Tuesday 8 October 2024



Courtesy Ancient Wisdom

I have often wondered what is the purpose of my life, especially when I reflect on my early NDE, The Koan, Nowhere to hang my Hat, The shock of inculcation, surviving early drowning, pneumonia, pleurisy, congestion in the lungs, lung cancer, prostate cancer and various other scrapes?

Now at nearly 86 and unable to get out due to walking difficulties and the loss of energy to do so and loving my little home and not getting cabin fever so to quote a popular song 'what's it all about Alfie'?  

What comes to me is; when the ego tries to find an answer I get confused, caught up in logic and frightened, anxious, for the ego can only give ideas that have been postulated through holy books, wise persons and so on, inculcation.

However Life when the ego subsides not by will power or force and in those quiet mind moments says; I Life have given you Life and what does that feel like?  A quiet feeling comes, I love the feel of Life, there is no reason or written assurance, it is just a feeling, Life seems to Live me and so I ride with this. Just to feel Life not for any rhyme or reason, for some unknown reason Life wants to Live and live in all of the Universe and Its Creations and for a reason of which I not privy too.  


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