Friday 23 August 2024


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 For everyday living reasons maybe worthwhile, like not picking up burning hot pan and so on however I wonder if trying to fathom out the deep meanings of the Universe and its origin is a worthwhile pursuit. OK, quantum stuff and the ingredients of the atom and so on may be useful for weaponry, computers, some medical procedures, transport and in general technocracy and perhaps making living easier against the rape of nature for the raw materials and the lust for power.

I have seen in myself how my inquisitive mind and the need to know and not only for knowledge but for being sure, safe and how this can become a reality as to if I know I am sure and if I do not know I am unsure, not safe, confident. This becomes a habit and the need to know can be obsessive and the collective is the ego, which surrounds and endorses the pursuit of these obscurities which could confound the ego and so cause trauma or an obsessive behaviour syndrome. 

Having delved into the mysteries of the quantum stuff and arriving at the 'Empty Atom' one of the reasons for not going into a mind junk field, like; if the atom is empty how come form arrives and often by a plan or design, that I have gone into elsewhere?
Courtesy Side Player 2

So like image 2 there is this paradox, a koan and yet it says electrons and so on what are we referring too 'Rather, electrons are quantum objects. Along with all other quantum objects, an electron is partly a wave and partly a particle. To be more accurate, an electron is neither literally a traditional wave nor a traditional particle, but is instead a quantized fluctuating probability wavefunction' so there you go and the further you go down the 'rabbit hole' the more or less actual touch and solid things go actually a great scientist said they are mind stuff its is consciousness, Its all in the mind and Sensei  / Sifu once joked ' I don't mind and you don't matter'  They went onto to say that you don't matter was not an insult according to atomic stuff you are not matter.
Courtesy you tube 3
In in image 3 science does furnish an explanation but it just boggles the mind and my answer to that is that is how the Universe and its design made it so. I'll come to that a little bit down. 
Courtesy Rajnago 4
So having confounded and researching I came to this; there is this mystery of how the Universe came into being, a big bang and who created the big bang, did God create the Universe and who and what God and did and is the Big Bang is the same as God, that is God having a 'AH HA' and this massive inspiration gave into a large outbreath and desire and hence the Big Bang, honestly I haven't a clue. I think I might be on the right track, but really Geoff old boy SHACK old boy, I am not into believing any theory, I just don't know. I am like a dog chasing its tail, until this as follows.
Courtesy  Redbubble I don't know meme 4
Maybe because I am elderly or something I really have to say 'does one really have to have a reason for the deep mystery of the origin of the Universe'? For me it is a relief to let that go and further more all those early thoughts, I have a mission, because of the NDE, who was I from another incarnation, have I come back to expiate for some horrendous malice I did and this is because I am here to clear up unfinished business? Have I a mission to help save the world or be of some importance and help my family local and wordily? I used to think and feel such things and it gave me a reason to live.  
Courtesy Medium

I seem to love life or rather a deep acceptance of Life and I just don't know why. I can think of no reason to love life and that's it there for no reason, I just love life. I love life in an unemotional way it is a deep acceptance of life and yet there are times when I wish it were not so painful and I wonder why Life is so contrary, why so many contradictions and yet this passes like a cloud and my curiosity as to why and when fades and the whims of Life is what makes Life what it is. I feel that the reasons for the Universe and all, that is the the empty atoms that are 'my' atoms and all atoms of everything are resonating and so are seamless and joined at a fundamental level if there is such a thing or substance or if anything is 'real' and it is all the mind, that is all is consciousness and I am not entirely sure what that is. It's Ok to no have reason---isn't it?

It is a mystery and I am content to a point to let it be so and Life whatever that is will let me know somehow somewhere whatever is needed. Of cause that's all baloney as well.


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