Thursday 27 June 2024


Courtesy Logo Design

'God ,The Great Spirit, The Source of Life is my refuge and underneath are the everlasting Arms'

To me the underneath part is beneath, a world of ego, the cacophonies of war and ego battles for supremacy and power over those not up to the fight or lack self confidence, those who tread on others for their aggrandisement, lust and power.  

When I feel ragged, tattered and shattered by events and realise I have been in the world affairs and feel to not shy away but to see and feel the animosity and hate and realise that to be in the world and not of it, for me is a better option.

Then when I relax and let go I sink into the peace and feel safe no matter what so to speak and that benevolent peace as feeling of a presence not of this world to me are the everlasting arms.

It is as if an enfolding and being held in an energy a feeling of support and even forgiveness I forgive and am forgiven.


Monday 24 June 2024


Courtesy Art Network 

There are many quotes, holy book references about renewal but what does this mean or feel like? When I had my NDE at the age of four (1942) then followed by many experiences; a dying and sword initiation, two cancerous events, a mind shift by a Koan and hospital events, feeling low and evil, A dark night of the Soul and several other incidents and events.

Apart from the NDE which happened spontaneously it seems I go very still and quiet and this happens because of the danger imminent in the event and seems to bypass fear and then a strange mysterious natural stillness and quiet, not shock or frozen.

It as if the self of everyday living dies or steps aside and an energy, a light and awareness of renewal. This is not so much physical but in the mind, the soul, often the physical follows sometimes later. My mind feels light bright and empty of thought and fear and the words come to me 'Behold I make things anew'  the 'I' is not me but the energy I feel the Spirit is the 'I', I cannot describe it, it is a deep deep visceral feel it seems not of the body and not of the thinking mundane mind, it is luminous and light, loving and comforting without words or sound.

I have a touch of this when I do Qigong sometimes, the Buddha smile, smile from the heart and I feel also that the words of Jesus in the bible resonate with this feeling. I have a busy mind and it can get obsessive and no amount of meditation can calm it and yet as if a lever or button is pressed suddenly it is quiet and still and this mysterious energy renews  me(what is this me, who am I). It is a me of not me  without a personal identity. A few months ago I had a really large earthquake when I did all the writing about no identity, inculcation, nowhere to hang my hat. Intellectually I had know all this way back and layers were peeled and then 'crash' it hit a level beyond mental comprehension a visceral consciousness which shook the foundations and rattled the building my dear lovely body and hit my skeleton already bruised by the Covid vaccine (not the virus) and caused a tumultuous reverberation that has caused excruciation walking pain, being housebound, lethargy and some sort of mild depression and then now and again the 'I make things anew click in'.

To me it feels like I am being asked to embrace the empty mind so that I can live most of the years left(if any) in the Spirit of Renewal.

I have the notion that this aware light energy of awareness could by an Adept, a shaman , a holy being, the Great Ones of the Bibles and Wisdom or whoever, become deathless, that is they can die physically overcome any disease or never have disease and resurrect if needed, their cells in their physical body  always at peak light (biophotons) and are aware of their light body that is a feeling of being aware that one is aware and not being suffocated by negative, limiting beliefs, in fact there are no beliefs only the experience of being a light be being. 

I feel I could venture to say this feeling is the touch of spirit, nay living in the Spirit.


Tuesday 18 June 2024


Courtesy The Restless Mind 

 Oh restless mind how do I still thee? It is your nature to think, twirl and produce the fantastic, the mystic, the horrific, the drama and run away from stillness.

It is natural so they say to think, think boy, don't be a mindless vacant idiot or a smiling compliant nobody, you hear this or at least I did in psychotherapy patients. Why are you filling your head with these foolish notions, man up, be a person, get a life, be successful, make me proud, you should get married, have a family, be somebody and yet there is this quiet person, not timid, just quiet and listening to their heart.

