As I type this it is September 2020 and the world is gripped by an uncanny fear of a super flu and it has ruined many peoples lives, claimed deaths through wrong medical procedures and false scientific advice.
The so called Elite, Bilderbergs, Illuminati, Deep State, Technocrats, Eugenicist, tranhumanism, cyborg stuff and crazy zany new cult and groups are formed when the 'norm' collapses and people who have lived by their inculcated brain washing see their reality and base go.
The vacuum formed by this enables and allows the so called Deep State to allow their brainwashed ideas to be impregnated on the populace and the populace who have been so duped by their false realities from birth and probably for most gone no more than the wonderful image in the last SHACK below.

Bearing in mind the Deep State are living a lie and like all programming it is just that. Their realities are only made safe by their engendered fear laid on us, they feed off of our fear, that gives them the power. They are fearful of losing their 'brain washing' just as much or even more than ours. They have the wealth, the power, the police, the authority to dumb the populous do
However if we can see through that all programmes are what they are and they are uncomfortable, painful to live through unless everyone complies, then by the peace we gain through finding ourselves seeps through the net of conditioning and though one may feel this is not 'a fight back' it is by changing the populace from fear to fearlessness and gradually the power of peace through consciousness not just a cessation of war and anxiety will leave the Deep State with much less leverage than before.
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