Friday 27 September 2024



Courtesy Alamy 

The small circle is a mind filled with some content. As the mind grows with age it may contain more content as beliefs, brain washed ideas, modifications and so by the image 1, I represent the expansion by ever expanding circles content which fills the mind.

The thoughts appear to the awareness as arising or forming in the mind and yet the mind is a screen, a canvas, a field of nothingness or substance and the thoughts and memories are part of an overlay, an embossment of some kind, when in meditation and the mind comes to stillness and yet there is a dynamic which cannot be rightly quantified this is beyond the circles of content and is therefore to the human mind non describable because it is devoid of content.

However the rituals and imagery of shamanism, religion, prayer ( from heart)are only images tailored to suit the human mind ego stance to give it form and a structure, yet Spirit is beyond structure and arises outside, beyond the inculcated content gathered over the millions of years past generations, time lines and hardened encrusted impacted embedded history of the content of mind inherited and reconfigured to suit each epoch of development.

To say Spirit is beyond the content is actually not so, it is a no substance nothingness that content 'floats in' a sort of bag or field of nothingness which my mind tries vainly and desperately to understand and make it tangible. By doing so I create a circle and the human mind wants to encapsulate and so trap itself in conjecture and surmising. The egoic mind wants substance so called good or evil to verify it exists and yet the very content of thought is without real substance itself only by convincing itself it is real and because the ego which is the content which forms the so called 'mind' really senses it is a floating chimera composed of hand me down inherited some one else's ideas past or present.

When there is very little content then the source of mind is revealed and then one is left dumbfounded because the source is invisible, not tangible to human senses and yet felt as an all embracing something. To the ego this is a threat to its supremacy and a sort of battle or challenge ensues.  

Of course the challenge is on the ego side, it fights for its dominance and existence while the that which is and isn't does'nt. 

So all the Shamanic rituals are contained in content and can like inculcations vary from tradition to tradition when then one can do without that concentric circle or expansion of content, then we may have something coming from nothing and the empty atom does not appear or have a function until that 'something coming from nothing' is created to build the illusionary spiritual leggo meccano set  and so hey presto creation unfolds.


This SHACK aka GEOFF  is one of two thousand hand written and waiting to be typed and posted. The numbering can be seen as this in the blog archive.

Thursday 19 September 2024



Courtesy   Life Principles

The ego that is the collective experiences, reasonings, logic, religious, academic, selected lifestyle and general modus operandi can be a way that is brought about by thought and emotion and conditioned by a way that has been transmitted throughout human existence and passed down by individual representatives to their offspring by inheritance and the way it has always been and will always be.

 Having gone to the bathroom after arising from bed and having abluted and about to walk away, an ineffable joy, not laughter, just a feeling in my heart, frontal lobes of my head after the 'flash' of this spontaneous occurrence, suddenly, eagerly knew that LIFE HAD SPOKEN TO ME, there were no words, no explanations and I knew that I whoever I is, is safe for ever and ever and that Life had spoken to Life and that in that 'rare flash' Life had completely and utterly cleared and by passed the inculcated conditioned ego .

However when the modus operandi is suspended not by force, a willingness to have peace and quiet from the constant ego stream of 'monkey chatter mind' or intellectual scientific debate, political wrangling, relationship problems with others and self, religious and pious duties and the guilt of not religiously doing the said tomes and guilty for the neglect of begging, supplication, the fear of angry god or the wrath of the almighty or the endless affirmations, quiet music and meditation to soothe the brow and the queasy stomach, the grim reaper about to touch your left shoulder and the silent 'buzz' of the collective unconscious on edge at a war torn dangerous world and political madness with greedy people with lust and lascivious wanton behaviour especially to deprive innocence with child and female extreme abuse, even in the name of some devilish god image and satanic practice. 

Often the ego always wants to know a reason, an explanation so it can feel safe and the unknown becomes an anathema and shunned most of the time and when contemplated albeit briefly can produce a distaste and a sourness with fright and queasiness. 

