Sunday, 15 July 2018


Carren Smith

Inured problems and difficulties like mind worries; tension, anxiety and physical effects that are long term cause tension in the body in certain areas.

Give way and by (fang song qi a qi gong form) awareness of the tension and breathing into it, especially abdominal breathing and the very act of recognising the tension and breathing into it may facilitate a letting go.

Then that space vacated by the tension is filled with something else and alters the habitual ‘storing’ of a negative energy mind thought component' and replaces it with a smooth feeling of relief and healing.

There is another aspect to this; the human senses are tuned within certain ranges of frequencies and some can enhance these to a remarkable degree by certain practises, and others maybe naturally gifted, some take the view one worked for it in another life and reincarnated with this gift others say one maybe an ET and many other views.

However should one be able to open up the mind like a radar or iris in a camera, the frequencies may work in such a way that one is an antenna for a larger network of intelligence and may entrain the frequencies of an Earthly problem and do what one may call a miracle.

Sometimes when one gives over a problem not out of frustration, futility and exhaustion and is wide open without reserve, a back handed trust in the Universe, then some other forces and energies are given licence to fill the vacancy and deliver an other worldly solution and even to the appearance of other worldly beings.

It maybe without prayer or supplication we have a kind of faith which is unsaid and not often classed as faith in which the individual recognises not in desperation, fear and without the of lack of confidence that by giving way and opening up with making a clear space something else may be invited without thought or words to come through.

After all we are told at the quantum level there is every possibility and probability. Expect a miracle some say but leave the details to the Universe.





Life has in Itself and its expression everything to support itself and its forms of creation.  This so being means that Life supplies health and well being. Life heals itself and in its purest form eternal and formless.

The forms of Life which include the human body are meant to be healthy, have longevity and self healing.  Renewal is part of Life until that form has served its purpose in the great scheme of things.  This scheme is built in to the forms and as long as Life is allowed to flow unhindered the form will undoubtedly flourish and recede naturally with minimum discomfort.

The gift of the natural healing that is Life, in fact to live Life as intended by Life is healing and enjoyable, to go further there in no need for healing, for Life is in a state of perfection commensurate and in proportion to the form and its environment.

Life is ever creating various forms which is evolution in various time scales some to human values a few days, weeks, months and years and some for billions of years, some changes history has recorded this and others are slowly fermenting and percolating ready to burst forth at the appropriate time.

The purpose of continuous creation is to reach perfection; however as the forms are substance formed by the impacting of layers of atoms and particles, molecules and chemicals, all either empty in essence and perishable then perfection is constantly sought in the endeavour to make the perfect form, like the musician, artist and architect looking for perfection and claiming their latest form as wonderful, only to feel the urge to go one better.

Perhaps there is no such thing as the perfect form and maybe that emptiness, space and the feeling of it as sublime joy is perfection for it is without blemish, an endless beingness without beginning or end and because it is so, its desire is to create its opposite which is form and so the marriage continues to find the perfect form and return to its own formlessness and so the courtship is ever continuing and so creation thrives and strives unto ever lasting perseverance to make all perfect whatever perfection maybe, and maybe there is no such thing as perfection and it is the striving to be that, that makes life eternal or perhaps Perfection creates forms in order for the form which has free will to try to emulate that which it feels is perfection and so eventually join the pool and the ocean of Perfect Everything.

Maybe and perhaps this is the mystery of Life that in someway we all strive to find the answer and keeps us going.



Life desires to live. It wants to proliferate itself with wondrous expressions of beauty and design to share itself with every one of its creation and to make abundant creation of architecture, amazing integrated and supportive structures.

Like a jigsaw puzzle its forms flow one into the other in symbiosis and mutuality.  Every integrated set of structures desire to link up and fit into another set, like ice cubes in a glass are constantly altering their surfaces to interface and to make the most efficient and efficacious ways of surviving their form and reaching a oneness and harmony and so achieved in melting into seamless harmony and in the melted form of water.

The ultimate of all life is to share itself from its formless essence to form and returns like the wave to the ocean.  

The wave rises only to return to its smoothness a Sufi saying ‘Glorious Sun why are you setting?—only to rise again’.  The splendour of sunrise and sunsets, the beauty always different and always showing the joy and greatness of Life.

So Life wants to share Itself with all and everything, nay, Life is the everything. The essence of Life is formless and its desire is to share Its urge and joy, Its creativity in producing forms of everlasting and creative design and imbibing them with the spirit of love and complete joy, happiness and like, the soaring eagle, the flight of the condor to rise in ever spasms of freedom reaching for the utmost liberation and to roam the heavens of ecstasy.

