Friday 19 July 2024



Courtesy Self Awareness

Going to the image above I feel the piece of the puzzle in the hand is the crux and crucial factor. I feel there is a consciousness of awareness that is not physical. When I am still I feel my 'mind' as it were, empty, bright, alive and it is not related to bodily factors.  

I feel my aliveness without thought or body, I am in that moment aware of my awareness, it is not describable, its a feeling and any attempt to grasp it, dispels that feeling, I realise that this awareness is there all the time even in the busy mind stream, somehow I know, not with reminders or mantras or positive statements ' I am that'. 

Then the thinking intellectual logical mind that inquisitive entity that wants to know and that is alright as long as that mind wants to be the rock of understanding and security and says' unless I know and understand I feel not complete and uneasy as I sense there is something impermanent in the shifting sands of the intellect'.  

It seems that this awareness of awareness being aware of Itself has no logical intellectual academic faculty and yet when it is experienced brings complete assurance and security  without promise or proof it just knows, it intuitively knows and understands without proof or without the need for convincing Itself,  it is self assured.

The the ego feels envious and gathers more analysis, explanations in order not to be usurped  for in truth the ego feels it is a collection of experiences, thoughts, beliefs and impermanent transitory data and it can shift and conjugate, reconfigure and compute any of its data in order to suit the situation. 

It is when the ego computations, the conniving and scheming get boring or do not have use, or one realises that one has been conditioned, brain washed and under mild or severe inculcation and that the awareness is there as the background the canvas and emptiness that creation came about and that one can then come to this sort of statement; the ego has no real foundation or base, it shifts with circumstances and cannot be relied on entirely, the awareness of the awareness really seems to be the rock and yet is not tangible as the ego substances and manifestation of its data juggling so the question remains?

Am I the Awareness that simple or has the ego manifested this feeling to ensure it survives by subterfuge, by the magicians sleight of hand so to speak and all this feeling of self awareness another cunning snare by a really fierce and powerful foe? 


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