I am the witness to myself. I am awareness, the experience-er, I am the
conscious Being, how else am I (I AM) alive, awareness is Life. Awareness is
Life aware of Itself.
I am awareness, I am a conscious energy, I am
Space. I am an emptiness filled with a consciousness named Life. I am
Everything arises from me being a conscious
being. Consciousness, awareness has no
visible form, so it is called empty. The Cosmos has to have space to move and
have its being; it is alive and aware of itself as well, because it came from an
alive conscious being.
Consciousness has no name, label, tab or description;
if it had it would be a form. To have form one has to have formlessness, one
proves the other and they are complimentary. Atoms dance between popping in and
out of space, and maybe space is the zero potential quantum field and that
space is a dance of never ending exchanges and relationships constantly
exchanging intelligence and information so facilitating every possibility and
probability, endless computations, constant recycling, upgrading and
When form dissolves it merely breaks down to
basic elements and to space in some
instances to be laundered as it were and transformed like a perpetual fountain to
fuel other forms, it is Life perpetual and Eternal.
What ever arises in my Awareness (awareness is a
field and is not personal and non local), everything everywhere shares the awareness it is
seamless and is only compartmentalised by a form that has its own agenda
consciousness like a cloud covering the sun, the gift of awareness is to share
its awareness and create form with their own free will, an awareness which
surrenders its free will to the Universal awareness is said to be enlightened
and can still live in a form. When that
form dissolves there is no fear for it has been one with the one awareness
and is totally aware of it. Fear only sets in when that forms agenda is
threatened and feels isolated and vulnerable.
I am not the form I merely indwell it and await
discovery. I am the Space that indwells it. I am the formless one dwelling and
living for a short while appearing in this form as a form, however I witness
these forms agenda and peek through now and then until the awareness covered by
the clouds of programming dissolve and gradually Space and Space are united,
awareness and consciousness are no longer separated by individual strategies
and conditioning.
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