Only unconscious human kind stumbling around the streets and halls of its strange limited thoughts, its religions, its politics, its foreboding cultures and conditions blights this eternal expression of supreme freedom and expression of sharing.

Life gives Itself freely and without price and human kind hoards and makes profit from accumulation and so hinders the flow of Life and the expression it longs to give.

Perhaps why pain and suffering occur when the free sharing is thwarted and the flow of harmony blocked or diverted and is saying ‘pain is a resistance to change or a return to its original free form’ so listen to the pain and see what it wishes to say and to return to its free form.

Life is a gift of free expression which shares Itself willingly without conditions which are only imposed by inharmonious factions within the forms that stray from Life and feel they know better. Life will not cajole them to return but Life just flows on, the river will eventually wear down the boulders within its path and so inevitably flow back straight to the sea of creation.

Maybe our Life here is to find that joy within ourselves and release it and share it with all freely------our quest is to remove the obstructions to the free flow and so liberate ourselves and restore the seamless harmony and creative endeavour.




Synchronicity is a word that is used by many a modern ‘spiritual New Age- y’ kind of lingo’. There is a claim that one can encourage synchronous events and it is said that by using continuous affirmations and techniques provided by the laws of attraction and deep positive affirmations that could bring these about.

Then there is a view that affirmations and strong positive visualisations are in effect the observer interference as collapsing the wave in the two split /slit experiments in quantum physics and one taps the quantum field where there is every possibility and probability and by cajoling the field one sets up the constant observer and so brings about the collapsed wave of manifest- station this is conscious synchronicity or is it?

It could be said that one intended the outcome although the process was mysterious and seemed like a miracle when it happened and synchronous.

Another point that has arisen at times is; that one programmes dreams by affirmations and intentions before going to sleep and lets the unconscious work on them. There is saying that ‘sleeping on a problem or going to sleep with not a worry problem but a difficult decision can help provide a solution’ here again lucid dreaming and such like can pre programme a synchronous event.

There is a method of mantra which one repeats the mantra (one can use a Mandela, a Yantra or even a pendulum) and by spinning the mantra in the mind after a number of repetitions one can  go down to the ‘void’ of empty mind and just before the leap into hyperspace throws one’s request into the void which is regarded as the matrix or maybe the quantum field and the process of manifesting, creation and birth begin it has to be repeated until the result desired matures. There are many methods similar to this. However these are contrived but are often seen as synchronicity.  

Then there are those where one thinks of a person and they telephone or turn up at a place and so on.

Then there is the one that happens when there is a long gap in wanting something and the time was not right or an object was kept and the event happens when the aspects of the event fall into the right place at the right time and the object fulfils its use when it was needed and one felt a strong urge to keep it not I’ll store that because it may it may come into use some day.

I have a feeling that it is like two waves travelling the ocean and the surface small waves are our daily lives and that the deep current of the unconscious and the deeper one than that the awareness of the TRUE SELF are waiting for the top surface day to day events to coincide with openings for the deeper layers to surface bringing events which are able to pop up excitingly and seeming spontaneous when the surface mundane surface tension relaxes and gives way to the AH HA the unknown which shows itself in sometimes miraculous and synchronistic ways.

In this way miracles and synchronicity seem and maybe the same function from the unknown, one thing it seems a necessity at some point gaps have to be in place and space needed for the event to pop out through like a jack in the box. Perhaps this is when one lets go and is relaxed or in anxiety and desperate and truly gives up to the unknown or meditates.

Another aspect is to ‘expect a synchronicity expect a miracle’ the trick is not to put details on it and imagine it that is intentionising.  Just be expectant and that is in itself awareness without detail or opinion then one is in empty mind and who knows what the Universe may put into it and manifest through that mind.  The Universe likes empty aware minds (not empty so as to be filled by nasty naughty spirits or entities that is why awareness is needed) and one then fulfils not only the Universal creativity but one’s true expectations.




I was watching a film on TV and it was about an elite army force and I felt a man power of ‘yes’ go get the terrorists, I felt this surge to punish them and this right to kill, given to me by the state.  I felt proud if I were to belong to this regiment and ‘kick ass’ when needed.

I felt this camaraderie if I were in this regiment and of course I would be the Captain or at least the best one.  However this is team effort and I would have obeyed orders, this did not go down to well and of course I came to the rescue of the team and got promoted.

I felt I could even get severely wounded or killed that would not matter for the glory of the hero was worth it. Then of course I rescued the beautiful princes and I was invited to the palace and personally rewarded, the president shook my hand and I got the highest bravery award.

