Thursday, 17 December 2020


Based on the previous SHACKS one can perhaps make the assumption that the desire to make one immune to all 'attacks' that the human body has failed in its ability to make one safe and healthy.

Unfortunately humans in their desire to own and rule have made technologies which are harmful to the human body and so need technology to immunise technology and at best it assuages the symptoms but does not get to the cause. The image above depicts to me the latest vaccine technology mRNA which is in my view horrendous.(see details in POSTS .

Again we see the urge by humans to control nature in every way, to dominate, own 'the souls' of all the populous and the so called New World Order. Should one subscribe to the previous views that all  is only a human made reality based on programmes, brainwashing and extreme inculcation it becomes only a reality if one whole heartily agrees with it and is caught in the net of conditioning.
Nice one --I get paid for each shot / jab and blood pressure reading as well
see whats in all vaccinations  Back POSTS
Yes they can make us sick, maim us, threaten us, beat our bodies into submission 'YET THEY ONLY CONQUER OUR FLESH AND BONES, THE FABRIC ON THE LOOM'.

Should one have found and experienced this unshakeable inner 'something' this they can never have because this is the one and all omnipresent, omniscient omnipotent and stand alone without duality that is the loom of all nature, the Universe and humanity and survives after the flesh and bones rots and decay and the Universe in its diversity recycles itself in endless reincarnation.
Gooogle Images
Kids innately know these shots are harmful---Good clean vaccinations are somewhat OK.  The adjutants are not.
Therefore if one is forced to have the vaccinations, 5G surveillance, forced lock downs and privileges removed and other abominations, repugnance which many of the so called 'deep State', Bilderbergs, Illuminati, elite' seem to delight in and make huge profits from them know that there programming are deeply ingrained and locked in and although it does not help in the pain inflicted on one, one can see their weakness and why they seek immortality in so many ways (see especially last fifty POSTS) and they seek to shore up their weakness with more programmes and brain washing and convince themselves of their power and really their fear of death and weakness. One day their fortress will crumble, their fabric fade and rot and they will only know the peace of their wealth and technology and not that that supersedes the body and nature.  

So if you will have to have a shot by force know that it is harmful to the body but not you.


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