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Stage Milk |
One can act and know one acts and then one can be in the act as if it were oneself.
I have heard of actors who get so into a role that they actually believe that it is them, they become that reality. This then means to me that they when they repeat their lines to remember them it becomes a sort of brain washing and is inculcation. It is no longer pretend. One becomes a super morph.
Then those actors who know they are acting; it often comes across as not really in character. Some actors have difficulty at coming out of a role and have to spend time finding out who they are.
That then supposes that one was originally brainwashed into a culture or 'mode de vie' 'lebensweise' 'lifestyle' and as I have written before from the womb impressions from Mother, Father, doctors and so on, then birth and the name and one is then taught to be who one is and very rarely questions this throughout ones life and when the revelation or awakening occurs as to who am I without being taught to be who I am.
The actor may have realised this and feels uncomfortable without having a role to play and may become psychotic; who am I without an identity. The psychiatrist or psychotherapist may endeavour to 'bring' one back to some accepted 'norm' in the so called 'external world' and yet some Eastern philosophy say Zen may through Koan, meditation and so forth bring forth the acceptance of 'No Mind---Sunyata----
- the doctrine that phenomena are devoid of an immutable or determinate intrinsic nature. It is often regarded as a means of gaining an intuition of ultimate reality.
- and that all forms are perishable, impermanent, ephemeral, transitory and like a cube of ice held in the hand, melt and decay and so learn to deal with loss and old age. The ultimate reality may mean there no ultimate reality and life is a moving process and stops here and there for a while and so the '
The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,
Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit
Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line,
Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it. Omar Khayyam
In a way this assists the quantum physicist, the actor and the patient of psychosis. To live and accept not by an inevitable fate, but by a deep and profound intuitive understanding this is the 'Dao' this is the way of the Universe, the conjurors illusion, that indeed identities are fleeting and so I feel one is so identified and 'hooked, snared and trapped' in a particular identity that in death one incarnates to either find the previous identity or comes back to free oneself of it and either chooses another identity or accepts the fact that one seeks liberation from all forms of identity and so be a free being.
A jivanmukta, literally meaning liberated while living, is a person who, in the Advaita Vedanta philosophy, has gained complete self-knowledge and ... Moksha (/ˈmoʊkʃə/; Sanskrit: मोक्ष, mokṣa), also called vimoksha, vimukti and mukti,[1] is a term in Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism for various forms of emancipation, enlightenment, liberation, and release.[2] It refers to freedom from dukkha and saṃsāra, the cycle of death and rebirth,[3] by knowledge of the true self (Atman-jnana),[4] c.q. (the lack of a permanent essence, and the release from craving and clinging to passions and the mundane mind.)shack
The craving of the mundane mind is either the brain washing agendas by inculcation or taking on another identity and play acting or really going into full steam ahead so to speak to another life style and its trappings, here one realises identities are swappable and either acts one out and eventually believes in it.
Now the physicist, actor and the Zen person may come to a hurdle. Can I live without an 'I' ? Trying to remind oneself intellectually or mindfully I have no 'I' may give one and 'intellectual buzz' which is a short lived high and fades as the old worn out patterns attempt to gain ground and emerge, to become something recognisable and sound. Can the physicist who has seen the quantum nature live without having to 'capture' the essence of the empty atom into an equation so as to know and have satisfaction that knowing intellectually gives one the feeling of safety, security and solid ground, the actor finds their role in life a lifestyle that suits them, perhaps, Oscars, fame, celebrity and wealth status and the Zen well maybe finds nothing at all and abides there.
Now to a personal anecdote; there is neighbour who irks me and gives a fit of pique now and again. When I have this I usually get some sort of understanding on an intuitive or ah ha. This person when he came to out block was extremely lonely and our manager asked me to visit him. I declined. I have felt loneliness many times however this is subsiding somewhat. After a while he inveigled and wheedled his way by being the 'do gooder' and earned himself the reputation of the 'snake and worm' by many of the residents. He has taken on the role of the organiser. I found we clash on many subjects and he delights in putting me down if he can. Others say why do you stand for it? I realised many traits in him I have and I do not like and he is a sort of mirror for me, I do not like him for the same reason as I do not like the traits in me.
So I have to compromise, be polite and I suppose to get a truce or more importantly APPROVAL. AH! its not approval from him, its approval in me for recognising the lesson he has taught me, I need only my own approval, NOT by accepting or eradicating those faults or supressing them but by the recognition that these are in me, not forcing them out or pushing them down and like a cork in water only to rise again. BUT by the fact that they were in me and irritated me and this GREAT NEIGHBOUR was my teacher and enabled me by the uncumfortability of that irritation was a needle to prick the boil and allow it to come out. When I felt this recognition it was a relief.
'We only teach that which we want to learn' 'We find ourselves in the mirror of relationships' these two seem so apt especially in these trying time of 2020 and 2021. Time and time again when I was a therapist, healer counsellor when a patients recognised the traits in them and then shift the blame on others and not owning only to blame of others they were healed. A process I noticed as soon or soon after a patient released the hate, blame and fear in the situation it was if the other person or situation resolved it as well and often a long letter, phone call from the other party so to speak occurred. It was if a silent energy / telepathic etheric communication took place.
Well there are mysteries that take place and 'SOMETHING BEHIND THE SCENE' takes place like the curtain falls and the stage hands rearrange the scene and scene shifters alter the scenario for the next act. I observe such things taking place in this 'Pandemic' and the demolishing by stealth all human rights, dignity and divinity. May we own our truth and not succumb to tyranny.
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