I was invincible, a super hero I then retired from regiment and reflected on the hurt and killing and ran away to hide in a cabin by the sea, mountain and forest, I deeply missed the buzz and the lads, the pub and that excitement. I shut the world out and wanted to find peace it was not in the cabin or in nature, I knew it was somewhere and being a soldier I looked outside for it and died before finding it.

I awoke from my reverie and although it was a fantasy it brought home the lesson; the buzz of manliness is not the answer to the soldier’s quest in the cabin, although it felt powerful and lasted whilst one had youth and vigour, knowing I could knock the crap out of most men, run faster and so on, no the answer was inside the mind, for all outside things rot, decay, rust and perish so the answer dear soldier lay not in your strength but to reverse the mind to look, seek, research, contemplate and realise your body fades with the passage of time, your mind may get lost in past glories and accomplishments, but instead of getting into despair learn from nature around your cabin; seasons come and go and yet there is renewal, trees loose their leaves birds fly away and return so what is there that is behind all this; then there is the moon and its phases the tides and so on so what is there behind this?

You have the time and quietness to fathom the depths of this and if you persevere without depression and lethargy and a special moment may dawn and an awakening may burst forth and then you will know and just what it is you will know will never be put into words or be defined and this will be all you need.



Old Quotes

When loss becomes gain

The body ages

The mind loses its sharpness

Turning loss into gain

Can be somewhat redeemed

Turning from the outside world

Not to be recluse and lose oneself in the Past

There meditation in which the mind is renewed and invigorated

Here one turns Loss into Gain



Pondering love as in contrast to compassion several aspects come to mind; having felt what I term love or as I now view it emotional conditional love by this I mean a love that demands or expects a return in some sort and is dependant on that love being there from another and when it is not one’s world falls apart and then one can come to be a cynic and feel there is no such things as love. This love is the energy of the ego which is dependant on its outside supply of love, power and attention often accompanied by material and financial success.

Of course bringing children into the world and their need for love is paramount; however one should gradually wean them off demanding love to find love in themselves. Because emotional love is conditional it is then dependant on these conditions and like contracts expects to be honoured and never breached.  By self love I do not mean selfish and dominating, a love found within is preferable.

Usually this love is reserved for family, religion and ones spouse. This love is shown and demonstrated by cultural, religious and the accepted societal beliefs and law as of the era and the ethos of the culture.  This is often dictated by public display of affection, dress code and the venues.

Compassion as I see it is a kind of unconditional love. This is not felt as sentiment and is indeed seemingly quiet ‘cold’.  I got to a stage in the late 80’s when I could not ‘love’ anyone in particular, I felt a sort ‘beyond acceptance and tolerance’ towards most people, of course I had many moments of anger, hate, jealousy and so on, however with the awareness which was breaking through the dross of ego conditioning, holes were appearing in the solid sheet of programming and brain washing. I found my need for personal relationships and friendships were receding.

I could not sustain demanding friendships or family ties and many found me cold and ruthless so I was told, yet I was finding a deeper inner peace and silence, I had to force myself at family affairs and friendly meet ups to seem to be interested, small chat about holidays, finances, gossipy parties were gradually going out of my sphere of interest, I cannot go to parties, weddings, ceremonies, funerals and so on where there is just oil on the water and no depth.  Yes I admit I am judgemental here and an aloof bigot.

I feel I have compassion to a greater degree than love and I cannot give myself to anyone, group, religion, cult, guru, belief or politic. What I can give myself to is the deep quietness and silence even behind noise if one is aware, for here I find a joy, a completeness, a fulfilment and the peace I find here is just so beautiful that it more than makes up for the pleasures of the world so to speak.

Some would say I am afraid of commitment and lack self confidence and am hiding behind a psychological make believe indeed a fake peace and that because of my childhood and adult traumas I escape into a fantasy make believe peace. Perhaps they are right and I am so ingrained in meditation and that I am blind to my own making.

Yet I know I still react and move in the outside world and I am told by some that I am kind, helpful and willing to listen, I do not know which of the two sides are correct the paragraph above or this one.

Yet until Life moves me on and I have notion this is so I carry on either in my ignorance or by which seems to work for me.

I cannot love anyone or anything including myself exclusively so where is that place where there is nothing in particular to cherish or cling to and if there is a definition or label for this place then indeed there is something to cling onto to there and becomes inclusive.



Encyclopedia Spongebobia. Wikia

Working with colleagues can be a very interesting observation.  One colleague had many girlfriends and was married twice. In the lead up to the second marriage and in the courting time for some reason I never fathomed out he would start cooing and imitate a pigeon call and look adoringly and mystically at her with a sideways glance and she would call back coo, coo.  He would then start to flutter his arms and say endearing words. Many who witnessed this laughed and Gill my partner and I often chuckled.

