Friday 27 September 2024



Courtesy Alamy 

The small circle is a mind filled with some content. As the mind grows with age it may contain more content as beliefs, brain washed ideas, modifications and so by the image 1, I represent the expansion by ever expanding circles content which fills the mind.

The thoughts appear to the awareness as arising or forming in the mind and yet the mind is a screen, a canvas, a field of nothingness or substance and the thoughts and memories are part of an overlay, an embossment of some kind, when in meditation and the mind comes to stillness and yet there is a dynamic which cannot be rightly quantified this is beyond the circles of content and is therefore to the human mind non describable because it is devoid of content.

However the rituals and imagery of shamanism, religion, prayer ( from heart)are only images tailored to suit the human mind ego stance to give it form and a structure, yet Spirit is beyond structure and arises outside, beyond the inculcated content gathered over the millions of years past generations, time lines and hardened encrusted impacted embedded history of the content of mind inherited and reconfigured to suit each epoch of development.

To say Spirit is beyond the content is actually not so, it is a no substance nothingness that content 'floats in' a sort of bag or field of nothingness which my mind tries vainly and desperately to understand and make it tangible. By doing so I create a circle and the human mind wants to encapsulate and so trap itself in conjecture and surmising. The egoic mind wants substance so called good or evil to verify it exists and yet the very content of thought is without real substance itself only by convincing itself it is real and because the ego which is the content which forms the so called 'mind' really senses it is a floating chimera composed of hand me down inherited some one else's ideas past or present.

When there is very little content then the source of mind is revealed and then one is left dumbfounded because the source is invisible, not tangible to human senses and yet felt as an all embracing something. To the ego this is a threat to its supremacy and a sort of battle or challenge ensues.  

Of course the challenge is on the ego side, it fights for its dominance and existence while the that which is and isn't does'nt. 

So all the Shamanic rituals are contained in content and can like inculcations vary from tradition to tradition when then one can do without that concentric circle or expansion of content, then we may have something coming from nothing and the empty atom does not appear or have a function until that 'something coming from nothing' is created to build the illusionary spiritual leggo meccano set  and so hey presto creation unfolds.


This SHACK aka GEOFF  is one of two thousand hand written and waiting to be typed and posted. The numbering can be seen as this in the blog archive.

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