Wednesday 7 August 2024


Courtesy Live Spirit

It is the flow of the life Eternal through spirit, mind, and body, that cleanses, heals, restores. renews, youth and passes onto to others, with the same miracle working power.(from old calendar inspired and channelled by two elderly ladies in the thirties and from the God Calling series A.J Russel)

This 'touched me deeply' I have shared before many, many times  this inexplicable feeling that comes about at spontaneous time and just at times being still, quiet and even in movement and noise although less.  

It is the same kind of thing as in the bible; 

Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

Isaiah 40:31

But those who wait on the Lord Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not ..

My experience and interpretation has been that it does not give me physical strength but renewal of the mind not more energy but more rest and peace, I feel young, I soar not in laughter or mirth but in dynamic tranquillity, I feel the Lord is inner peace and no thought as such and waiting is the quiet relaxation, meditation and it is like a cistern filling up, it is not a physical vigour but a quiet steady renewal of spirit of mind, not intellectual or academic but a quiet steady stream of something Divine. I do connect with youths, running and not being weary, I feel this has never been, in years gone by I have been athletic and never felt this energy, only when I meditated and kept from activity.

It seems to be a renewal of mind and not so much body, for instance now at my age of 85 and my mobility is affected due to vaccine injury and an accident years back to my Achilles Tendon it does not seem to assist the physical but the mind is benefitting and in the sense of I feel the 'energy of spirit flow' and at times I feel I could follow that feeling and die without organ failure or disease.

I wish to die naturally and I have seen videos of Yogis who just pronounced their death and died, I even have seen a YouTube one by a Buddhist monk who did this.

This the video and explained by the Sad Guru, I am not a follower of any guru, sect or religion however this is the only video I can find like this. I feel that I could leave on and in this energy stream, I do not know whether this will be so or just a natural wish to go peacefully and not suffer. Many times I have felt to leave, not through trauma but just that it is time to go and I get a very subtle message not yet, your time is not yet.

                                                        SHACK aka GEOFF

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