I suppose you can say I was judgemental and snobby yet it seemed to give me a sort of nauseous Yuk feeling and it provoked a sort of slushy sentimental sloppiness.  Perhaps I was jealous or it took me out of my comfort zone.

However having found a modicum of inner peace and feeling of the ego bits I left behind or just melted regarding sentiment and fantasy I felt the cooing and so on were just massages for the ego and its constant demand to be loved, the centre of attention and all powerful in which ever way it can obtain it, even to self abuse, defacement or brutality and cruelty and of course a mixture of both in which tactics and reconfiguration and manipulation with extreme dexterity and manoeuvrability were employed.

I was viewed by the couple as strange and nonconforming and wondered why Gill was with me. The second marriage broke up and a number of attempts and girlfriends failed as this over the top emotional plea for acceptance failed when the partner gave up on the constant demands for reassurance and love calls not returned.

I had a girlfriend for a short while who was American(it would not matter what nationality) and she would through the course of the day say ‘honey give me sugar(kisses)’ her voice drooled and I could almost see saliva oozing out as her voice crooned the words. I like and enjoyed kissing her but not to order and she admitted she needed constant support and admiration and the interesting point was she was a psychiatrist and had been married four times and had a line of eight boyfriends before myself.

I admit I had a lonely and broken childhood and I found Sensei and Sifu and with the arts and meditation came through a lot by recognising emotion of the ego and its demands and what is compassion as in contrast to love.

More about this in the Post.



Concentrating and sitting quietly at the computer perhaps researching or writing up articles and blogs, I feel I am surrounded by energy and this energy attracts my whole attention and the feeling deepens and it then becomes almost a vision of being in a log cabin or some sorts and engulfed by forest.

It shifts to just feeling and then I attune to it and it dawns on me, it steals up on me it is the feeling of nature.

As I look out of the window in non focussed awareness I feel the trees are radiating light that light is coursing through their branches and the sap is a carrier of this light like optic fibre cables, in fact light is the harbinger. The tree is actually light itself and it is only solid to our senses because our brains decode light vibrations as in a way similar to TV decoding wave frequencies from the aerial.

Imagine a pure light essence covering everything and out of its brightness appearing like an apparition is the form semi nebulous and expanding into its fullness as the brain picks up the frequencies involved and all forms which include us are light in essence and we make it real by believing in the decoding and its repetitions.

The tree and symbolised here as entire nature and the living creatures therein are natural and have not any agendas, they live simple and lovely lives as nature intended unless humans interfere and naturally radiate this essence of light and in a quiet mode a human mind that is still and quiet can feel this, all beliefs and mind chatter suspended not by force but by gentle awareness that catches the drift of the light and so become a radiator of the essence. 

It is in this quiet mode one allows the light to circulate and so the harmony is shared by all existence and peace on Earth and Universal creativity is ensured.



A strange dilemma; I know intellectually that a good diet, sleep, exercise clean air and a content disposition can go a long way to longevity and good health. Also known that Yoga, Mudra, Tai Chi, Qi Gong some form of aerobic and gym work assists with good relationships and that sort of thing and of course work and job contentment and a wholesome salary with some sort of belief system or religion prayer or just trust and faith in the unknown.

Yet there is a nagging doubt and I do not trust my instinctual feeling which is ‘I cannot be ill or have a short life of misery and anxiety’ a deep gut feeling tells me this and I know that my body and all bodies are capable of achieving this'.

Yet from the day I was conceived I sensed a nervous and anxious feeling, it was inlaid and ingrained as if my very DNA was encoded with it and my cells fed and nourished with this ominous feeling of residual doom and gloom.  To blame my parents is senseless really. The whole ethos of the Jewish disposition was one of paranoia and being persecuted and it hangs like a dark cloud over most of the followers.  Add to that my parent’s unhappy marriage and their ‘stuff’ so my start in life and the backcloth was not a great start also my NDE in which I did not want to come to Earth predisposed me to a negative slant. Abuse at school ill health until I was twelve years of age did not fortify me for the work ethic.

I feel that if it was not for meditation and the Eastern Philosophy and practice with Judo, Kendo, Aikido, Kung Fu, Qi Gong and Taichi I would in a definitely messed up state and as my tenancy is to run , hide and sulk and ‘oh why me, poor me’ God has a downer on me and so on’. The quest for liberation and freedom has been not from my parents, the world, the Jewish ethos, no it is form my early and continuing habits that are so deeply ingrained and impacted in me, the grooves in my life turns to when in trouble and victimisation that I seek comfort in ‘the poor me scenario and blame’ for it is hard to realise it is my conditioning and early grooming without strong role models. 

