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Fearless Motivation |
I felt this tightly held shroud which had captivated the fearful mind and held together in a world group energetic formula was a sort of magnetic force field, a field which embraced the world energetically very much like a TV, Radio, mobile / cell phone, WI FI all waves and frequencies which are invisible to the human senses but can be felt in many ways as intuitive, instinctual means.
Since this nefarious scheme was hatched up and there is evidence that was in the making as far back as history and this latest form progressed to its present form due to the technology which would facilitate its total world dominance and to some extent it has.
This grip of fear and obedience to the masters which are the governments, the Professors of medicine and the Professors of psychology were seen as the new priests and of course they would not harm their own people and they relied on the cultural upbringing and respect for the clergy of science and medicine to shield and protect them and the fear that they might 'catch the bug' and this in itself would lower the immune system with worry, anxiety and when they got the bug they could only turn to the those that could save them, that is the very persons who caused the panic and bug.
I was determined to not comply and I did at first and then devised a ploy to not wear a mask by wearing a label which said I am exempt from face covering and was equally determined not to get vaccinated. I make no excuses I took a jab of the Oxford one after refusing the mMRNA one, I cannot make any excuses, although I tried justifying it and I complied because of possibly lame excuses; that are well I will get the certificate to prove in the witch hunt that follows and being branded anti- vaxer a conspiracy merchant and the rest, and then saying I did for the sake of others and not being ostracised like the mask thing and the looks and abuse even with a label, people literally running away and frightened to catch the bug from me and being called a killer and then saying I will take the second jab and get the passport and when the next round was due, I would refuse smugly saying 'I am not against vaccines but these shots really made so ill. By the way I never ever had a flu shot although doctors tried to persuade me. I am ashamed I took the jab and yet to my 'defence' and not trying to assuage, mitigate, attenuate which I am feeling now I did and yet many weeks before the jab, I took it late as I wanted to avoid the mMRNA on it genuinely felt right to take it and a series of synchronistic events led me too it or were they?
Any road what I really feel about this shroud, this construct which I name as the collective unconscious, this all embracing energy field that is 'picked up' by the unaware superficial surface mind and like startled cattle get hysterically moved and rush to a supposed safety that is the mask, social distancing which implies it is socially wrong to stand less than two meters apart it should be stand two meters apart is physical, distancing, NOT SOCIALLY wrong, cover the face which has been shown to be of no use ---Professor Chris Whitty Chief Medical Officer and his assistant and add to this Dr Faucci Chief medical advisor in the USA ll changed their minds over masks
The evidence for face coverings is “not very strong in
either direction”, the Deputy Chief Medical Officer has admitted, despite a
last minute U-turn on masks in schools.....
Prime Minister Boris Johnson insists he does not want to see
face coverings in schools
Professor Chris Whitty told Sky News on Wednesday
that wearing a face mask had almost no effect on reducing the risk of
contracting the illness.
Prof Whitty said: “In
terms of wearing a mask, our advice is clear: that wearing a mask if you don’t
have an infection reduces the risk almost not at all. So we do not advise that.”
“The only people we do
sometimes use masks for are people who have got an infection and that is to
help them to stop it spreading around," he added.
Proof that Masks Do More Harm than Good
(Truths about Masks that Politicians and the BBC Probably Forgot to Mention)
Dr Vernon
and so the die was cast, The glue to the broadcasts were cemented and some protested, I may have bought the mental bug and succumbed to the vaccine but I am not convinced I did but own it and a lesson learned and face the shame when I said I would not and take it as revelation to my own weakness and fear and see the flaw in my being as it were, I am in many ways a coward and run from confrontation and physical intimidation and do have a fear of authority while at the same time disliking authorities and yet loving being an authority, it can be a way of getting my attention and applause and self esteem and yet not loved for me but for my knowledge and plausibility. The second jab has caused me pain, joint problems and some mind fuzz and since June when I had it I have not been able to walk properly Oh I really feel now I gave in to my own fear. Booster one's I say now --NO WAY!!!?. Time will tell when the texts and calls come from my GP---well you are 83 and vulnerable and so on.
A few weeks back and I would never have written so frank and honest confession and this pandemic has taught me the hypocrisy in me and pontification in the blogs I do and I did feel shame and guilt and then it faded because I realise these are brain washed agendas of self, reality and the like and are not the real me and is this a justification and excuse to assuage feeling let down by my own image and trying to keep it from tumbling or do I really comprehend the issue of there is no reality only that which is based on inculcated brain washing which assume a real construct which has be destructed as it were if one wishes to find the truth and THRUTH, is there is no TRUTH so this means there is no real absolute reality in beliefs and constructs of the mind. This then infers that the bug is real if it is believed so, can this sink into the awareness at a deep intuitive level (level what's this--there are no levels or dimensions in awareness) so the only shame and guilt is the ego which constructing the righteous image and feels its defence and belief in itself let down and so tries to reconstruct it by justifying itself with more ploys and self admonishment and so punish and so I can feel sorrow and atone for sinning against my own set of rules and commandments. The denial is saying intellectually well its brain washing and inculcation YES AND NO; yes it is brain washing and I am completely fooled by saying it is intellectual and I realised it, yes realised intellectually AND until I realise this is the ME AND OWN IT AND STOP KIDDING MYSELF, now I see this is ME and the brain washing is not an intellectual gambit and these auto programs are me until I feel and know deeply 'hey I see the triggers to a false me' and I actually own and see the false really and not a therapist 'oh I see this in others and myself, huh this is enough to be free, YES in that moment until the ghost programmes return, there is a feeling of admitting like the alcoholic who denies they are an addict and hide the bottles, the bottles are the programmes and agendas hidden in the mind and the triggers to drink and the mind prompts of anger and so on like in the INFERENO SHACK(1007) WHEN THAT IS FULLY ACCEPTED AND NOT BEING ASHAMED OR GUILTY NOT BY SUPRESSION , then there is a chance of freedom and being somewhat a real human whatever that is.
I felt this morning that somehow this tight grip psychological warfare (psyops) was somehow loosening its grips as more people were awakening to the 'game' and although the awakening was in its infancy it may grow and so the populace would learn to see through the dastardly manipulators and never be conned again. I learned from it and I learned how to avoid my own justifications which protected the vulnerable part of me WHICH in itself is a brain washed agenda from the poor sick timid child me and the vibes from parents, Jewish ethos and the compensations of retreating into a fantasy mind world and being frustrated to not working it out in the so called 'real physical world' in fact successful mindfully, unsuccessful physically and REALLY both are inculcated mind games and agendas. To reiterate the only justification is made by the illusionary set of beliefs and agendas assumed by the world and me as reality and all there is in Life.
So the
deconstruction takes place and the gradual eroding of the net, yet the other
side so to speak will be determined to bolster their dominion and hold and will
try more ploys and so the game goes on and my mind stuff will be revealed as I
see through the dream like nature of all beliefs and agendas which build by
complexity, a net of finely woven intricacies which are a maize and veritable
cobweb of such intricate strands that on casual glance seem solid until on
closer inspection are found to many threads and in themselves part of fabric
when picked apart and deeply scrutinised are like a dream gone and vainly try
to remember and get meaning from but have faded and are really no more
important than a dream gone by and that is all that the Universe is a dream
that is held to be real in substance but like smoke and haze gone and it is only
the frightened 'mind' that feels naked and exposed and desperately tries to
cling onto the smoke and solidify so that it can feel safe and yet knowing
there is no such thing as safe only in emptiness if the mind can tolerate and
bear it.
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