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iNews I
have had many communications with trees and they are very dear to me especially
the ones in my garden. I have written about two of these experiences in SHACK
567 Some might say that these communications were merely that the trees have a soothing effect and put one into an altered state of consciousness and one’s consciousness brings forth a communique. However when I went to my dear late friends house in Suffolk in Cavendish which Jean and Peter Marshall who ran a B&b, singing, drama and meditation groups in the house named Western House in which was a beautiful garden and lovely green house which housed grapevines and then onto a lovely lane nearby with many trees and fields, hedgerows, there was this special tree I used to hug and commune with. Had it been imagination I would have accepted this idea of mind reflection induced by the tree and vine, however some of the communique's were alerts and prophetic which came about, again one could say I was a psychic, until you try yourself you will know what is you and the tree. As I type this on the 29th August 2020 the Earth and its inhabitants have been through a gruelling seven months of fear, lock downs, mask wearing, social distancing and conspiracy theories galore caused by a ‘dodgy’ virus and called Covid – 19 as to the appearance and so on see my site www.geoffreed.com for 50 pages on it. However during this time I was asked to lock down for four months, having my food delivered and so on. In this time I felt not to communicate with the trees in the garden. Then what seemed an unrelated event occurred; on the 10th August 2020 a large observatory in Puerto Rico named Arecibo shattered presumably by a snapped cable, although from the damage it is more so and a mystery to NASA and various institutions and ‘lock down’ on any information other than a brief note in the media and my whistle blower contacts at these institutions cannot find out anything more. Why is this so important; Arecibo is set up to alert and warn of any space junk, satellite or asteroid that would or could damage Earth and its inhabitants, it also is set up to ‘search for extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI). What is concerning a very large asteroid passed perilously near to impact with Earth and NOT only was Arecebo down but none of the other observatories picked it up, usually they pick and alert the authorities who might have to employ some means of protecting such an incident. WHY were they all off line? This is causing a flap and not in the media. The mystery ‘thickens’ on the 20th August 2020 a Russian Cosmonaut (Astronaut) living in the ISS(International Space Station which flies at 17,227mph / 350km, at 220 miles above the Earth and orbits the Earth every 90 minutes which makes this 16 times in every in 24hrs, photographed five UFO flying on the horizon of which were in was at relationship to the Antarctic, why should this be significant. My site as above has the full history of an Admiral Byrd who had strange encounters with UFO’s at the Antarctic and later went back with a fleet containing warships and had a fight with these spheres as he called them and his fleet was decimated. Now back to Arecibo; in
the 70’s scientists sent a coded message into space aimed at a constellation
M13 this message was in binary code, a message replied some years later which
shook the scientific community to pieces and like the event of the shattered
disc only a tiny amount of information is available. More details in my site. Then in April 2016 and in 2017 many visits were made by top religious leader, presidents and other dignitaries to Antarctic and this is bizarre and no one has given an explanation or has any inkling, of course wild conspiracy theories of which I have one or two. By
Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com (Early Sunday Release) In the
last few months, the world’s political and religious leaders have been making
trips to the continent at the bottom of the world— Quayle
also says, “Most people don’t understand, and this is critical, the Fast
forward to today, and Quayle contends, “Black physics is beyond the PhD level,
and we are seeing this with CERN (European Council for Nuclear
Research). What is so critical for people to understand is, as more activity
takes place at CERN, the occult rituals associated with it are so in your face
you can’t dismiss this stuff anymore as being the ranting’s of this fringe or
that fringe. Something is happening, and the Antarctic is critical. It’s my contention that because of the advanced technology of the Third Reich .
. . that they went under the ice, so to speak, and came into contact with
beings, sentient beings that Wernher von Braun and others have made
reference too many times before they passed away. So, all this is a matter
of record. When you put all the records together, it points to this:
There is some entity or group of entities that are thinking and have
advanced technology and, basically, give orders to the religious and political
leaders of our day.” The history of the world is not what it is. It
is what the powers that be pretend it to be. For the record, all of the
world’s leaders never believed that Hitler died in the bunker Ok, I do not believe the Nazis have advanced technology that ‘size’ I know they were experimenting with the ‘bell’ and they could have gone further. NASA is really a German run institution and now of course many of the early German scientists have passed on, it is interesting to note that Elon Musk has German origins and with Space X people are asking in serious scientific circles 'where has this company with nine founders suddenly found or this advanced technology? Reading my ‘The UFO STORY’
May 2005 in my site I feel we have been warned many times and certainly there
has been contact with ET and some Presidents. President Kennedy asked President
Khrushchev “what are those flying discs that mess with our nuclear facilities
causing them to alert and nearly fire are they yours?” “Khrushchev replies “we
thought they were yours” “Kennedy replies ‘well if they are not ours and not
yours, who are they and where do they come from?” Based on the technology of these UFO they could have wiped us out long ago and I subscribe to my UFO story, they are watching and monitoring us as in my story. So Ivan Vagner photographed the UFO’s above the Antarctic arc horizon and many whistle blowers are saying is this a warning from ET or is it a deliberate act of sabotage or some are suggesting wear and tear and bad weather. Bearing in mind that Byrd(it is true—there always sceptics) got a warning and strange rituals at CERN(another one in my site) and several UFO warnings reminding us to take care of our planet or else(see ‘The Day the Earth Stood Still—both the first and revised edition I like the Keanu Reeves one best)and in my POSTS I always say Hollywood gives us prior notice. So is Arecibo a warning? I cannot get any
information from anyone and many psychic’s I know and whistle blowers and
inside contacts at NASA and Silicon Alley have clammed up or simply don’t know,
it is serious if our early alert systems around the world for incoming
meteorites, asteroids and space junk are easily taken off of line. Now coming back to my trees this morning of the 29th August 2020 while gently bouncing on my rebounder I felt to communicate with them. They are full bloom and look lovely and strong, I felt they were in deep meditation and contemplation and when I asked about the above and the virus the rely was “All of nature is in repose, we are ‘praying for the world’ and we are afraid of the forthcoming events’ all we can tell you IS THE COUNTDOWN HAS BEGUN” I felt this is the run
down years until 2032 in which we have a chance to save humanity from the ‘New
World Order’ which is total dystopia and Big Brother 1984 on steroids and from
2033 to 2075 to smooth out the coming 6th Extinction and correct the
myths about climate change and rid the world of dangerous EMF’s such as 5G and
Wi Fi. SHACK Pinterest Hey Grandfather Tree(SHACK) |
Wednesday, 2 December 2020
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