Tuesday 23 July 2024


Courtesy Classical Conditioning

 The above image is a classical conditioning re Ivan Pavlov. Humans get similar and then conceptual conditioning, the signals and flavours to the senses vary from animals to humans.

Through  many Zen and self growth one can come to see this conditioning and then one 'feel see' it it is like a net as below;
Courtesy Research Net

  Imagine the mind being filled with the dots at every intersection and these can be  cross-referenced and brought together to form sequences of thoughts and beliefs and this is the net of conditioning. The gaps is awareness and this is the light, the net the lampshade and dots are the inculcations.

Imagine you are laying on this net made of fragile material and can rupture and so you may fall into the unknown and this might be scary, so you might spend energy frantically or a deliberate slow methodical way to strengthen the net mainly by adding more dots. Then an awakening as to the nature of this net begins to dawn and the fear increases what is there below or whatever. I have no security, no reality without the net.

The fear maybe I fall into oblivion or a hard fall and kill myself, since this a mind thing I will get senile, be a mumbling mess, a madman, or just some sort of hellish mind trap or I might have nightmare of constantly falling and nowhere to land and this repeats as well as some other reoccurring dream or anxiety syndrome.

Then having awakened to the feeling experienced in mediation or some other means of the absence of dots that is thoughts and so on and not fallen asleep and one acquaints oneself as to the gaps and they are quiet, calm a world apart so it may seem and the net is used as resource for everyday living and facilities, then one may not be afraid to drop through even knowing there is no safety net and one just keeps on falling, but not falling, nor floating just residing in that space until returning to the net for such is the nature of humans until demise and who knows what then, desiring the net of conditioning or being the awareness of awareness.

Really there never has been a safety net from the time of being for the nature of the Dao / Tao, the Do, the way less way, is impermanence and transience.  


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