I've never been content with the depiction above, it nearly gets me there.Shack
Theatres have a compliment of actors, directors,
stage hands, and make up artists and to bring the stage to life they have
scenery shifters and artists who do the backdrop scenery and then stage
lighting engineers nowadays probably computerised.
In so many
self growth and spiritual disciplines one hears the example of the blank sheet,
the canvas and similar expressions in which life paints, draws and fashions the
scenario depicted. Then there is the
mural of Life, the landscape of evolution and the famous Darwin as in contrast
to natural evolution, and an example; two persons in a tent in the wild and a
fierce bear is approaching, person A says I’ll run and as I can run faster than
you its survival of the fittest.
Person B says what if we split up and give the
bear a choice of which one he follows and so we have a 50 – 50 chance.
My view there is a portion of both in the Darwin and other views. Surmising that there is a Divine Plan then
there would be a constant correction and no leeway. There maybe a variation of this plan; there
is greater autonomy given to the forms that exist and that they are imbibed
with a certain amount of freewill and a tolerance in certain bandwidths to
which they adhere to and if breached can cause demise to the form. So there is a kind of compromise between the
plan of guidance and freewill.
Considering this scenario; insect or animal A and
B are blown or carried across vast distances from their original home and are faced
with different predators, climate and food chain and they are in large numbers
then would they have a chance and time to adapt as Darwin suggests? I feel that there maybe an intelligence
beyond not just as commentators like saying and seemingly frightened to mention God or a creator
and they just say insect A or Animal B grew a claw or a tongue to do so and
so. Meanwhile these creatures would have
starved if they had not immediately adapted or been eaten as prey.
There maybe a natural template, a matrix that
moves the adaptation almost immediately. Taking those early humanoids went through from
Neanderthal, Cro-Magnon and then mammoth to elephant and the history of the Earth
shows there have been at least forty two of these events including the shift of
the tectonic plates to form the continents it would seem that the ‘missing
links’ from one leap in evolution to another is near instantaneous and the search for these links continues.
Behind the forms there is the blank canvas, the
painter’s easel, the sculptor’s rock and the potter’s clay. These indeed maybe frequencies, wavelengths
caused by thoughts that implement the ripples to hold the blueprints, codes and
signals that change via the chain of; Creator to entities that are the matrices
of the thoughts and then down to and transformed to the individual forms be
they large or small. Remembering everything is composed of atoms and particles
and these as has been seen by many experiments are influenced by observation and
Is it not conceivable that the changes in
evolution are gradual to the human form and are growing by tiny increments and
yet hugely so at a Cosmic level and our conceptual image of this a transformer
of intelligent energies commensurate to the capacity of the form. Massive energy for planet and stars and a
suitable one for Earth inhabitants.
Change is going on all the time whether we as
humans like it or not. Foetuses to baby and so on, it takes time as we know it
for this to take place. These minute changes maybe not felt, certainly
adolescence and other bodily and emotional changes would as hormones and the
like course through the human entity be apparent.
Research is revealing that the very DNA is a wave form that
interfaces with the cosmic frequencies and is constantly updated and
reconfigured the time scale being concomitant to the evolutionary plan and its
So as the wave thoughts flow through the Universe
when the correct and meaningful era of evolution is reached these waves reaches
all the forms of creation and realigns and reconfigures the matrices and the new
forms appear as if by magic. It maybe that
various other factors play a part in this as Extra Terrestrial Interference and
human technological pollution not in accord with the matrices, blueprints and
schedules designated to the Earth Being may bring a set back and alteration in the
plan, however nature the guardian of the blueprint will alter this in some way
and it could be disastrous.
Is there a way to comprehend or know the
evolutionary plan? Ethnic native peoples and natural plant, animal, fish, bird
and all else know this and are natural guardians of the plan. Modern Western Civilisations have been aware
through ecological study and so on and what happens when pollution and other
extreme forms of tampering happen. Nature does allow some tinkering within
certain parameters.
There is another
way; I feel meditation of the sought that brings the mind to peace and
stillness and many holy books, wise sages and numerous literature espouse the use of
Meditation. ‘Be Still and know God
within thee’ ‘Silence is Golden’ and so many more can be found in the internet
on silence, inner peace and tranquillity.
In true silence, space and stillness which is the
womb or fountain of Life where the first waves arise and ripple, there is a
sense of an inner knowing, not specifics, just a knowing as if one is joined
and before a great presence, it is an intuitive and silent knowing without
words or signs, my sense is that it absolutely reassuring and is totally what
it is without having confirmation. My feeling is when its time to move on in a
profound way an instinct as ancient as the Cosmos Itself will do the moving and
all I have to do is enjoy the ride.
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