Friday 4 October 2024



Courtesy Study of Emptiness

I got these words 'Coming up in the vastness of it all' this came into my awareness late in the night whilst switching the lights off and getting ready for bed and as I walked to the bathroom prior to going to bed, I felt / experienced / experienced limitless nothingness, eternal eternity, a vast colourless and yet somehow illuminated by awareness, perhaps this was just awareness. 

It was emotionless and yet I haven't felt so safe, secure and mostly I felt at home as it were  as far as experience go, this was not an experience as such it was just there and the background to everything that was, is and in the future. It felt dimensionless and yet every dimension could come out from it, not even come out, it was more like it appeared out and  in from it, it was just a an event across a screen of nothingness and the events came up like captions in a movie at the credits at the end.  
Courtesy Market Place
I as the feelings arise and it captivates my entirety that this is me and yet not me, it is vast and in that vast nonlocal emptiness it wanted to experience the limited localness as if a contrast to Itself. I have no idea of the meaning just a feeling of it beyond the description of adequate adjectives. 

I feel as if I appeared in this incarnation as a caption arising in the vast scroll as other facets in the wholeness of the Universe, as if the Vastness was experiencing all that appeared in itself, if it is an Itself. I felt like I appeared as if a sort of slow regurgitation of a sort, a sort of a spiral slow emanation from a small spiral growing larger and then I felt like I would be slowly be swallowed like water rotating down the sink and fade into the vastness mabe to oblivion or one with the vastness and all it offered.


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