Sunday 25 August 2024



Courtesy AZ Quotes

I came from somewhere and I will go to somewhere. What is this somewhere? And what is this I? Is there a somewhere? Are birth and death opposites? Are they not cycles like the seasons, like hair growing, the body doing its thing? It happens, it is the way of things. Or are coming and going an illusion, a deluded mind mere imagining this drama. What is mind? Am I the dream of myself and if so who is this dreamer? This dreamer is an illusive being and is being an experiencer of awareness and is awareness consciousness aware of Itself and who brought consciousness into Being? Let it be, give the head a rest and surrender to Life and what whatever purpose it has.

Life composes of the dualism regarding birth and death, so life has no opposites, it is as a crest of wave and the trough of the wave and the wave of life will go on whether the human ego wishes it otherwise, birth and death are complimentary.

The body has the same intelligence as the Universe, an intelligence far ahead of the ego, the body gets unwell because of ego suppositions. I try to heal my pains and woes and I set up the conflict resulting in anxiety and fear. Why do I not let the body know that I trust its innate intelligence by being still, quiet and feeling and listening with an inner ear to that quietness when the cacophony of fearsome thought has quietened down and then the stillness is there, it has not returned, it has always been there wherever there is.

  So in birth it happened naturally, perhaps my mother had a painful time birthing me and had thoughts and feelings passed into my nervous system, however my NDE was easy and did not require effort so my death will be without effort I did nothing to assist my birth or NDE and if my ego tussles with my demise and I do not not surrender to its flow and knowing I did nothing to grow hair, calibrate the seasons only the fear thoughts of illness, medical procedures, horrible needles and apparatus and yet the surrender of the last cool, relaxed breath and the smile of wonder as I ride on that breath like a wave taking me out to the horizon and leaving me there. Its Ok just surrender to everyday life and realise apart from shopping and various other 'household stuff doing its thing' Life brought me here and takes me back and I am helpless in Its hands unless I realise to let Life transport me or whatever me / I is and if that be oblivion or whatever then so be it.


Friday 23 August 2024


Courtesy Vector Stock 1

 For everyday living reasons maybe worthwhile, like not picking up burning hot pan and so on however I wonder if trying to fathom out the deep meanings of the Universe and its origin is a worthwhile pursuit. OK, quantum stuff and the ingredients of the atom and so on may be useful for weaponry, computers, some medical procedures, transport and in general technocracy and perhaps making living easier against the rape of nature for the raw materials and the lust for power.

I have seen in myself how my inquisitive mind and the need to know and not only for knowledge but for being sure, safe and how this can become a reality as to if I know I am sure and if I do not know I am unsure, not safe, confident. This becomes a habit and the need to know can be obsessive and the collective is the ego, which surrounds and endorses the pursuit of these obscurities which could confound the ego and so cause trauma or an obsessive behaviour syndrome. 

Having delved into the mysteries of the quantum stuff and arriving at the 'Empty Atom' one of the reasons for not going into a mind junk field, like; if the atom is empty how come form arrives and often by a plan or design, that I have gone into elsewhere?
Courtesy Side Player 2

So like image 2 there is this paradox, a koan and yet it says electrons and so on what are we referring too 'Rather, electrons are quantum objects. Along with all other quantum objects, an electron is partly a wave and partly a particle. To be more accurate, an electron is neither literally a traditional wave nor a traditional particle, but is instead a quantized fluctuating probability wavefunction' so there you go and the further you go down the 'rabbit hole' the more or less actual touch and solid things go actually a great scientist said they are mind stuff its is consciousness, Its all in the mind and Sensei  / Sifu once joked ' I don't mind and you don't matter'  They went onto to say that you don't matter was not an insult according to atomic stuff you are not matter.
Courtesy you tube 3
In in image 3 science does furnish an explanation but it just boggles the mind and my answer to that is that is how the Universe and its design made it so. I'll come to that a little bit down. 
Courtesy Rajnago 4
So having confounded and researching I came to this; there is this mystery of how the Universe came into being, a big bang and who created the big bang, did God create the Universe and who and what God and did and is the Big Bang is the same as God, that is God having a 'AH HA' and this massive inspiration gave into a large outbreath and desire and hence the Big Bang, honestly I haven't a clue. I think I might be on the right track, but really Geoff old boy SHACK old boy, I am not into believing any theory, I just don't know. I am like a dog chasing its tail, until this as follows.
Courtesy  Redbubble I don't know meme 4
Maybe because I am elderly or something I really have to say 'does one really have to have a reason for the deep mystery of the origin of the Universe'? For me it is a relief to let that go and further more all those early thoughts, I have a mission, because of the NDE, who was I from another incarnation, have I come back to expiate for some horrendous malice I did and this is because I am here to clear up unfinished business? Have I a mission to help save the world or be of some importance and help my family local and wordily? I used to think and feel such things and it gave me a reason to live.  
Courtesy Medium

