Sunday 25 August 2024



Courtesy AZ Quotes

I came from somewhere and I will go to somewhere. What is this somewhere? And what is this I? Is there a somewhere? Are birth and death opposites? Are they not cycles like the seasons, like hair growing, the body doing its thing? It happens, it is the way of things. Or are coming and going an illusion, a deluded mind mere imagining this drama. What is mind? Am I the dream of myself and if so who is this dreamer? This dreamer is an illusive being and is being an experiencer of awareness and is awareness consciousness aware of Itself and who brought consciousness into Being? Let it be, give the head a rest and surrender to Life and what whatever purpose it has.

Life composes of the dualism regarding birth and death, so life has no opposites, it is as a crest of wave and the trough of the wave and the wave of life will go on whether the human ego wishes it otherwise, birth and death are complimentary.

The body has the same intelligence as the Universe, an intelligence far ahead of the ego, the body gets unwell because of ego suppositions. I try to heal my pains and woes and I set up the conflict resulting in anxiety and fear. Why do I not let the body know that I trust its innate intelligence by being still, quiet and feeling and listening with an inner ear to that quietness when the cacophony of fearsome thought has quietened down and then the stillness is there, it has not returned, it has always been there wherever there is.

  So in birth it happened naturally, perhaps my mother had a painful time birthing me and had thoughts and feelings passed into my nervous system, however my NDE was easy and did not require effort so my death will be without effort I did nothing to assist my birth or NDE and if my ego tussles with my demise and I do not not surrender to its flow and knowing I did nothing to grow hair, calibrate the seasons only the fear thoughts of illness, medical procedures, horrible needles and apparatus and yet the surrender of the last cool, relaxed breath and the smile of wonder as I ride on that breath like a wave taking me out to the horizon and leaving me there. Its Ok just surrender to everyday life and realise apart from shopping and various other 'household stuff doing its thing' Life brought me here and takes me back and I am helpless in Its hands unless I realise to let Life transport me or whatever me / I is and if that be oblivion or whatever then so be it.


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