Another dilemma Sensei, Sifu and my school teacher and Judo expert Frank W Nash and special friends like Rina and Roy Morris, Wendy and Ian Hebblewhite and many more  who gave me hope that all humans were just not trustworthy and reliable. One special friend who likes to be ‘unknown’ the editor of the late energygrid who is a pillar of strength and support these folk were beacons in my darkness.

Unfortunately the only support I got from close family was my dearest late brother and my first, second and third cousins.  Be that as it may I have always been a loner and yes I have been scared to form close relationships and that has been a blessing because I have had to rely on my meditations and although one may say it is cop out, the benefits are now being seen.

Then there are my neighbours bless them many of them in their 80’s and 90’s and their messages to me are mostly ‘well that comes with age, age is cruel’ your lucky you can walk’ it was never like this in my day’ the world and people are wicked’ and so on.  My doctor has been telling me for fifteen years(this year 2017) that I am lucky not to have a stroke, I have a heart condition and a serious arrhythmia, hypertension and I know I have glaucoma so they say, and yet at various tests when I am in a meditative mood and the battle between my conditioning which can click in when awareness, mindfulness and easy abdominal breathing is in mode all the above have remarkably not been apparent or presented them selves.

So I feel that my early years from conception to twenty-one were great learning years and that the influence of these early cellular memories are deeply etched into the brain automatic response system that the journey to reveal the real self is a constant ‘peeling of the onion’ the layers of the mind, the gradual scraping like archaeologists scraping away debris on a delicate piece of structure.

The hope is that through awareness brought about by meditation that a space which is occurring may remove these indelible fine subtle layers of doubt and I can feel naturally ‘I am OK and that misadventure on any level is not me’.



I've never been content with the depiction above, it nearly gets me there.Shack

Theatres have a compliment of actors, directors, stage hands, and make up artists and to bring the stage to life they have scenery shifters and artists who do the backdrop scenery and then stage lighting engineers nowadays probably computerised.

 In so many self growth and spiritual disciplines one hears the example of the blank sheet, the canvas and similar expressions in which life paints, draws and fashions the scenario depicted.  Then there is the mural of Life, the landscape of evolution and the famous Darwin as in contrast to natural evolution, and an example; two persons in a tent in the wild and a fierce bear is approaching, person A says I’ll run and as I can run faster than you its survival of the fittest.

Person B says what if we split up and give the bear a choice of which one he follows and so we have a 50 – 50 chance.

My view there is a portion of both in the Darwin and other views.  Surmising that there is a Divine Plan then there would be a constant correction and no leeway.  There maybe a variation of this plan; there is greater autonomy given to the forms that exist and that they are imbibed with a certain amount of freewill and a tolerance in certain bandwidths to which they adhere to and if breached can cause demise to the form.  So there is a kind of compromise between the plan of guidance and freewill.

Considering this scenario; insect or animal A and B are blown or carried across vast distances from their original home and are faced with different predators, climate and food chain and they are in large numbers then would they have a chance and time to adapt as Darwin suggests?  I feel that there maybe an intelligence beyond not just as commentators like saying and seemingly frightened to mention God or a creator and they just say insect A or Animal B grew a claw or a tongue to do so and so.  Meanwhile these creatures would have starved if they had not immediately adapted or been eaten as prey.

There maybe a natural template, a matrix that moves the adaptation almost immediately.  Taking those early humanoids went through from Neanderthal, Cro-Magnon and then mammoth to elephant and the history of the Earth shows there have been at least forty two of these events including the shift of the tectonic plates to form the continents it would seem that the ‘missing links’ from one leap in evolution to another is near instantaneous and the search for these links continues.

Behind the forms there is the blank canvas, the painter’s easel, the sculptor’s rock and the potter’s clay.  These indeed maybe frequencies, wavelengths caused by thoughts that implement the ripples to hold the blueprints, codes and signals that change via the chain of; Creator to entities that are the matrices of the thoughts and then down to and transformed to the individual forms be they large or small. Remembering everything is composed of atoms and particles and these as has been seen by many experiments are influenced by observation and thoughts.

Is it not conceivable that the changes in evolution are gradual to the human form and are growing by tiny increments and yet hugely so at a Cosmic level and our conceptual image of this a transformer of intelligent energies commensurate to the capacity of the form.  Massive energy for planet and stars and a suitable one for Earth inhabitants.

