Thursday 19 September 2024



Courtesy   Life Principles

The ego that is the collective experiences, reasonings, logic, religious, academic, selected lifestyle and general modus operandi can be a way that is brought about by thought and emotion and conditioned by a way that has been transmitted throughout human existence and passed down by individual representatives to their offspring by inheritance and the way it has always been and will always be.

 Having gone to the bathroom after arising from bed and having abluted and about to walk away, an ineffable joy, not laughter, just a feeling in my heart, frontal lobes of my head after the 'flash' of this spontaneous occurrence, suddenly, eagerly knew that LIFE HAD SPOKEN TO ME, there were no words, no explanations and I knew that I whoever I is, is safe for ever and ever and that Life had spoken to Life and that in that 'rare flash' Life had completely and utterly cleared and by passed the inculcated conditioned ego .

However when the modus operandi is suspended not by force, a willingness to have peace and quiet from the constant ego stream of 'monkey chatter mind' or intellectual scientific debate, political wrangling, relationship problems with others and self, religious and pious duties and the guilt of not religiously doing the said tomes and guilty for the neglect of begging, supplication, the fear of angry god or the wrath of the almighty or the endless affirmations, quiet music and meditation to soothe the brow and the queasy stomach, the grim reaper about to touch your left shoulder and the silent 'buzz' of the collective unconscious on edge at a war torn dangerous world and political madness with greedy people with lust and lascivious wanton behaviour especially to deprive innocence with child and female extreme abuse, even in the name of some devilish god image and satanic practice. 

Often the ego always wants to know a reason, an explanation so it can feel safe and the unknown becomes an anathema and shunned most of the time and when contemplated albeit briefly can produce a distaste and a sourness with fright and queasiness. 

Like the birds in the header image Life goes on without perhaps without them knowing why or where, they have life in them as we humans, we of course have to have some reason and intelligence in order to navigate the paths of Life from day to today affairs. In that moment of the 'flash' there was not a reason or explanation, LIFE was enough and an empty head was enough as well, the fire of that flash was beyond grace, I have had these flashes before but they were joy and grace, this was in a way unemotional it was Life plain and simple and now on reflection I know why birds sing, why trees adorn such beauty and are so meaningful to humans and all creatures great small are so graceful and carefree if we leave them alone, even predator and prey have their own inimical way which we humans seem to feel is hard to understand, yet we do the same eating meat, fish and even the vegan has to pluck plants and deprive life.

This has left me with a deeper understanding in the way of 'LET LIFE LIVE WITHOUT REASON', Life has its own reason and is a stand alone process beyond the ken of the human ego. It is beyond TRUST OR FAITH, it does'nt need us, It gave us Life to express Its Joy, that Joy I had a touch of this morning, as I said beyond Joy, Life affirmed Its presence and said Life and You are one and cannot be separated, as I live so do you. Mr and Mrs Ego what will you do and conjure up to put doubt and fear into the theatre of Life to shake and sever the bond, however if memory serves a purpose it might just serve to encourage all is not lost, however memory and the tricky ego graphics are not able to produce such glory and authenticity. 


Courtesy APOD

Life is everywhere, do the Stars know of their Life?

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