Insidetimsbrain.Worldpress.com |
I read this morning 19th October 2021 that despite scientists writing to the UK Chief Medical Officer that fluoride that is being authorised to be put into our drinking water and that years back there were protests and it stopped and despite Europe not wanting it and does not have it in many countries and we are out by Brexit of the European Courts Jurisdiction and even the USA is having court cases to ban it out of drinking water it seems Chris Whitty and Sage are taking this defiant stance, 390,000 scientists re Covid evidence and he stands defiant and now this stance.
From files
I realise it is arrogant and judgemental to say as above and I see myself as top image and have written so in other shack's I feel this is madness. Massive evidence that the current vaccinations are harming all people and that a few in the pay of Eugenicists who are aligned and in the pay and power mad with their own science and a Technocracy, transhumanism, cyborgism, eugenics set of politicians, pharmaceutical, medical and multibillionaires who want a new world order and run it through a corrupted WHO and UN and have this hedonistic power lust. They may eventually fight amongst themselves as to who is to new King and Queen of the World. One logic, one way thinking, one Uniform clothing, complete and utter surveillance, dumbed down asleep masses only to serve as organ donors, slavery and torture for pleasure.
I have written about this for years; to me this is ego unbridled, a mad bolting horse, a stampede of unashamed craziness; for instance just one of the ideas in a USA school.
https://www.rt.com/op-ed/537788-georgia-school-eating-babies-hunger/?utm As further evidence that
the US school system has lost
the plot, students in Georgia were instructed to
consider ‘eating babies’ as a way of solving world hunger. How much more
depraved does it have to get before people wake up?
In the ongoing series entitled ‘US Schools Go
Insane,’ one institution apparently thought that by slapping a ‘satire’ sticker
on the most profane idea imaginable, the contraband would go unnoticed. On
behalf of satire, I’m happy to report it didn't work.
part of the inventive English lesson, which probably spoiled more than one trip
to the cafeteria, high school students at Richmond Hill were tasked with
finding ways of ‘raising and eating of babies to solve the world hunger
problem’. Yum. Rhonda Thomas, founder and president of Truth in Education,
broke down the details of the class assignment in a shocking interview with The New American. The
information from the lesson plan that she divulged is nothing short of – as
Thomas herself described it – “satanic.” More in article.
When parents protested in many schools about transhumanism, masks, vaccinating children, desk isolations they were denounced by the Mayor and Central Government as 'Domestic Terrorists'. Perhaps I am mistaken and misled and this is the 'new evolutionary way' and I am out of touch, old fashioned, ill informed. Perhaps I am behind the times and fashion, and old fuddy duddy, a dribbling dotard, a senile old twit, a buffoon, nincompoop and so on and yet I feel this out of step with Nature, I know tribal cannibalism was and is practised among satanic (with child sacrifices and when I was in Forensics I came across a number) and I have read of many tribal traditions that did so, however I believe these tribes as head hunters, scalping and so on have been mainly curtailed and stopped. The very fact that these topics are brought up in school and studied can seriously like horror films traumatise the students and should they take drugs (even some medically prescribed) or children from abused and emotionally unstable homes, asylum, refugee children and young adults could be influenced and with gun crime, stabbing in many cities and spreading to urban areas, more and more people are catching the 'virus' of mad impulses as their worlds are a familiar stability is being 'shot to pieces'.
The fanaticises of horror films, induced drug effects, central governments of the world being so authoritarian and harsh (Australia at this time doing lockdowns for one Covid case, investigating women who made remarks on Twitter, Facebook, building concentration camps in several countries and in the Outback) many campuses in USA, some in Russia are threatened with students who shoot up their own teachers and friends and so on, police and soldiers doing crimes of brutality and even killing.
Ogilvy's Asia |
Perhaps with the decline of religion, which caused many wars, the political ambitions, the break up of communism, the fight over capitalism and power through wealth, the American dream now diminished to a few privileged few multibillionaires, priests abusing children, homelessness, drug crime and battles for 'turf war' children at early age wanting sex change, Hollywood fantasies, cell / mobile phones and digital appliances bombarding the brain and body with disruptive EMF's, it must make the moral compass become unsettled.
Shortpedia Voices
In the end it is in the brain decoding as I have done so many times in SHACK (especially from 1030 onwards), Depending on one's inculcation, brain washing and conditioning then may have some guidance, with the the up and coming attitude, success materially is the thing to aim for, celebrity status, wealth and money as the only saviour and now- a-days jobs, stability are hard to come by, there are many so called 'menial' jobs however with TV and the media who portray success as the prime requisite and indispensable and the many novels and films depict the way to success is to cheat, connive and even threaten and kill. The so called 'soaps' are all about emotional problems, relationship breakdowns and the whole gamut of woeful human behaviour.
So with many youngsters realising that reality is just not a normality, where do their young minds 'fix' too as they surf the net in their bedrooms, constantly seeking information and texting, many of them are 'free floaters' and become searching avidly for the next game, the next high. They do not know who they are and are just automatic reflexes, programmed by education ah la the eugenics technocracy mandate and being led down a narrowing agenda such as 'cut the past, tear down statues, history being downplayed and altered, such as Shakespeare plays being modified because of racial slurs and so on. Real facts being named as Fake News.
Quoteish |
So without some moral or ethical guide (read the Ethic' s of the World Economic Forum, The Great Reset, Davos Agenda 2021 and the high priest usurping the Pope)
Klaus Schwab Chairman of the World Economic Forum. The High Priest Costume of Technocracy and Eugenics.
This is being pushed at this time 2021 October as the Great Reset and the Moral Code of the world to be. |
The ego has become unbridled and where there is a vacuum the ego will fill it and its wildest monstrous uninhibited lusts and high morals will be hankered after and find devious routes to fulfil them.
There is a vacuum so to speak of Eastern No Mind Zen type and Yogic consciousness of Samadhi and the like, where the moral compass is found in deep compassion and it is a feeling, not a dictate and it is light, bright and feels great respect and goodwill. To this I keep practicing meditation and not following a method, but to wait, be still and clear the mind by observation and intuition, to be the witness as to what is arising in that dynamic awareness without judgement, awareness without bias and to this I tilt my hat and hang my coat.
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