Friday 16 August 2024



Courtesy to Pinterest and Geometric Freedom 1

I have known this, I have felt this, , I have admired, been grateful, however the really sincere beyond feelings, beyond words and a real appreciation that goes beyond, above, below, underneath and all else there are no dimensions, words or feelings, but something that stirred within my heart as though it were physical and yet touched the frontal lobes as well as it were. 

The endless abundant supply of Life in me and the Universe and the Great Spirit that just keeps giving, giving, giving. How arrogant to say me and the Universe, in this human form given to me I realise I share this Life, this energy with the Universe and realise how little I know of the reason or the ability to sustain the Universe and I and even care to sustain us, what mystery and what loving care.

Dear Creator I am amazed, spellbound and so, so grateful for this life and although it has been sorrowful, frightening, and bodily in pain at times, the money, the food, the synchronicities and the wonder at the beauty of Earth and yet the suffering of wars caused by the wonderful gift of freewill and the desecration of sacred things and the planet all this and you still give, give for me I do nothing to make this happen, I sit back lazily, indolently enjoying the pleasures of this Life given so freely to my ancestors and me and not always giving thanks, returning the love given by you and sometimes cursing my luck, swearing at ill fortune, angry at misfortune and impudent and skittish and YET you keep giving.

This morning after many acknowledgements and grateful utterances I felt on a level if you can quantify the depth of feelings in their sincerity and heart felt intensity a deep something stirring of a real sincere and not lip service, gratitude beyond to an amazing astounding implication that you Great Spirit, The Source of Life, The creator really, really care and many of my doubts like creepy shadows to cast doubt and separation and to allow negative and darkness in have in that moment of deep, deep recognition exposed a seed that will always be there that always was there and will be there and it although maybe clouded can never be erased and that feeling of your love and care will be fixed and glued and no matter what will last endlessly.  

This feeling of gratitude did not evoke an emotional outpouring of gibberish and utterances as at times when this endless supply caught my fractious demeanour, this was a 'light' of knowing beyond intuition as if it were an indisputable fact, so ordinary, so true and yet so profound, it set something free in the presumptuous ego mind that binds me to pettiness and imprisonment of the free spirit. Something so simple and yet so shockingly brazen as to free a log filled ego and thick resistant logical and intellectual set of anguished tangled thoughts and cacophony to cause a crack and fissure in a so huge and predominant structure is the wonder of this gratefulness and the seed of love without ending.


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