Thursday 11 July 2024



Courtesy  Natural Law of the Universe 1

The chaos of everything at times seems to be overbearing and we may seek to find a way out of it. Of course when it is war and attrition it is different to the chaos of the mind which at times gets stuck in a groove, a familiar sequence of events and sequences and one can stagnate with the same old same old and trying to select a new way, running through scenarios, searching in imagery and fantasy for a new way (reminding me of 'Nowhere to hang my Hat and all of that inculcation series of SHACKS) if we can stick it out and keep saying as I have recently ' I have never been in this space before and all the solutions and reasons why I am in it' and finally let it all go, with 'I DON'T KNOW' and the friends who tried this and that 'snap out of it, it's planetary alignments, you need flight fight reset, this vitamin will do the trick, be a Shaman and take the course, its a free seminar, webinar. Then it al drops away and there is nothing, no solution, wait patiently at the door even not doing that. I am trapped and surrounded by the prison of my old theories and lifestyle. Just let it be, the snake shedding its skin does this naturally, it maybe uncomfortable and feel vulnerable but it is the 'Dao / Tao the way of DO' THIS IS INDEED the Universe offering natural change which to the human mind may seem like chaos.  
In my workshop presentations I used to have an ice cube and if possible the participants as well and ask them to stop it melting in their open hand. The ice cub could be one's life style, occupation, beliefs. our bodies and so on and see how e could feel them go or remain empty if endeavouring to replace the cube with a makeover, a cosmetic job or reinvent the wheel anything to preserve the past, the past the storage tool of karma, the future so often the reinvention or modification of the past and seemingly new and fresh or is it?
So impermanence like chaos or some think chaos causes impermanence and visa versa, both however bring about change, they are disrupters of the known and even nature with its upheavals brings about the removal stagnation and ruts that bind itself to stagnation, and frees renewal and freedom. 

道   DO 
      when Sensei taught Judo he taught the ' Mushin is the “mind without mind,” a mental state where you don't feel preoccupied by anything and instead remain open to everything. Martial arts students learn that when you let your mind go quiet, you avoid making assumptions about the situation or trying to force a specific outcome.  At first one tries to repress the mind, think of nothing ands all sorts of strategies, Sensei used shouts, slaps to break the conditioned mind, it worked for me until I got into 'work', relationships and the world at large and Sensei went home to Japan. Then gradually through meditation doing and presenting workshops being a psychotherapist and seeing the horrors of forensics, then into quantum stuff the lessons on the DO came to me by 'wear and tear' and the old adage by Sensei 'At first a hill is a hill, then it becomes something else, then it becomes a hill again' and the Ten Ox herding pictures and process. Looking at the Sun and the adage ' Glorious Sun why are you setting, only to rise again' is it possible to break these cycles? only if one realises that your human body and mind are impermanent and enjoy these things of Earth without getting overly attached and releasing them without qualms, not psychologically saying 'ah well all things have to come to an end---big sigh' but to feel deeply it is not even there, the pond is still not even a ripple. This is the lesson of Life, nothing to stand on, rely on or grasp and yet a free happy mind-----NATURALLY. This is what Chaos and Impermanence offer, a gift from the Universe.

Courtesy Synonyms 
Prigogine's system of dissipative systems says a lot about the above as well.


The Universe came out of no-mind, space the womb of creation, then in life synchronicities seem to come from out of nowhere and nowhere is everywhere and has no form. The AH HA bursts forth like the 'big bang' an inspired event beyond time and space, this is the mysterious way of Life, the DO and Tao. Those that wait quietly and without fret shall reap that what is there apportioned lot. SHACK

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