Sometimes being true to yourself does not comply to others who want to live their life through you or be aggrandised through their impact on you and lead a life they never achieved through you and so denying yourself the life that destiny has for you to be usurped by another especially if they have inveigled and groomed one and so they reap the emotional reward of a leaching stolen glory and yourself the benefactor of a second hand deceit and at the time seemed so genuine.

This is not to say there are really genuine benefactors and really love you for being yourself. However the biggest leach is denying the mind to be still and quiet and to to taste and sample the delight to meet and touch as it were another dimension of a contact and eventually realising that feeling of being one with the Universe as if feeling joined and loved by a feeling perhaps not definable in words, adjectives and art but an assurance of life on Earth and in the flesh is not the end of life but a stepping stone to a realm of consciousness the is beyond the norm if there is such a thing.

At first one may wrestle with the need for quietness, not a running away from stress and the wordily duty and cumbersome awkward duties or a feeling of the meaningless of hoarding and unnecessary attachments which desire and to enhance one in the face of others and to seek safety in more and more of things which may rot and decay and can be like a shield, barriers, which can become shrouds and veils that can hide the face of the true you. 

First become aware of the cause of disturbance and the triggers and many of such things are from childhood and many more from the collective incarnations and like traces left from pressing heavily on a paper and the underneath one showing faint traces or the old carbon paper and imprints, these are buried deep in the collective unconscious and lay buried deep in the sands and caves of the mind, like the desert plant that hibernates for years until the chance drop of rain stirs it to growth. 

With the internet and digital devices, the fiendish, nefarious, iniquitous, heinous media and political intrigues, the drugs, the lack of role models, the religion of technology and logic, the lack of the moral compass all these that many of us have lived through in past incarnations and now the graphic displays and arrays trigger off the restless mind which may not recognise or understand the past incident or event and so cause a behaviour which is not commensurate to one's lifestyle as per this incarnation.     

This is the age of purification and burning up the crud and waste of the past, however the data and triggers are so attractive although horrific or astoundingly gorgeous desirable and beautiful that the mind is overwhelmed and gives into the ancient refurbished images which produce the adrenalin and kundalini and stir up the psyche to do almost every good and bad thing.

We live in a feverish world and we need the quiet and even quiet nature places are being sort by those wanting refreshment and the tourism is destroying these havens for those who want to get away from it all. I feel to stay in at the present to face my demons as I have many years in Forensic, with patients, with family disowning me and just being me, I faced many fears and emotional stuff and now is me time as it were and watch the demons of the world and that are in me and not to do much about it only to be aware of them, not even trying to dispel them and not really deliberately meditating and to let my natural intuitive awareness become naturally aware of the restlessness and not to try to and push them down, or encourage them, but to be aware of them or it and that just makes the awareness aware of the trauma or disquiet dissipate and often leave a feeling of  'what an Earth was that' and it is gone like a cloud and one cannot even remember that like a dream gone by, I would suggest that even though I am not deliberately meditating, trying to understand the past or the present trigger, the years of meditating perhaps have somehow facilitated an awareness that is the 'real me' (I'm kidding--or am I?) and I do not have to 'do something in order just to Be----certainly not to be something.

I really don't know why I wrote the above, this really just fell out of the back yard somewhere.


Saturday 15 June 2024



Courtesy Unrestricted 1

When I fantasise some of it  is unfinished business, some karmic time line business, some unfulfilled wishes and desires either from brain washed so called realities, some from envy and jealousy, they all boil down to my mind ego library of graphics and interwoven boxsets and memories computed, upgraded reconfigured thought forms, scenarios, clips from TV, films, drama in life and all a vast array, a kaleidoscope, a cacophony and sometimes a distorted, contorted nightmare, sometimes explicit sexual and black magic horror content and anything else the mind and its vast content can shape, bend imagine, all of this I am aware of and yet in the illusionary fantasies they when I realise that they are just that----  fantasy and the nature of fantasy and day dreaming, sleep dreaming are just that a magic show with no real substance or felt as though they do have substance. Only my wish and desire to make it so.