Like the birds in the header image Life goes on without perhaps without them knowing why or where, they have life in them as we humans, we of course have to have some reason and intelligence in order to navigate the paths of Life from day to today affairs. In that moment of the 'flash' there was not a reason or explanation, LIFE was enough and an empty head was enough as well, the fire of that flash was beyond grace, I have had these flashes before but they were joy and grace, this was in a way unemotional it was Life plain and simple and now on reflection I know why birds sing, why trees adorn such beauty and are so meaningful to humans and all creatures great small are so graceful and carefree if we leave them alone, even predator and prey have their own inimical way which we humans seem to feel is hard to understand, yet we do the same eating meat, fish and even the vegan has to pluck plants and deprive life.

This has left me with a deeper understanding in the way of 'LET LIFE LIVE WITHOUT REASON', Life has its own reason and is a stand alone process beyond the ken of the human ego. It is beyond TRUST OR FAITH, it does'nt need us, It gave us Life to express Its Joy, that Joy I had a touch of this morning, as I said beyond Joy, Life affirmed Its presence and said Life and You are one and cannot be separated, as I live so do you. Mr and Mrs Ego what will you do and conjure up to put doubt and fear into the theatre of Life to shake and sever the bond, however if memory serves a purpose it might just serve to encourage all is not lost, however memory and the tricky ego graphics are not able to produce such glory and authenticity. 


Courtesy APOD

Life is everywhere, do the Stars know of their Life?

Sunday 15 September 2024


Courtesy Star Chaser Healing

 Do you really believe your beliefs? Do you question some or all of your beliefs? Changing beliefs can alter and even heal oneself or the opposite. 

Have you been brain washed, inculcated and conditioned into your current beliefs? An example; my family has a tradition of this and that set and pattern of beliefs going back centuries as have my country and tradition with life styles, therefore this is my anchor and reality, I can act to defend them to the death, or I can ignore any other belief, I can try to understand other beliefs and perhaps try to be tolerant and be compassionate and say well that's their choice and leave it at that. 

I may realise that I have been inculcated and am a clone, a hand me down, like second hand clothing and realise that many relationship breakdowns, wars and animosities have arisen over the differencing of beliefs and opinions. Then there maybe a quandary, a perplexity. I have been taught most things I know I did not have free choice.

This may lead to a doubt and apprehension; if I am belief - ness I am in no persons land. Perhaps realising this and going through the trauma of being a no person person, the fear and abandonment with guilt after the awakening to the above with the withdrawal symptoms, after all I was in this belief most of my life and now because of the awakening I feel liberated and yet apprehensive. Maybe I should try another belief, maybe a distraction, a hobby, mantras affirmations, I tried them but they are hollow and just another repetitious onslaught setting up another belief because the word inculcation is so appropriate

From file

Of course for survival and human day to day living certain life skills are needed and they maybe classed as conditioning to a certain extent.  Notice 'persistent repetition so as to implant or instil' this is not wrong or right, it is karma destiny, God's will, evolution or whatever your choice of word, you were born in this or that country, into a religion or not, lifestyle and tradition----although some philosophies believe we may have pre life agreements, incarnations and we are the fate of destiny by our unfinished business and so in a way we made a contract in the spirit world and so it was choice and we have to work out the clauses in the contract or should you not subscribe to this then choice by inculcation is likely to be the outcome.

Is there another way; let us surmise that after coming to terms with the awakening and not masking or just saying 'ah well I better live with it, the absence of a tangible or even intellectual logical acceptance, a sort of psychological panacea one can dive into the perceived emptiness and explore it without flinching and feeling lost and lonely and relax and breathe one may find an instinctive visceral, a sort of instinctive intuitive unreasoning peace a joy, at first ecstatic and then a quiet 'humming' background and somehow this is not a belief, because it cannot be manufactured or be taught, it is in a way your choice and it is not a belief any attempt to make it a belief brings one back to inculcation this time by yourself to yourself.

Has this a name, only what one gives it or endeavours to classify it or make it another 'fad, religion, lifestyle or cult' it is in itself just what it is 'Itself'  


Saturday 14 September 2024


Courtesy Slide Projector

 One morning I was just doing the usual morning bits and pieces when this 'understanding' came to me in a flash and yet it took several minutes to record it in brief noted on a small digital recorder that facilitates flashes and quotes that come to me.

Many years ago I wrote in a magazine now unfortunately closed down named energygrid about the mind, the screen and a cinema projector. This then became a sort of closure on my earlier considerations and musings on the subject.

