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It is fascinating and somewhat disturbing and yet enjoyable and this conundrum presents itself as obvious and yet devious; Like the great scientist Sir James Hopwood Jeans who caused controvesity by the following;
The stream of knowledge is heading towards a non-mechanical reality; the Universe begins to look more like a great thought than like a great machine. Mind no longer appears to be an accidental intruder into the realm of matter... we ought rather hail it as the creator and governor of the realm of matter.
In an interview published in The Observer (London), when asked the question "Do you believe that life on this planet is the result of some sort of accident, or do you believe that it is a part of some great scheme?", he replied:
I incline to the idealistic theory that consciousness is fundamental, and that the material universe is derivative from consciousness, not consciousness from the material universe... In general the universe seems to me to be nearer to a great thought than to a great machine. It may well be, it seems to me, that each individual consciousness ought to be compared to a brain-cell in a universal mind.
What remains is in any case very different from the full-blooded matter and the forbidding materialism of the Victorian scientist. His objective and material universe is proved to consist of little more than constructs of our own minds. To this extent, then, modern physics has moved in the direction of philosophic idealism. Mind and matter, if not proved to be of similar nature, are at least found to be ingredients of one single system. There is no longer room for the kind of dualism which has haunted philosophy since the days of Descartes.
Finite picture whose dimensions are a certain amount of space and a certain amount of time; the protons and electrons are the streaks of paint which define the picture against its space-time background. Traveling as far back in time as we can, brings us not to the creation of the picture, but to its edge; the creation of the picture lies as much outside the picture as the artist is outside his canvas. On this view, discussing the creation of the universe in terms of time and space is like trying to discover the artist and the action of painting, by going to the edge of the canvas. This brings us very near to those philosophical systems which regard the universe as a thought in the mind of its Creator, thereby reducing all discussion of material creation to futility.
In my view the loom with its warp and weft sometimes named woof with the loom and yarn seem to me to be an adequate depiction of my view of Sir James. I often lay in bed after or before sleep and contemplate the nature of reality. Logic says to me that the Universe cannot be just an accident, to my mind an accident has to have a cause. My feeling is that this is so and brings me some measure of joy, one might argue that this is just an assurance and safety mechanism to protect and secure myself from my demise and horror of death and old age, in the end all suffering will be worth it for a place in the afterlife.
In my previous SHACKS I have gone into the brain washing aspect through inculcation and in addition to that the so called empty atom and pictures like this:-
From file |
If you took out all the empty space in our atoms, the human race could fit in the volume of a sugar cube! The atoms that make up the world around us seem solid, but are in fact over 99.99999 per cent empty space. An atom consists of a tiny, dense nucleus surrounded by a cloud of electrons, spread over a proportionately vast area. This is because as well as being particles, electrons act like waves. Electrons can only exist where the crests and troughs of these waves add up correctly. And instead of existing in one point, each electron’s location is spread over a range of probabilities – an orbital. They thus occupy a huge amount of space.
Neo nucleus is a collection of
July 30, 2016 Update: July 30, 2016
In Near-Death Experiences, Blind People See for First Time
By Tara MacIsaac
People who were blind from
birth have had brushes with death in which they felt themselves leave their
bodies and experience vision for the first time. For some, it seemed natural;
for others, it was a confusing and shocking experience.
Many people experience this sensation of leaving the
body during a near-death experience (NDE). A 1982 Gallup poll found that
15 percent of all Americans who had almost died (under widely varying
circumstances) reported NDEs. About 9 percent reported the “classic out-of-body
experience,” 11 percent said they entered another realm, and 8 percent said
they encountered spiritual beings.
For blind NDEers, the visual perceptions add another
level of mystery.
Some people say NDEs are hallucinations, though many who
study NDEs refute this explanation. Hypoxia, or oxygen deprivation, is one often-cited
cause. Another is rapid eye movement (REM) intrusion—when the REM associated
with dreaming during sleep happens while one is awake.
One of the researchers who disagrees with these
explanations is Robert Mays, who has studied NDEs f
There are also people with hardly any brain;https://www.newscientist.com/article/dn12301-man-with-tiny-brain-shocks-doctors/ When you see the brain scans you will be amazed. Many year's back I did a study of this and when I came to it years later much of the information had gone, a brain surgeon and neuroscientists friends of mine told me the research had 'cut' because it proved that there was consciousness, that water contained memory and smacked of homeopathy and also that nature was more intelligent than human ego. That's exactly what we are up against now 2021 with science, technocracy, eugenics and transhumanism. Evolution as per human ego and immortality through cyborgism and afraid of death and the non belief in God, academics abhor creative design, intelligent design, 'creativism', Divine Intelligence. It has to be manmade.