Change is going on all the time whether we as humans like it or not. Foetuses to baby and so on, it takes time as we know it for this to take place. These minute changes maybe not felt, certainly adolescence and other bodily and emotional changes would as hormones and the like course through the human entity be apparent.

Research is revealing that the very DNA is a wave form that interfaces with the cosmic frequencies and is constantly updated and reconfigured the time scale being concomitant to the evolutionary plan and its schedule.             

So as the wave thoughts flow through the Universe when the correct and meaningful era of evolution is reached these waves reaches all the forms of creation and realigns and reconfigures the matrices and the new forms appear as if by magic.  It maybe that various other factors play a part in this as Extra Terrestrial Interference and human technological pollution not in accord with the matrices, blueprints and schedules designated to the Earth Being may bring a set back and alteration in the plan, however nature the guardian of the blueprint will alter this in some way and it could be disastrous.

Is there a way to comprehend or know the evolutionary plan? Ethnic native peoples and natural plant, animal, fish, bird and all else know this and are natural guardians of the plan.  Modern Western Civilisations have been aware through ecological study and so on and what happens when pollution and other extreme forms of tampering happen. Nature does allow some tinkering within certain parameters. 

There is another way; I feel meditation of the sought that brings the mind to peace and stillness and many holy books, wise sages and numerous literature espouse the use of Meditation.  ‘Be Still and know God within thee’ ‘Silence is Golden’ and so many more can be found in the internet on silence, inner peace and tranquillity.

In true silence, space and stillness which is the womb or fountain of Life where the first waves arise and ripple, there is a sense of an inner knowing, not specifics, just a knowing as if one is joined and before a great presence, it is an intuitive and silent knowing without words or signs, my sense is that it absolutely reassuring and is totally what it is without having confirmation. My feeling is when its time to move on in a profound way an instinct as ancient as the Cosmos Itself will do the moving and all I have to do is enjoy the ride.

Google Images

Sunday, 1 July 2018


Freer and Sackler Galleries --Smithsonian Institute

I cannot believe my body is everlasting

I cannot believe plants and planets and all things last for ever

I cannot believe I am just a bunch of thoughts, emotions and feelings

While all things perceived by the physical senses are just vibrations, energies and frequencies decoded and interpreted by the computer brain to form a form and seeming reality.  Yet even these frequencies, waves and information packets which are triggers and prompts also change and vary giving us the seasons with birth and birth and death.

So is there a something that is everlasting that causes the never everlasting, the absolute and non absolute?

Surely this is worth investigating and given serious contemplation and energy too, after all one’s life depends upon it.

Zenith -bien-


Is freedom merely physical or financial or being in great health and in a fantastic relationship?  Yes I feel these are important and relative to my view about freedom.

For me being free from negativity, buried negative feelings which play at the background of my mind and being fully present and conscious and not suppressing emotions nor encouraging emotional orgasms, furthermore not clinging only to the familiar safe option and letting go with a safe passage to disturbing thoughts that impinge and try to dominate the free bright space of clarity which in me produces joy and freedom.

Of course the items mentioned in paragraph one add to the enhancement and yet with a truly free mind like a polished mirror one can get through with the minimum of the aforementioned attributes.



To be or not to be a vegetarian or vegan? This discussion and debate has gone on a long time.

Scientifically atoms are 99.99% empty and from the observer effect two split / slit experiment it maybe deduced that our programming and upbringing with cultural religious and ethical beliefs condition the outcome.

Some say that if you get used to slaughtering animals, fish, insects and rodents then the mind gets a power and lust for it, then again if you eat fish, insects or meat you should kill it yourself as hunters do and it distances one from the feel of it when buying it in a shop, one puts the onus on another. Then some say its enters the fine auric sheaves and holds one back spiritually and yet some of the most regarded ‘spiritual races' are meat eaters.The counter point to this is it is geographical and so they eat what is available. Then one goes onto; maybe animals and the like may have offered themselves in service to humanity for food and one could say maybe some are identifying with what it would be like to be the food and killed for it by a predator.

Then there is the discussion that animals kill for food and that they have no soul and are just instinctual and that humans are higher in evolution and have a conscience and soul.  What about why did God create all these species and that we should learn to rise above the animal instinct?

Then with experiments with Cleve Baxter and Marcel Vogel it seems tree and plants react to fear and have anxiety and so one is left to think only eat bacteria and it is said everything with atoms is sensitive to vibration and so that leaves us with not eating, no negative feelings or emotions and so just leave the planet and eat yourself up by worry and concern.