Courtesy Phantasmagoria 2

In image 1 and 2 there is a hint of a figure looking through the illusion and a symbol of the awareness catching the grasping cloudy delusion of illusion waking one up from the dream. The fantasies I get I mainly contained of worldly Earthly images and dreams, unfulfilled worldly fantasy that the world expects as success and my body and self worth exposed during my childhood as inadequate to deal or cope with so I let it fester and develop in mind stuff, fluff without merit and cause a disturbance and go for inner world activity which of course meditation satisfied. The awareness of breaking up or rather becoming AWARE of the delusion is me becoming aware of my true nature which is self awareness without thought, a conscious consciousness of conscious awareness of Self.

Now if it  is possible to dream or fantasise wordily aspirations and I AM the Spirit of those fantasies I posit why cannot I heal my body and aching joints, fatigue and so on---The answer seems to be; my egoic projections the God of my fantasies does not have the graphics, the algorithms to put these into action and yet remembering an incident or so when I had similar leg knee problem and a bridge nearby with very steep steps and as I walked through the path I found myself saying 'I must, I will I can'  and I marched and sang it and went up the steps and did not use my crutch or walking stick and a few times in hospital when I went into meditation naturally and I was healed, yet most of the time and now in particular when wars, atrocities and madness seems abroad I seem to be in the grips of strangeness and weirdness. Maybe I am Tonglen.
Courtesy Tonglen Tibet 3

Some folk did  not like Buddha Nature, so I suggested, loving heart, angel, Sun and something compassionate (do not breathe out pity, empathy just loving compassionate vibrations). The first time I was shown this by Sensei / Sifu  I was being attacked by some people verbally and gesturing; I breathed in their hate and anger and used flowers and returned it on the out breath. They seemed to be more angry and as I felt this they threw knives at me and I felt torn and shredded and then I felt my body return to shape and health and I returned it with flowers and healing balm after a few weeks they stopped and we had a healing chat and we became friends, I used it my workshops and many said it benefitted them.

Perhaps in the world conditions and then in workshops the 70's, 80's and mid 90's the collective unconscious was not so saturated with the events of 2000 until now at this article June 2024. Never the less I make excuses and one thing I do not like doing much is will power, I feel it can be ego and yet in the bridge stairs I did, perhaps I should tune in and see if and when I should engage will power. After all if I allow to be trodden on by world conditions and bodily stuff, then I will be blown about by the 'zen leaf in the wind' and at the whim of the disruptive signals of the frequencies the 'deep state are  broadcasting through the ethers, radio and TV, WI FI  and all digital appliances including kettles, ovens and other appliances, I kid you not.

With all the Musk and other satellites I have been informed by very well known scientists studying atmospherics, EMF and the spheres around Earth( magno, themo, Ion and so on, the Schumann resonance) that the vibrational healthy content of atmospherics is being distorted and can affect mental health in particular.

So keep 'Tonglening' be sure you are not taking in their karma and negative vibes and be sure you are compassionate enough to do it, if you are angry, weak and do it with will power it will bounce back at you, I use the mind mirror as described in back article and with Ho opno pono.


Saturday 1 June 2024


Courtesy Lourie Halse Anderson via Buzz Feed 

 This morning at the 1st June 2024 I sat meditating and when I had finished I looked at the two most beautiful trees opposite my window. I wrote some articles back of a wonderful experience in which the trees opened and allowed me to 'touch and perceive' their essence. I feel we communicate in a kind of telepathic way.

This morning was cloudy and drab with an ominous greyish tinge with the Sun feebly attempting to break through and  I went into a sort no thought and then in 'silent speak' I said I wish I could be still, strong and beautiful like you dear trees'

They replied 'you could be if you were without thought'


See SHACK Saturday March 2nd 2019 'Trees' as in article above 'The Essence' 


Clip Art Library 1

If atoms are mostly empty how come we are here?

