Wednesday 7 August 2024



Courtesy Some1 and Nevo

For some time now I have been in communication with a RAV and a DYAN and who hold the Yadin Yadin office and are of the experience of the הֲלָכָה hălāḵā,( Jewish Law) I have not mentioned these two Rabbi's, perhaps once way back as we have been in communication and sometimes with a Imam, a Bishop  along with an astrobiologist. Mainly it is the RAV and myself. The RAV brought up this psalm 63.1 and it is similar to the SHACK 4055, 4056,4057 and this one.

O God, you are my God, earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you, my body longs for you, in a dry and weary land where there is no water.  63.1
I Offered SHACK 4045 / 6 / 7 and this one for comment and discussion as I had felt these hungers, the call and the nourishment that came from these when in the stillness and the beckoning just before the immersion or spontaneous 'switch' to quietness and peace and how the weariness, the flagging chattering mind felt not defeated or harmed but naturally seeking more or rather nourishment of a more subtle 'energy' vibration that satisfied the soul and was becoming more evident and sustaining.   
We felt it was not because of our age, because we had felt this way back in intermittent interludes and I had felt this in my youth after the Koan event. The RAV had felt that in Yeshiva (college for studying Jewish law, Collages for studying Quran and the Imam and Bishop and Scientist had felt similar stirrings, that something deep within was ' calling them' the scientist felt there was something beyond academic science and the atom and that no religion could explain or if they did it was just words and the 'touch' of the call and its feel actually like all of us produced a hunger saliva literally and we all felt some sort of reassurance yet felt also the pains and tragedies of life, the growing pains and injustices. 
So we all earnestly seek you, Great Spirit is all we can say and what name you appeal to us, we can feel no rest although our religions and science or our predilection offer some cold comfort, and the touch of this mysterious Spirit offers more than words and some techniques in a dry and weary land where all our accomplishments and prestige does not suffice, water does not quench the inner thirst, exercise, comfort and fine food does but a smidgeon for our bodies and although some of us are feeble in our older years that touch of spirit revives us, not to walk again, but to live in joy and know there is something other than this Earthly life.
The dear friends mentioned above wish to remain anonymous as their particular Earthly Life predilection is at odds with its law and lore and yet they wish to remain in the hope that the bastions of their faith may go beyond the book and embrace the 'hunger of the thirsty soul' may touch them and they will feel and hear the call of that mariners say was a siren's call. Imagine a mariner on watch in a silent sail ship of old, the sea calm, the Moon softly drifting by as it were with sparse clouds, the sea softly caressing the side of the craft and out of the Moon lit darkish night came the haunting call. It touched something in their hearts and soft sounds brought peace, feeling this without any scenario and the cry of the lone wolf bring a touch of the magic of nature however to feel this in bed, on a train, doing yoga or Qi Gong, in prayer and in desperation, then the dry and weary land is not a weary land is no more and the waters of life flow abundantly.


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