Tuesday 8 October 2024


Courtesy SF World Building
 Here I make the difference between Skin Walkers and Spirit Walkers and Psychic beings.

Skin Walkers I have explained in www.geofffreed.OnlineTuesday 20th August 2024 'Apotheum-More Speculation--Skin Walkers they are a specialised set of symptoms, Psychic beings have a personality, an ego maybe a deceased one who roams the world as a hungry ghost looking for a human host or an animals and even bacteria or plant, trees and so on. Spirit walkers are informing energy force fields that 'drive the winds and climate' and ride with them.

I really like ancient native prayers and writings and here I quote from a South American community in Bolivia and Peru the Aymara - Quechua and one part of the prayer 'Mountain Spirits- who walk the wind, Guide me on the path of resilience and determination' when I read this or it comes to mind, it touches a deep resonance in me, not so much I had a reincarnation there as such but as a feeling of the spirit, the grit and determination in Life, not by will but by the spirit as when nature which had been irradiated abused and raped, grows back like cut hair and grass, silently and inconspicuously.

Then it goes on ' May the the sacred waters cleanse my soul, And may the fires of transformation forge my spirit' this really rocks my boat as they say. The clean water that when on a hot day cools the body and then cools the spirit and in meditation and stillness, the mountain waters and soaking the feet, the fierce battles in guilt and war, the lessons learnt by relationship's and the feeling of that quiet restful joy in sun bathing and heartfelt prayer, the joy of beauty and nature the breath in Qigong that brings the Buddha smile.

'In unity with all living Beings, I embrace the power within me, To over come obstacles and grow even stronger'  

JALLALLA (Celebration of Life through Unity, harmony and well being) 

SHACK  aka Geoff

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