I seem to love life or rather a deep acceptance of Life and I just don't know why. I can think of no reason to love life and that's it there for no reason, I just love life. I love life in an unemotional way it is a deep acceptance of life and yet there are times when I wish it were not so painful and I wonder why Life is so contrary, why so many contradictions and yet this passes like a cloud and my curiosity as to why and when fades and the whims of Life is what makes Life what it is. I feel that the reasons for the Universe and all, that is the the empty atoms that are 'my' atoms and all atoms of everything are resonating and so are seamless and joined at a fundamental level if there is such a thing or substance or if anything is 'real' and it is all the mind, that is all is consciousness and I am not entirely sure what that is. It's Ok to no have reason---isn't it?

It is a mystery and I am content to a point to let it be so and Life whatever that is will let me know somehow somewhere whatever is needed. Of cause that's all baloney as well.


Friday 16 August 2024



Courtesy to Pinterest and Geometric Freedom 1

I have known this, I have felt this, , I have admired, been grateful, however the really sincere beyond feelings, beyond words and a real appreciation that goes beyond, above, below, underneath and all else there are no dimensions, words or feelings, but something that stirred within my heart as though it were physical and yet touched the frontal lobes as well as it were. 

The endless abundant supply of Life in me and the Universe and the Great Spirit that just keeps giving, giving, giving. How arrogant to say me and the Universe, in this human form given to me I realise I share this Life, this energy with the Universe and realise how little I know of the reason or the ability to sustain the Universe and I and even care to sustain us, what mystery and what loving care.

Dear Creator I am amazed, spellbound and so, so grateful for this life and although it has been sorrowful, frightening, and bodily in pain at times, the money, the food, the synchronicities and the wonder at the beauty of Earth and yet the suffering of wars caused by the wonderful gift of freewill and the desecration of sacred things and the planet all this and you still give, give for me I do nothing to make this happen, I sit back lazily, indolently enjoying the pleasures of this Life given so freely to my ancestors and me and not always giving thanks, returning the love given by you and sometimes cursing my luck, swearing at ill fortune, angry at misfortune and impudent and skittish and YET you keep giving.

This morning after many acknowledgements and grateful utterances I felt on a level if you can quantify the depth of feelings in their sincerity and heart felt intensity a deep something stirring of a real sincere and not lip service, gratitude beyond to an amazing astounding implication that you Great Spirit, The Source of Life, The creator really, really care and many of my doubts like creepy shadows to cast doubt and separation and to allow negative and darkness in have in that moment of deep, deep recognition exposed a seed that will always be there that always was there and will be there and it although maybe clouded can never be erased and that feeling of your love and care will be fixed and glued and no matter what will last endlessly.  

This feeling of gratitude did not evoke an emotional outpouring of gibberish and utterances as at times when this endless supply caught my fractious demeanour, this was a 'light' of knowing beyond intuition as if it were an indisputable fact, so ordinary, so true and yet so profound, it set something free in the presumptuous ego mind that binds me to pettiness and imprisonment of the free spirit. Something so simple and yet so shockingly brazen as to free a log filled ego and thick resistant logical and intellectual set of anguished tangled thoughts and cacophony to cause a crack and fissure in a so huge and predominant structure is the wonder of this gratefulness and the seed of love without ending.


Wednesday 14 August 2024


Courtesy There is no teacher of Zen 1

How can you teach Zen when there is nothing to teach? Teaching implies there is something to verbalise, make a statement and in essence Zen is without words but a direct experience of the transcendence not by effort or ego contrivances of intellectual academic logical or even abstract thought the absolute eradication of inculcation, the cloned mind, a mind emptied of content and yet aware of itself and fully present, fully present without content.  This then is not definable and so the word Zen is of no use.

Courtesy Zen symbol Vector Art 2
When the mind is seen as the content of thought and thought then experienced as an appearance of learned pass down data and it appears and is recognised by the awareness and that the awareness is the screen on which this data arises from a store of thoughts then the illusion of thought is comprehended and not a necessity, a necessity for every day simple living only then it is quietly dropped as to its primary importance and as in Image 2 one is is less cluttered and the gaps are then incorporated and peace ensues.

What is Zen then, perhaps another thought that can be dropped and yet Zen did have a purpose, the purpose being to enable the comprehension of no thought and no mind and as to what  is comprehension ----well?


geoff AKA shack

Wednesday 7 August 2024


Courtesy Live Spirit

It is the flow of the life Eternal through spirit, mind, and body, that cleanses, heals, restores. renews, youth and passes onto to others, with the same miracle working power.(from old calendar inspired and channelled by two elderly ladies in the thirties and from the God Calling series A.J Russel)

This 'touched me deeply' I have shared before many, many times  this inexplicable feeling that comes about at spontaneous time and just at times being still, quiet and even in movement and noise although less.  