From back articles 2

Do you feel mostly not here nor there? It is said we have in a 70Kg body 7 followed 27 zeroes or seven billion, billion, billion atoms and they are mostly empty and yet we feel fleshly solid, my speculation is we are programmed to feel this way, we have been designed to feel and sensate to feel this in our bodies as tangible evidence, however actually it is program. 

There are a growing number of scientists who are coming forward to say the Universe is like a huge brain, this has been around for thousands of years for instance from the Yogic tradition  of the giant Egg, the Dream of The Divine Mind and so on, then to Karl Pribram and the holographic mind and to the below;
Sir James Hopwood Jeans

Sir James Hopwood Jeans OM FRS was an English physicist, astronomer and mathematician. Wikipedia
Born: 11 September 1877, Ormskirk
Died: 16 September 1946 (age 69 years), Dorking
Nationality: British
Awards: Smith's Prize (1901), Adams Prize (1917), Royal Medal (1919)
Fields: Astronomy, mathematics, physics
 The Universe begins to look more like a great thought than like a great machine. Mind no longer appears to be an accidental intruder into the realm of matter... we ought rather hail it as the creator and governor of the realm of matter. concrete example will explain this more clearly.

The universe can best be pictured as consisting of pure thought, the thought of what for want of a better word we must describe as a mathematical thinker.  I  incline to the idealistic theory that consciousness is fundamental, and that the material universe is derivative from consciousness, not consciousness from the material universe... In general the universe seems to me to be nearer to a great thought than to a great machine. It may well be, it seems to me, that each individual consciousness ought to be compared to a brain-cell in a universal mind.

Courtesy Jumping Atoms 3

I am in complete agreement with the Professor Jeans and quote from the above ' I incline to the idealistic theory that consciousness is fundamental, and that the material universe is derivative from consciousness, not consciousness from the material universe... In general the universe seems to me to be nearer to a great thought than to a great machine. It may well be, it seems to me, that each individual consciousness ought to be compared to a brain-cell in a universal mind'.
As such I use consciousness as the field in which atoms arise and fall, popping in and out of existence and so if one laid image 3 over the 'field of consciousness which has every possibility and probability' then each atom contains in the 'space' a unit of consciousness and is an intelligent informing process and the informing intelligent process then takes the multitude of atoms each with a 'part of the blueprint' in order to build you and I and the Universe.
Courtesy Royalty Free Stock 4
Further  more each atom is supplied with binary information as to its service and part in the form being created from the tiniest form to planetary and star formation, as depicted in mage 4 (I use images graciously allowed to illustrate my ideas which I cannot capture or express in words).  These are a type of form of cryptographic algorithms and for our bodies they are programmed to have senses that feel, touch and so on, the brain is only a computer to interpret and decipher the data from each atom as it is coagulated into the blueprint or jigsaw puzzle.
These downloads from the field which I will name as Consciousness, Awareness and Intelligence uses algorithms of consciousness facilitated by the binary information and a sort of telepathy in more fine energetic creation. So as to you and I being here we are programmed to believe, believe is not quite the word, we are part of the binary existence of this Earth, Solar System which has duality as its base that is 1-0, Yin Yang, negative-positive. So we are hard wired and programmed to be a human and such we are not even brainwashed or inculcated we are as the Field, the Creationary Intelligence plans us to be. We cannot as yet break the code, we are one and one with creation, we are self aware consciousness, we are the the conscious expression of the Universe being Conscious of Itself, so as each spiral of evolution takes place in 'no time' which is timelessness, the algorithms are updated and reconfigured. HOWEVER, humans meddle with emissions from the field and produce bastardised versions of the original.