A slide seemed to slide into my mind and it contained dots and dashes and then images of synapsis networks and then a keen light shone out from somewhere in the scenario slide and depicted a former part of my life experience and did not stir any emotion it was like a factual black and white and not in any colour just some highlighted by bold lettering or capitol letters and the neurons were black and stark like branches of a winter tree shorn of its foliage.

This was followed by a sequential series of slides not in historical or time related age or experiences. They were not clear and went rather speedier but not so fast that it was useful in a way, they left impressions rather than images. It was like a quick alert attention did enough to register the feel of a meaning more a feel experience and information, like an impression.

When the slides had finished their sequences and as said before in particular 'points' in my life experiences, it gave me the impression these were some of the poignant slides although I do not recall circumstances that they alluded too, perhaps that may occur at sometime.

What they did reveal to my intuitive sense that is how the ego  stores its data and is the inculcations which subconsciously and mostly unconsciously run our human life other than the bodies natural intelligence which is in unison with the Cosmic Intelligence and is overlaid by one of these slides. I feel the light from the projector was the awareness and it was a lesson to see these slides as 'false brain washed conditioning' which served well in its allotted time and now were no longer fit for purpose of the now. They were mind neurone patterns that were processed by the brain as pictorial events and were highlighted and activated by external signals which were implanted during the inculcations and  successive incarnations over the many thousands of years and these echoes of the past are 'captured by resonance from the magnetic fields that one were prolific at one or many incarnations, they are 'floating fields of unfinished business or karma' that are roaming the ethers for a matching resonance and so  to work their karma out if the host  is aware enough to do so or they just lie dormant and so on demise of the host like ghosts go on their weary way or perhaps anxious and excitable way looking for the next host, like bees pollinating their flowers. 

From my workshops and presentations

Number 31 Life Cycles--Pre life agreements---Reincarnations--Destiny ----Karma. This was one I was fond of and was requested most especially at the EU in Brussels and The FAO UNITED NATIONS IN ROME. I presented over 670 presentations over many years in Europe, Canada, Spain, Scotland, England, Wales and many individual 'one to ones' I worked by donation, food and travelling expenses many I did for free if there was a need to do so.

When I had my visits to Samye Ling see full explanation and visits and how it came about in (or online) Post 9 Sunday March 3rd 2013 Scroll down to 1967. I met the Lamas as in article and stayed over three visits and had been briefed by my friends as in article and later by Sensei and Sifu over what I discovered. One of the Lamas Akong Tulku Riponshe was a real mystic and when I showed him the 1967 downloads I got inspirationally or some said  channelled, I did not have a being come to me or aware of another entity I wrote so quick or in flashes my whole work in this and online site is based on it, I gave it to Akong and he simply put his hand on the eight pieces of A3 paper and said ' too soon, not to tell before 1970' 'He then said that many old souls were coming back to assist in the changes that were to come, you are not special, many will come here and other places and many will not tell and many will' Some years later I met Sun Bear and he said Findhorn was such a place when I told him what Akong had said he agreed.


Courtesy Buddhist review
There many books and reviews on Bardo Thodol commonly known as the Buddhist book of the Dead, I was recommended to read a copy by Walter Eavens Wentz, please trust me when I say on reading it it confirmed that my presentation 31 was similar to the book and I really was profoundly shocked. Through this I do what I call a puja when a demise occurs and I am able to tell the relatives of it, I have written elsewhere when it first happened with the passing of my mother I very rarely do it now only to people who really need me too and I am now even not doing it now as I feel it is not appropriate to my development now.

One of the reasons that came to me to stop doing it is; from the slide projection as above, I was picking up the Bardo state and also some of the resonances and frequencies of the deceased inculcations and conditioning and triggering some 'karmic taste of their distress or other conditions' as my own sensitivity was increasing and my 'psychic sensitivity' was attracting beings of let us say 'not having my best interests at heart'. However the slides certainly shed light on the release of certain 'Bardowic feelings and shadows' and of course all went back to my NDE IN 1944 and when I did these workshops and my own NDE certainly helped form the presentations for the workshops. It was interesting to see and experience the 'feel' of the same presentation in different countries in Europe and the UK.

