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Courtesy Slide Projector |
One morning I was just doing the usual morning bits and pieces when this 'understanding' came to me in a flash and yet it took several minutes to record it in brief noted on a small digital recorder that facilitates flashes and quotes that come to me.
Many years ago I wrote in a magazine now unfortunately closed down named energygrid about the mind, the screen and a cinema projector. This then became a sort of closure on my earlier considerations and musings on the subject.
A slide seemed to slide into my mind and it contained dots and dashes and then images of synapsis networks and then a keen light shone out from somewhere in the scenario slide and depicted a former part of my life experience and did not stir any emotion it was like a factual black and white and not in any colour just some highlighted by bold lettering or capitol letters and the neurons were black and stark like branches of a winter tree shorn of its foliage.
This was followed by a sequential series of slides not in historical or time related age or experiences. They were not clear and went rather speedier but not so fast that it was useful in a way, they left impressions rather than images. It was like a quick alert attention did enough to register the feel of a meaning more a feel experience and information, like an impression.
When the slides had finished their sequences and as said before in particular 'points' in my life experiences, it gave me the impression these were some of the poignant slides although I do not recall circumstances that they alluded too, perhaps that may occur at sometime.
What they did reveal to my intuitive sense that is how the ego stores its data and is the inculcations which subconsciously and mostly unconsciously run our human life other than the bodies natural intelligence which is in unison with the Cosmic Intelligence and is overlaid by one of these slides. I feel the light from the projector was the awareness and it was a lesson to see these slides as 'false brain washed conditioning' which served well in its allotted time and now were no longer fit for purpose of the now. They were mind neurone patterns that were processed by the brain as pictorial events and were highlighted and activated by external signals which were implanted during the inculcations and successive incarnations over the many thousands of years and these echoes of the past are 'captured by resonance from the magnetic fields that one were prolific at one or many incarnations, they are 'floating fields of unfinished business or karma' that are roaming the ethers for a matching resonance and so to work their karma out if the host is aware enough to do so or they just lie dormant and so on demise of the host like ghosts go on their weary way or perhaps anxious and excitable way looking for the next host, like bees pollinating their flowers.
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From my workshops and presentations |
Number 31 Life Cycles--Pre life agreements---Reincarnations--Destiny ----Karma. This was one I was fond of and was requested most especially at the EU in Brussels and The FAO UNITED NATIONS IN ROME. I presented over 670 presentations over many years in Europe, Canada, Spain, Scotland, England, Wales and many individual 'one to ones' I worked by donation, food and travelling expenses many I did for free if there was a need to do so.
When I had my visits to Samye Ling see full explanation and visits and how it came about in www.geofffreed.com (or online) Post 9 Sunday March 3rd 2013 Scroll down to 1967. I met the Lamas as in article and stayed over three visits and had been briefed by my friends as in article and later by Sensei and Sifu over what I discovered. One of the Lamas Akong Tulku Riponshe was a real mystic and when I showed him the 1967 downloads I got inspirationally or some said channelled, I did not have a being come to me or aware of another entity I wrote so quick or in flashes my whole work in this and online site is based on it, I gave it to Akong and he simply put his hand on the eight pieces of A3 paper and said ' too soon, not to tell before 1970' 'He then said that many old souls were coming back to assist in the changes that were to come, you are not special, many will come here and other places and many will not tell and many will' Some years later I met Sun Bear and he said Findhorn was such a place when I told him what Akong had said he agreed.
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Courtesy Buddhist review |
One of the reasons that came to me to stop doing it is; from the slide projection as above, I was picking up the Bardo state and also some of the resonances and frequencies of the deceased inculcations and conditioning and triggering some 'karmic taste of their distress or other conditions' as my own sensitivity was increasing and my 'psychic sensitivity' was attracting beings of let us say 'not having my best interests at heart'. However the slides certainly shed light on the release of certain 'Bardowic feelings and shadows' and of course all went back to my NDE IN 1944 and when I did these workshops and my own NDE certainly helped form the presentations for the workshops. It was interesting to see and experience the 'feel' of the same presentation in different countries in Europe and the UK.
I feel this is important for me in the my spirit leaves this wonderful lovely body when the time is right walk on out as it were.
SUN BEAR https://youtu.be/ra6-N2PdqZA?si=C0MPk8MTKG3rc0PJ
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