I do not know the answer and there are Gurus, scientists, ethically profound wise beings all adding their mix into the equation. Perhaps as usual we have to make decisions according to our lifelong agendas and beliefs. I have been a vegan, a vegetarian and all other combinations; lived on juice, fruit, meat and junk food been on macrobiotic diets, fasting diets, tried being a breath Arian, a microbe and insect eater and I have known people who have been strict ardent vegetarians change to part time meat eaters as they call themselves and vice versa. There are many more arguments and discussions; affects your next incarnation, it accrues negative karma, animals can sense your aura and will attack you in certain circumstances and it makes your breath and body smell, listen to your body, then there is body habit and withdrawal symptoms in radical change of diet, medical needs -------and on and on and on.

So to be or not to be that is the question and they say within every question is the answer.



Constant Contact Blogs

I'm aghast, fearful and expectant

There maybe an explosion

A blast of Light

That shatters 'The Me'

It could mean enlightenment and freedom

Now that's worrying isn't it



I'm Stuck in the middle of it

None of  its me really.



‘Slaughtered by silence’ is a phrase sometimes found in esoteric writings.  I felt immediately when I first encountered the phrase an understanding; it did not really come to a deeper understanding till some time later.

The ego is in my view is a bunch of programmes and software in the brain which directs the manufacture of neuropeptides to form chemicals to feed the cells and so on. It is formed by repetition and so causes grooves and ingrained burned in programmes and conditioning which grooms an entity which assumes the reality model of living. These programmes are harvested from political, cultural, religious, scientific, media fashion and are modified to suit the individual tailoring.

The ego demands complete and utter loyalty and is a master at adaptation and manoeuvrability.  Generally it likes noise, glamour, centre of attention and can be vicious to the extreme if severely challenged and in some cases destroy itself rather than capitulate. If outside noise is not tolerated because the ego feels it invades its space it will do what is necessary to deal with it, however, even in quiet abodes the internal thoughts, the internal dialogue, the mind chatter and subtle shadow back of the mind fluttering and ominous uncomfortable forebodings like silent storm clouds may reside there.

It is when true silence, the cessation of thought and feelings as above cease not through suppression or distraction, a dampening through alcohol, substance abuse, TV, online browsing, sex, book research and novel reading and so on and on.

It is when there is a true silence as in meditation and a bright clear space appears, empty of thought and a great inner peace is experienced that the ego has been perhaps temporarily abandoned, then when the ego returns for its daily tasks to keep the body in essentials and live in the world, and that sometimes it feels abandoned, lonely and realises its transient and temporary existence and in extreme fear ‘slaughtered by silence’.

When the ego is seen by itself to be temporary, transient and expedient and it has tasted of the silence and becomes to realise that it has an important role in the Life of its present form it then allows the silence, the silent awareness of the Self to appear from behind the ego shielding and knows it is healthy for the form and has a role to play in the preserving indeed of its temporary existence, indeed it realises its order in the natural world and its role play to enhance it, furthermore if the form dissolves the ego dissolves with it, not accounting for the belief in reincarnation and unfinished business. The ego will therefore try to preserve the form as long as possible.

The silence and the cacophony of the noisy ego can actually compliment one another----this is not a compromise which may be one of the stages towards complementariness.    









Reem Writes


Will Bratt Counselling

My ego standards are high morality, very pious and a strong belief in God, money is a corruptible influence this I feel came from my fathers addictive gambling which broke the family apart and that wealthy people are dogmatic, greedy and arrogant.

Then secretly I admitted at times I was battling to keep the above at bay. Not me I’m not greedy, I’m not a glutton and the more I tried to be pure and clean the more the battle to suppress these urges and to continually acknowledge I was envious and jealous, it was like an alcoholic who denies they are an addictive alcoholic, and refuses to believe and acknowledge that they are in denial.

It is a relief when I own up to it, yet the battle to suppress does not lighten and my ego is a double spy agent working for both sides and deepening the confrontation.

Pious, holy and wise, sage like pontificating everywhere there is an audience and a chance, preaching the high moral ground and then I slip from this high plateau and get into reveries of the jealous aspects; all powerful, dominant, undefeated, super rich, a wonderfully loved person, I know how to rule the world, how to eat and live, I know everything I can be the world’s saviour. 

Then comes the remorse and shame the ego has let its doors open, the drawbridge of the fortress has let things in and out.

In this light the ego realises it has let its secret ambitions shown and the reality is that it wants continual approval and believes the pious wonderful guru side is but a trap and bait to get approval and love and the ranting rollicking ego maniac of lust and greed and depravity must be suppressed.