Now coming back to the loom, unless one subscribes to incarnation which I do it seems some threads are left on a new loom other than that a new loom is crafted by brain washing, each new thread of warp and woof are ideas, cultural , political and religious or atheistic weaving until the whole lot of the original 'naked consciousness' is lost.
The Loom
All that above suggests to me that we are but a thought form Universe and of course academia will not allow this, well at least many would deny and simply say its all quantum and has not beginning or end and is just an accident of occurrence in time and space. Yet time and space maybe only a concept in a scientific theory and experienced by whom and what. AH! yes, over the billions of years the 'accident, by chance occurrence' self taught itself and so gained a 'library' of data and so became us in time and time was measured by its ability to grow and become more intelligent.
Now when in meditation and deep analysis without logic, pre judgement and so on, one can see by inculcation the narrative is carried on, unchallenged and so one wakes up and say who was I when the loom was bare, I was an experiencer, I was a witness, an awareness, that was consciousness and that is an intelligence without being taught by inheritance. So asks Zen 'show me your original face' 'Who were you before you were born' of course religion will tell you, you were a spirit and yet you cannot feel it, unless you go back to the loom and examine it. Psychiatrists may tell you and eminent, illustrious, distinguished and philosophers and so forth, eclectic sources may put forth that it is not possible to be the loom, I would agree one would need a sparse weft and woof to live in the world for the upkeep, safety and health of the body, mainly so called some what disparagingly native, ethnic, monk like and so forth.
This is the nub between philosophy, Western Psychiatry, science and the more eclectic variabilities and some Eastern thought or maybe no thought. This leads me to the fact there is no reality other than awareness without intention. This is scary because one is the loom and the basic nature of the loom is the link to 'who was I before I was born, in some sense there was never was a birth, and the only birth is it is that of the brain washing by inculcation. Inculcation is constant repetition until the layers are built and the mind imprisoned in programmes, agendas and like the loom the warp and weft build up a picture solid and so called reality and a safety device, I know because I see and touch it.
However the quantum era proves do your really see it, the Zen watching thoughts come and go like clouds and on viewing this may come to intuitively and spontaneously realise and awaken to the nature of thought and its origin and then experience a natural cessation of thought and feel a joy and peace that is 'out of this world'.
The comes the years and incarnations of the warp and weft of the ages, the billions of years of layers, like the strata of rocks and the weight of the processes of 'time' and the URGE that Life wants to move on, for all thought is based on accumulation of knowledge and so more layers.
Somehow in the mystery of the Life, Life itself wants to move on, in Its natural evolution and not a bastardised version of evolution which is now happening in 2021. The urge to discover my origins beyond brain washing is strong, powerful and meaningful, it is soul consuming and the shallow clouds of thought and its implications with attending emotions are no longer satisfying or edifying. That absence naturally spontaneously intuitively, that FLASH, that Awakening that shatters the very core and foundation of the brain washed regime, causes at first fear, then that fear lures one back to any form of thought security, fantasy or distraction and the sheer mass of thought (all is vibration and energy) which is magnetised into the collective unconscious and the Earth's Astral and etheric field will have to be recognized for its seduction and not by willpower and logic but the newly found Intuitive Spontaneous witness which somehow innately feels 'this is not of me'.
So now I ask myself or any reader; will I be brave enough to unpick the warp and weft, delve into my brainwashed conditioned mind, yes by examination first, then contemplation then by simply being still and being aware of the activities of the mind and not supressing, willing or any action and certainly not falling asleep or being hypnotised by the thoughtless joy and even moving on if there is such a thing and realising and acceptance there is not reality as such and the mystery of being here is just that a mystery and enjoying what is and moving on and not resting in mind stuff.
Hey happy dismantling, as the last bolts and nut with planks come off the scaffold and then -------?
The nucleus is a collection of particles called protons, which are positively charged, and neutrons, which are electrically neutral. Protons and neutrons are in turn made up of particles called quarks. The chemical element of an atom is determined by the number of protons, or the atomic number, Z, of the nucleus'
When you look again at the diagram at the top, it would appear that the nucleus is solid, these are then made up of quarks, yes there are neutrinos and they are looking at the Higgs Boson 'called the God Particle' and even that is being challenged and so we see there is nothing to 'hang one's hat on' and indeed is anything solid since all is made up of the empty atom. So who do we think we are---maybe a made up thought of ourselves or a Great Mind creator or an accident without cause? SHACK
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