and the natural culling when needed for nature is a good accountant. The need not the greed.
Somehow The Great Spirit works in mysterious ways and The Great Spirit is Life, Life is the demonstration of Great Spirit in Action, the Yang of Creation and at Rest The Yin of beauty and Rest.
There is sense that when I talk to the great spirit as it were, sense in the quietness or at odd times that there is a great consciousness and intelligence at work 'Behind the Scenes' as it were and really there is no behind, in front or any direction so to speak jus the all pervading Spirit.
Am I big enough to be small enough to get out of the Creators Way?
How I long to be able to express what I really feel at the above but as it says that feeling or peace that goes beyond human understanding. But I do feel a spiritual thirst that this planet and peoples need so much and me so desperately for some respite. (SHACK)
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