Courtesy Dreamtimes.com
It will be alright tomorrow I'll do the diet and keep to it my New Years resolution I will keep to it, some do, I somehow modify it or just don't do it. Some day my luck will change and I will persevere and it will arrive. For me this never happened, I never won anything, achieved my dreams and was always told I was lazy, couldn't be bothered, lacked ambition, had high and mighty morals and ideas and some how was a failure and disappointment to my friends, family and self.
Somehow that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow never materialised and in fact there never really was a rainbow so to speak. I realised after a few years at work, observing the world at large, listening to people and their stories at workshops and therapy sessions I presented and the police and forensics where I was employed that they were always looking into the future running after the rainbow that they perceived or had in mind, the future would herald a new way, a bright wonderful finale.
The past has gone and is a dream and seemingly it is hard to believe there was a past, this is how it feels now, I am more in the now and in the moment. Very early on I realised our programming (of course mine) was the foundation and the 'action centres' that predetermined my decisions and desires and that the agendas were my reality and of course I saw this more clearly in others and that taught me and made me aware of them in myself.
This was my future which really was my past repeated over again with a few tweaks and innovations, constant makeovers and reconfigurations that were really another disguised past and seen clearly in political agendas, the same old, same old with a new coat of paint and glossy varnish and underneath the same old, so the future was a replay a loop as in restaurants the music then goes back to tune one that is on the tape, yet because of the meal and the company it really is not to the forefront of one's attention and like the time it either goes slowly or fast according to ones pleasure or boredom. But the clock keeps its time and sometimes does not relay this to us in our preoccupations---goodness me look at the time----doesn't time drag---I am wasting time ---I've time on my hands---I've got plenty of time---I wish I had more time---time goes bye. |
This is why mundane work that is monotonous and non creative, just repetition just to earn a crust so to speak is stifling and stagnant and often leads to distraction and through stultification can lead to lethargy of spirit, mind and body and illness.
So really there is no future it is a repeat of the past and at the most a modified version that soon becomes as stultifying as the original version. Coupled with this, this is usually ones reality, comfort zone in which are ones coping mechanisms and 'reliable' reactions be they negative or positive, well at least they are the known and in the box, no surprises here unless through shock or untoward circumstances and events, so one travels to the never ending end of the rainbow, the tomorrows, the next years and very rarely finding that pot of gold, the winning lottery ticket, the millionaire jackpot, be it financially, emotionally and in relationships and so most of life is a dismal acceptance or a compromise.
As most of life is based on brain washing and hand me downs and modified by life's experiences most of us just travel on fixed tramlines and perhaps a few daring fast trips and feel so brave at daring to step albeit ever so fleetingly outside the box and then realising the unknown is so scary and perhaps tries another set of hand me downs brain washing which then becomes the known and looked at with critique may come to be seen as the same old as before just a another religion, politic, fashion and 'in thing' and in time yesterdays high and fashion comes round again, the tight jeans for flares and so on. So there never is a future, always a dim past which we call memory and either we cherished them or put down the nasty ones.
We may then query the rainbow and realise these are our expectations; success, failure, ambitions and so on and these are based on inculcated hand me downs, parental and cultural wishes for the next generation and our parents living their failures through us and then correcting them in us as they realise a carbon copy may produce the same impediments as they have and their parents and so the never ending incarnations, the hamster wheel and the wheel of karma and dharma. The pot of gold is indeed the the future dream that never gets fulfilled, Yes it can be the fuel to keep us trying, just like the spiritual quest hoping that enlightenment is the spiritual pot of gold and meditation and self growth work the rainbow, the path and the quest.
There is a catch in self growth; the self as such can be the ego as in distinction to the Self. One is to dissolve the ego and its patterns, agendas and brain washing as they are mere programmes that have been pushed and conditioned into ourselves and are not original and creative, some have overcome this and are fresh and original, to be fresh it means to be energised alive and not just athletically and physically in the zone but like a cup empty and with potential.
When the mind is empty, not dull and stupid, it is in a mode of freshness because it is not cluttered with brain washed world ambition's it has freed itself from the past and has no future for the Now has become the past and future, it as if the past dreams have gone by and become dim and not the seat of references and decision making, there is no future because in the Now which is a joyous wonderous mind there is only the unfoldment of Life and there is no rainbow or goal and the pot of gold has been found which is the freedom and relinquishing of the notion that the past is the foundation in the sense of the ideas and patterns and one is now free of the past determining the future and a repeat loop. Life which is nature and the environment of nature once again like the wild of nature becomes born again in the human and instinct of the body and intuition of the mind unite and one is one with the one and all, the all and all and is a free being.
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