Courtesy  LinkedIn  6
So we are an idea, part a blueprint, a probability dreamt up by a consciousness and as such we are part of the hologram, the matrix and as such we are not truly here but a programmed hard wired part of the UNIVERSE, we are so interwoven, interrelated that we 'think' we exist and we are but a conscious thought form which believes we exist and so the Empty Atom is but a unit of consciousness compiled into billions of billions that form, project and display a human form but we are but an idea who finds it hard to believe or think this as we are beyond understanding and belief. We are a thought form. Its hard to get one's head around this simply because there is no explanation to justify us as being really not here in flesh and blood we have been created and programmed to feel and so believe this.
This goes along with my writing of 'nowhere to hang your hat' and the 'identityless' consciousness; the next piece of my writing gone into at great length and depth in back articles is if the 'hat and identity' as above and I can only offer in this article, resume, precis and synopsis; at birth one is given a name, the baby does not understand the sound until it can develop, that I call the first stamp of brain washing, you did not choose your name, then the stamps follow, religion, life style, culture and so on, many just follow these like tram lines all their lives, I have no criticism or wish to change that. At about fifteen years of age I wondered why there was so much religious antagonism and wars, then at about nineteen years of age my Sensei gave me a Koan (see back articles) it shifted something in me and he said I would no longer see the world as others and my troubles would begin. How right he was.
Courtesy Bridging The Gap 8

Then out of the blue so to speak, a bolt of something, in one of those lightening ah ha's, I realised that I was a clone, someone else's ideas and all I knew I was taught, I was a robot to some extent, I was someone else's second hand clothing, with a few bits and pieces of my own. Then I realised nearly everyone was a cloned mind and through the brain washing it formed our beliefs to which many stood resolutely and became a firmly rooted reality. These could result in conflict and even war.
Courtesy Desolate Inheritances 9

 The shock for me was horrific; if we are all inculcated then what if I removed my brain washing and seriously examined my and other inculcations, at first panic as I realised it stripped of my personality and I felt in a wilderness and I went through a period of the 'dark night of the soul' and I realised I had no identity as such I felt like running away, distractions, suicidal thoughts and then I fell into a sort of hole and accepted in a strange sort of way that, that emptiness was the same feel as I had when I meditated and let go into stillness and it was OK to have 'nowhere to hang my hat' as it were. I am not claiming enlightenment, just sharing stuff.
It was the same sort of thing with atoms, really nothing to hang my hat and the quantum weirdness only added to the conundrum ( I learnt from my cousin the late Professor Cyril Woolf and Fritzof Capra that the early atom splitting guys they went through similar shocks) and especially with the observer effect that it is a shock of a kind. It all comes back to that empty mind (zen and empty mind--no mind) and the nature of reality is emptiness, the reality of no reality. The impermanence of the atom popping in and out of the field, the transience, the dream like and gossamer like life we take for reality, does not in essence exist, I therefore realised all was in the mind and mind was consciousness and so I came to the above empty atom.
At first I felt out of touch crazy at times and the biggest hook was to make a reality and identity out of nothing, I tried other philosophies and inculcations which led me to see they all were all someone else's ideas or my own inculcation to myself at most many of us are importing software as hardware as it were.   
Courtesy Quantum Mechanics 10

My take on this is; the waves are the field, the field of consciousness in image 3 and its take on this and contains the endless probabilities and possibilities until the Observer collapses the field in a way that 'picks out or selects' a potential possibility / probability in order to create something or allow a opening to do so, THE  consciousness of the field is aware of the consciousness of the Observer and this comes back to the consciousness awareness which is Intelligent and Informing and so the field is there and is the same as the observer in consciousness and awareness culminating  in ' we are the conscious expression of the Universe being conscious of Itself' we are self aware and so is the Universe we just share conscious awareness and it is the gift of free will which can make us aware of ourselves being aware of ourselves. In the end there is nowt to cling onto.
The shock of the above empty atom and we are not really here, only we are programmed to think and feel we are here is the same shock one can receive on waking up to being a clone and inculcated, both have sweet Fanny Adams, sod all reality---after all its all in the mind.
Reminds me of song by Gershwin  'I've got plenty of Nothing' from the opera Porgy and Bess.