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You know I say to myself as much as I comprehend that it is a thought form Universe and that everything is based on beliefs often taught and learned with complete acceptance and so one's own capacity to think outside the box is like one is blind and dumb mental acceptance and like sheep or a trained animal just is responding to a reaction and reflexes, often automatically and is 'not spontaneous' it seems like spontaneity and originality yet is a reaction to trained reflexes like driving a car or playing tennis. One may think down certain avenues that are repetitive and with a few minor tweaks here and there jump gladly to the assumption ' aren't I clever and original', in my view a relief from breaking free from the grasp of the brain washed conditioned prison of belief and inculcated thought.
The image above somehow encapsulates![]() |
Times Food The image above somehow encapsulates the idea and |
the difficulty of the incredulity I am endeavouring to portray it is never easy to describe or to put across the emotion or exact feel of the mental and psychological with tacit, tangible, palpable 'touchy feely' exact as I feel it at that moment.
I know how I feel about the thought forms and beliefs and well I know how fragile and useless they are at times of panic and extreme fear and stress and that they ARE ONLY THOUGHT FORMS that shape reality and really have no actual physical form or substance AND YET the worlds population BELIEVE and that belief is felt and seen as real, solid here and now.
I really struggle with this; everything in me sees this and that life styles are swappable are mere rafts that float on nebulous fuzzy clouds that are mere thought stuff, mind stuff and yet my incredulity, my chasm, my schism is such I believe and do not believe. Like the image above I am still held by the 'gravity and the inculcation' by the layers and layers of repetition from my early years and past lives that the strands of 'mind magnetic storage fields, the entrained synaptic reflex currents of energy' like the cheese somehow retain their grip on me ad my mind tussles with the thought of breaking loose and yet the lure of safety in the whole 'pizza' analogous to society, custom, religion, culture and life experience to my conditioned agendas that some trepidation remains.
Of course Zen and the empty mind has played a large part in this; my NDE showed me life after death is for real, Koan showed me the 'unfixed' mind, quantum shows me there is no such thing as solid and all possibilities and probabilities exist, meditation has shown me the floating illusion of thought and experienced the 'empty' mind. Then my rationale mind says, 'what having no fixed beliefs and the floating swappable life styles and really having no fixed identity which is a set of beliefs, idioms, sign posts, fences and perimeters, moral and a religious code and a humane moral compass, NO WAY, the rationale mind says, you will be mad man, psychotic, unwashed, unstable, lunatic, mumbling and roaming the world, lost in a sea of delirium and wanton lust or some such thing. A creature of no ambition, what will people think of you, where will you fit in, there is no description that fits you. AND YET I know this means freedom, joy and being au naturel is natures way.
This dichotomy strongly rears its head these days as the imposition of draconian laws (2020 /2021) has brought to the surface the division of ones humanness versus robotic and mechanical control, a world of greenery and beauty in contrast to a sterile world full of vaccinations, fear of Life, genetically altered everything from food to people to nature to the planets when humans get there in this present state of mind.
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