It is the same kind of thing as in the bible; 

Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

Isaiah 40:31

But those who wait on the Lord Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not ..

My experience and interpretation has been that it does not give me physical strength but renewal of the mind not more energy but more rest and peace, I feel young, I soar not in laughter or mirth but in dynamic tranquillity, I feel the Lord is inner peace and no thought as such and waiting is the quiet relaxation, meditation and it is like a cistern filling up, it is not a physical vigour but a quiet steady renewal of spirit of mind, not intellectual or academic but a quiet steady stream of something Divine. I do connect with youths, running and not being weary, I feel this has never been, in years gone by I have been athletic and never felt this energy, only when I meditated and kept from activity.

It seems to be a renewal of mind and not so much body, for instance now at my age of 85 and my mobility is affected due to vaccine injury and an accident years back to my Achilles Tendon it does not seem to assist the physical but the mind is benefitting and in the sense of I feel the 'energy of spirit flow' and at times I feel I could follow that feeling and die without organ failure or disease.

I wish to die naturally and I have seen videos of Yogis who just pronounced their death and died, I even have seen a YouTube one by a Buddhist monk who did this.

This the video and explained by the Sad Guru, I am not a follower of any guru, sect or religion however this is the only video I can find like this. I feel that I could leave on and in this energy stream, I do not know whether this will be so or just a natural wish to go peacefully and not suffer. Many times I have felt to leave, not through trauma but just that it is time to go and I get a very subtle message not yet, your time is not yet.

                                                        SHACK aka GEOFF



Courtesy Some1 and Nevo

For some time now I have been in communication with a RAV and a DYAN and who hold the Yadin Yadin office and are of the experience of the הֲלָכָה hălāḵā,( Jewish Law) I have not mentioned these two Rabbi's, perhaps once way back as we have been in communication and sometimes with a Imam, a Bishop  along with an astrobiologist. Mainly it is the RAV and myself. The RAV brought up this psalm 63.1 and it is similar to the SHACK 4055, 4056,4057 and this one.

O God, you are my God, earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you, my body longs for you, in a dry and weary land where there is no water.  63.1
I Offered SHACK 4045 / 6 / 7 and this one for comment and discussion as I had felt these hungers, the call and the nourishment that came from these when in the stillness and the beckoning just before the immersion or spontaneous 'switch' to quietness and peace and how the weariness, the flagging chattering mind felt not defeated or harmed but naturally seeking more or rather nourishment of a more subtle 'energy' vibration that satisfied the soul and was becoming more evident and sustaining.   
We felt it was not because of our age, because we had felt this way back in intermittent interludes and I had felt this in my youth after the Koan event. The RAV had felt that in Yeshiva (college for studying Jewish law, Collages for studying Quran and the Imam and Bishop and Scientist had felt similar stirrings, that something deep within was ' calling them' the scientist felt there was something beyond academic science and the atom and that no religion could explain or if they did it was just words and the 'touch' of the call and its feel actually like all of us produced a hunger saliva literally and we all felt some sort of reassurance yet felt also the pains and tragedies of life, the growing pains and injustices. 
So we all earnestly seek you, Great Spirit is all we can say and what name you appeal to us, we can feel no rest although our religions and science or our predilection offer some cold comfort, and the touch of this mysterious Spirit offers more than words and some techniques in a dry and weary land where all our accomplishments and prestige does not suffice, water does not quench the inner thirst, exercise, comfort and fine food does but a smidgeon for our bodies and although some of us are feeble in our older years that touch of spirit revives us, not to walk again, but to live in joy and know there is something other than this Earthly life.
The dear friends mentioned above wish to remain anonymous as their particular Earthly Life predilection is at odds with its law and lore and yet they wish to remain in the hope that the bastions of their faith may go beyond the book and embrace the 'hunger of the thirsty soul' may touch them and they will feel and hear the call of that mariners say was a siren's call. Imagine a mariner on watch in a silent sail ship of old, the sea calm, the Moon softly drifting by as it were with sparse clouds, the sea softly caressing the side of the craft and out of the Moon lit darkish night came the haunting call. It touched something in their hearts and soft sounds brought peace, feeling this without any scenario and the cry of the lone wolf bring a touch of the magic of nature however to feel this in bed, on a train, doing yoga or Qi Gong, in prayer and in desperation, then the dry and weary land is not a weary land is no more and the waters of life flow abundantly.


Saturday 3 August 2024



Courtesy Pipe Line Artists

One thing I ask from the Lord,
    this only do I seek:
that I may dwell in the house of the Lord
    all the days of my life,
to gaze on the beauty of the Lord
    and to seek him in his temple.

I sometimes find quotes and articles from all sects, religions  and all sources and this one as above came to me and I have my own interpretation of it and I trust this will not offend the many who have their faith and prayer as their predilection.