I feel this is important for me in the my spirit leaves this wonderful lovely body when the time is right walk on out as it were.



   More about Sunbear can be found on POST 291  Rapid change--- Rapid Control Weds. 2nd November 2016 scroll down to video as above.
                                                                Part of Findhorn. North East Scotland Morayshire
POST 8 Sat.2nd March 2013. More of Sun Bear and Sir George Trevallyan and my therapist years at St. James Church Piccadilly, forming of Attitudinal Healing in the UK with Elizabeth Kubler Ross, Jerry Jampolski. John Hunt and Barabara Fouladi and David Ike.

I found the below also in a file its supposed to be Soldiers and UFO  and Meeting ET


Courtesy Google Images

 Maybe there are no vast distances in the Universe and dimensions thereof they are in the mind of the Creator and so appear to be vast, however human minds are are but a 'bit' in the hologram and this splinter mind can only take in so much in its containment field until it expands in the ascension process. 

This follows on as the conditioned human consciousness is brainwashed or follows a script.
Because conditioning is inculcation. 



Courtesy Adobe Stock

As I sat after doing seated Qigong, there was a stillness and I sat still and quietly and serenely and felt a light soft and faint growing larger from my hara / dantien and becoming like the rising sun, it started gently and almost imperceptibly and then the glow became noticeable not to my eyes but to my inner perception and as it grew a huge smile embraced me as it were and a great joy infused me and spread to my whole being and it culminated with words that filled my mind 'SOMETHING WONDERFUL' I felt the future safe and to, 'EXPECT SOMETHINGWONDERFUL'


Many years ago Sensei and Sifu said 'perhaps one day you will experience the 'fire or sun in the hara / dantien your deep belly and it is those that do not experience and DIE in this fire, this glow, this arising will not be on the real path to liberation.'

I had minor fluctuations and could only guess or surmise and a few times try to imagine this and did not understand die in this until sixty eight years later on this morning of the Monday 26 August 2024.

I felt  liberated in that moment and I understood 'DIE' I felt so free and that the seed of this was born and die meant that something greater than the ego and material mind had ben sown. I suppose it means a sort of  dying to the self, I do not know if this enlightenment and the end of ego, because some ego is meant to live by in the material life and also I am reminded of the phrase to be 'slaughtered by stillness' this in my experience is when the chattering monkey mind is spontaneously quietened, then ego 'dies' and is captivated by stillness, it it this sub stream of stillness that rises and has always been there and is quietly calling me back to who I feel I really am, it is not an am, it is me. 

Courtesy Moon Water Dojo



Courtesy Spirit Vine
Feel that you are dissolving past and through the body and aware of awareness. Then feel that you are awareness and nothing else exists.

Sometimes this feels like you are alone in the vastness of eternal space, alone and yet not alone out there and yet in there, you are the one that is the collective of of everything and yet with no boundaries.

Then you can feel that you are like a sputnik, a floating orb or floating oval and that you are one of trillions and trillions and you are joined by an invisible telepathic communications, an energy network and as you are thinking even your unconscious seemingly private deep hidden stuff  that even your conscious mind is not aware of, these are being broadcasted into the infinity of space around you.  

The trillions in or out as these definitions are useless in explaining the locations of these, a sort of spiritual super string theory, and these frequencies resonate with those 'plugged into or resonating with' any particular predilection or fanciful broadcast.

So highly spiritual what ever that may mean to the individuals, although there are not individuals as such, they are 'floating orbs' in space and not visible to human senses or indeed technical apparatus. They are frequencies that resonate in containment fields and as such have their own antennae so to speak and do filter out unwanted data or should it be said data that does not resonate with the recipient who is also and energetic genome.

So vile, negative destructive thoughts are attracted to each other by resonance, some may have built in detectors and filters as to the various choices and predilections. These can also endeavour to join together over many dimensions and seek more corporeal bodies so like vapour to steam, steam to condensation and then to a more dense form of living. The so called good and charitable energies do the same and some wish to stay as 'energies' and then some wish to dissolve into that awareness that is the precursor to those above, the non imprinted aware energy that is the fountain to all and is nameless and formless and is the alpha and omega of Creation.




Courtesy Physical Science