Tuesday 2 July 2024


Courtesy Dreamtime 1

 This article may cause consternation for I feel Karma is in a way non existent. OK so what follows may challenge intellectual and ego logic, perhaps some of it is, again one must decide and feel the context before blowing in a fit of anger or a challenging the intellect and who does this smart ass think he is challenging years of tradition and disciplines, away with you sir and repent. Oh dear me.

Courtesy Pinterest 2

Many articles back I wrote about this and a brief synopsis will follow; I wrote about inculcation which is defined as 'the instilling of knowledge or values in someone, usually by repetition. To inculcate is to instil or impress an idea on someone, so inculcation is the process of instilling or impressing ideas. A lot of teaching is a form of inculcation: teachers repeat information to students, hoping it will sink in'. I feel this is a form of brain washing. Should this conditioning sink right in so to speak, this becomes one's identity, belief system and can allow for some variance and become reality and a firm base and stance. That's OK until it clashes with another's reality and in extreme events cause fractured relationships and even war.

Courtesy Bridging the Gap 3
    Then perhaps one day it may first begin as a bubble and then become a bit more of a compulsive itch about life and the origins of life then it explodes into a realisation and to a shock 'everything I know and am I've been taught, I didn't even choose my name or religion or lifestyle, I am a clone more or less, I am second hand clothing' and what's more I have inherited the time line and karma of many generations, I carry the burden on my back and what's more I realise most of us have been cloned like this and I can try another religion lifestyle and yet they are always someone else's ideas. I am OK with anybody who wants to be in the karma passed down to them by the timeline of family, tradition and lifestyle, politic or dogma as long as they do not want to proselyte me or call me a heathen even so what does it all mean, they are not talking from sense they like me are talking from their identifying reality.
Courtesy ImgFlip  4

Then one can come the realisation if we are all inculcated then who are we when the brain washing is removed and is there a personality left to identify with and realising not to blame our parents or anyone else, this is not past and it takes a time to live with the withdrawal symptoms and not rely on one's past and conditioning and react like a programmed robot. Up till this point we have a plan, an implant of ideas and we elaborate enhance our brain washing it still has the fundamental rituals and gambits and we are often enticed to find a stable foundation and a program a stratagem to convince ourselves that we will form an identity a formal core which is 'me or 'I' and find a hook to hang my hat. Then we may start our own brand of karma and time line which we think is original yet is but a mixture and borrowed from other time lines and karmic influences.
Yes realising this can lead to an identity crisis, the crisis of no identity through the realisation that all identities were brought about by cloning and inherited inculcations and a mind that realises all is but taught thought from generations and all brain washing are repeated pounding and repetitions of dominating control mechanisms all suited to the era and religion, culture and ethos at the time of one's birth and carried on with little alteration to death.  Some would say better the karma and time line than no identity. Some imagine that no identity is depressing, boring, stagnant however should one relinquish the perceived starkness of no identity and really truly have a deep visceral or enlightening touch of it, not a blank supressed mind filled with a mantra or such like, not a trance or hypnotic  frequency of such like not sleep, day dream but a beautiful free emptiness of quiet dynamic tranquillity.

Courtesy Deepak Chopra  5
This all depends on which way you meditate; there is meditation and meditation, this is another article, however whatever leads you to the stateless state if there is such a domain and there is natural freedom and bliss then one is thoughtless. This is the path to going beyond, behind, underneath or anything, in fact there is no anything and karma and timelines no longer exist.
All thinking is a result of the beliefs, concepts and inculcative inputs and stored in a box named ego or rather a containment energy field. Thinking is a reaction to the past.  
Perhaps we can say that Karma is the result of brainwashing repeated down generations and supposed new ideologies usually a rehash of the past ones, so recognising that brainwashing covers the Spirit, the consciousness of SELF, the Divine and so realising this is the first step, then may follow should I realise this profoundly, I may realise I have no foundation or reality as beforehand even loss of an actual identity, then this may cause anxiety and concern and perhaps returning to some exotic or appealing ideal or cult and so on, then perhaps one is piqued and then slowly relaxes and accepts bit by bit as it were, the need for an identity as such and even tries to make no identity an identity and is not entirely ready to relinquish one's personality and sense of ego self entirely and should one go the whole hog one may find a resounding peace and it maybe clear the Karmic timelines and accrue very little karma until demise.


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