One thing I ask of Spirit, that in the stillness of my mind, which is my Temple, that I remain in this peace and gaze at the glow of the Spirit light all the days of my Earthly Life and seek Spirit continually even at the passing from this Earthly cocoon. 


Friday 2 August 2024

SHACK 4055 The Call

Courtesy  Lone  1
I could well name this the cry of the lone spiritual Warrior, the call to spirit, the spiritual Samurai ka, the call of the unknown, the call of the wild and so many other epithets. No image of words describes what my deep soul journey expresses or feels. 

Courtesy 2

From the age of four when I had NDE I felt I was different not so much physical although I was a sick child living with a parental unease and the second world war in an evacuated out of London town. I never really made friends although I had many and realised I was a loner as I soon found out. In those days it felt uneasy and baffling and yet there was a part of me that survived and in someway thrived. 

Later at work my workmates and friends thought I might be 'queer, gay a homo' and yet as soon as I felt a call, at first to the Judo and the aesthetic and something else calling. I found all religions old, antiquated, they had served their purpose and this meditation and quite and the discipline I was being exposed to by Sensei and later on Sifu was satisfying something deep within me and yet it avoided my grasping mind to capture it and live it and the more I tried to possess it the more it distanced itself from me, how could this be? Two of me THAT and the other grasping me. My relationships with girls and women I enjoyed and they said there was a part of me they could not reach in fact nor could I, they said I was a lone wolf and as the years went on I became that especially now in my middle eighties and I don't feel lonely and thrive in silence and being 'me' whatever that is. 

Because of the ' pathless path I  tread, no definite discipline just some rudimentary routines to keep body and soul together so to speak' I have become isolated from family and friends and it does not unduly bother me, accept at moments wondering at the mysterious events in life some have been life threatening and precarious which by the unknown hand brought about chaos and now seen as synchronistic. This jigsaw of seemingly displaced events come together mysteriously so seemed and yet another piece to the puzzle.   

Many of the routines, disciplines have been discarded and at first it alarmed me and now just going along with the chaos of chaos world wide and personally and yet feel relatively OK with it and not turning a blind eye to the world and its affairs. 

' Psalm 42.1 'As a hart panteth after the clear cool brook'  (hart -male deer) I just love this quote and it goes on to say 'so I long for you dear God'. There is a definite hunger, a call, somewhere within as distinct from outside, the lack of an auditory sound I cannot say inner or outer a knowing apart from the human senses as it were, I just know. I have like many others tried to define God even in my early exposure to the Torah as a Jew then breaking free of all doctrines, even the Japanese / Chinese philosophies and a late Shamanic Andes, Siberian 'call' to simply just feel the call as it were and not try to understand what God is or not, neither go into Shamanic levels through, imagery, ritual , burning incense and yet if called will do so.  

I have realised that this call is so strong that at the deepest sorrow and life threat it has managed to come through like rescuers searching for bodies after an Earthquake, not healing or a miracle, although some were, but reassurance that all is well even unto pain, suffering and death, this call is deep, only not deep as thought, it is buried under the inculcation of the ages and has always been there yet the inculcated material has seduced by habit and the reward of the flesh temporarily 'hidden and obscured' that which is the call and its feeling.  

The call is the longing of the soul to be one with the Universal soul, in fact it is one with the ONE but is tricked by the temptress of worldly acquisition and hoarding that rusts and decays as does the precious gift of my body, although now feeble and lame in parts, yet still precious and loving.

I really do feel a thirst and no amount of fluids can abate it, there is a difference from sexual thirst, hydration thirst, wealth thirst it is a longing ancient and before the Universe was formed, it is beyond the ken of mind or men.  'Scottish “Di ye ken fit like, y'ken”. 

 May I suggest you read SHACK 21 Angel Face, I thought and felt this was the one but she was as I was and gradually we felt to be apart and both find what it was, she and I got the call and we slipped apart, in pain and somewhat heartbroken, but we knew the call was and is so powerful and as wonderful as our relationship was the union with the call and its 'feel' was and is supreme, although we may not complete Union in this life.

The is no more to say; for going further would defeat the purpose of not knowing because this beyond knowing and any attempt to define or verbalise this puts into ego wanting to capture the not knowing into a knowing an intellectual understanding and some sort theory, religion, spiritual practise, I feel to go on blindly, without much guidance and reassurance not really knowing or understanding and in this somewhat desolate place, a desert in the world without some edifying morsel I stumble and yet there is this call which sustains me in a way that is not physical, psychological or any mental stability and yet as I lurch on wondering why I am here and yet somehow knowing I should be for utterly no reason at all I feel only the cry of the lone wolf, the spiritual warrior and am I in delusion or illusion I have no idea and as for enlightenment the phrase comes to mind 'you must be joking'.