This is the battle of good and evil as expressed in spiritual terms but this a battle of ego agendas which are amoral, not religious just twisted distortions and justifications of certain principles garnered from life experiences, traumas and indoctrinations.

When does the solution arrive; not by force or suppression nor therapy yet this does assist. Meditation brings to the surface the conflict by watching and observing the ego mind at work, its constant manipulative manoeuvres like a wily old fox. By suppression it merely adds importance and fuels renewed effort and energy and gives certain programmes and agendas the kudos, it empowers them and giving way to them merely makes one a rampant egoistic trouble maker and big time at that.

The elite, the power mongers, the Illuminati, the Bilderbergs or whatever nomenclature, are some prime examples of this power struggle for supremacy and they may lay aside the battle and surrender wholesale for the utter power model and steam straight ahead fully convinced they have the best and correct modus operandi.  

Then there are the priests, gurus and the leaders of cults who choose the high moral ground and feel they can reform the world and some who also get caught up in the battle between the devil and God. Sometimes the pressure is so great they slip and are seduced and get caught in the trap and go off of the rails and indulge for instance some celibate priests, club and cult leaders with children and so on and commit paedophilia and sexual depravity and then their conscience pricks them and they feel shame and guilt to follow with repentance, confession and some say 'well we are only human', then they resolve to never do it again and the battle of will power and strength to push down the beast begins anew.

The pressure in the dungeons in the fortress becomes great; fantasies follow by prayer then doubt ‘I don’t believe in God otherwise why should I suffer like this’, ‘God put me in this his situation for a reason’ ‘this is a school to learn lessons’ ‘ what if I fail or go mad or become senile speaking gibberish and a wild unkempt being seeking here and there frantically to find a way out this dilemma’ ‘I’m between a rock and hard place vainly looking for a saviour---Jesus , Buddha any guru or prophet, a diet that does not inflame me’ ‘I want to die, who am I, is there a God, I only half believe, for God’s sake is there anyone out there who will save me’.

Then I realise all these are scenarios, they are bombarding thoughts and although they wreak havoc and cause a frenzy of frothing waves, turbulence, a red hot desert storm of stinging wind blown sands scarring and searing my flesh, a hurricane of fire wishing to consume me, relentlessly being pursued by an unknown yet fearsome entity, it seems hopeless.

Yet there is hope, a small tiny infinitesimal whisper, just a hint, seems to indicate in a deep recess in me’ this is not real', it seems so, but at most it is temporary. This does not quench the fire or deep shivering fear cold, yet it is a tiny easement, a glimmer to hopefully cling too, and sometimes doubting this as well.

Still the pious mode haunts me and I feel if I am not living up to my standards God will punish me, this God that created the Earth and allows war and horror to persist and then I reason well it is human ego and that the battle described was caused by it and in the moments of respite I feel this is so.

So what part does God partake in this; in my view neither.

It is the middle way neither pious nor rampant, the yin and yang and duality in which the world is built on.  Perhaps even the middle way is another trap and trying to be in the middle is a fence sitter and so a third battle arises, I must be aware I must be a force, hard awareness, constantly on the look out for traps and snares and a chance of becoming cynical and paranoid.  Not this, not that but what? What if there in no what?  Tiredness and frustration come in, herded into a corral, no way out or in, imprisoned, ‘I must be neutral, in the muddle, the fulcrum, the axis'. Oh God what a mess, remorse, shame, guilt, I can’t live up to my self imposed standards. I must clear this up before I die I don’t want to reincarnate and start over again, I don’t want to take over unfinished business, oh God save me---what has God got to with it?

So what the hell can I do? Truly breathe, watch, look----oh no----and yet suddenly everything goes quiet, there is a cessation which happens spontaneously it is something from somewhere else and what is it? Strangely there is no serious questioning just an idle curiosity, mild thoughts seemingly from afar prompt ‘where did it come from and to where is it going’ and then it is what it is.

Somehow the battle looked at and fully engaged and something other than manipulated reminded awareness (I must remind myself to be constantly present and aware and not lose myself in some reverie or go unconscious---unconscious in this text means loss of witness awareness) which is required by many disciplines which if regularly participated can alter angles on the same subject and help distance and make space from the battle and begin to realise the illusion for what it is.       

Something far beyond, behind, up or down, something all pervading is calling one out of the mire. It is not tangible and gives a furtive flirting glance, a seductive shimmy and there is a nebulous hope. All questions cease, it is not a ceasefire a compromise between the duality of the ego, a respite, and a breather, only to start again.

It feels natural and beyond human understanding and one realises it has been there all the while whilst the battle was raging.

So what is that, that is there all the while and is eternal and seamless----only you can feel it?