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I am not the man, the person or the being, I used to be. The shell and protective layer is cracking open and breaking up.
As it begins to crack open, sometimes slowly and at other times quite suddenly there is nowt to see or grasp and like a baby turtle in the sand and just been born it struggles towards the sea and is guided by an unknown instinct and the urge to reach the sea is tantamount.
This urgency in me is a silent call as if something very ancient and powerful, as if it were my true essence, my origin and is far beyond earthly and parental conception. This is the birth from pure being, pure spirit into some tangible apparent solid form or at least a fleshly covering over spirit.
I am aware of the impermanence of this visible form and yet with all its so called perceived imperfections it is a carrier and and sacred bearer of the spirit within the capsule of mortality.
This cocoon spun by the Being of spirit over many incarnations has spun the web of experiences which embed and enfolds it with many silken or coarse threads and bind it into realities far beyond and away from its original pristine birth.
The claustrophobic atmosphere can begin to urge the the witness to this confinement the urge through boredom of the repetitious state of the same old, same old, that begins to stir the indwelling witness to seek expansion and so the investigation as to what constrains this adventurous spirit that feels incarcerated by its confinement to the mortal coil and so begins the quest for liberation and freedom.
This urgency in me is a silent call as if something very ancient and powerful, as if it were my true essence, my origin and is far beyond earthly and parental conception. This is the birth from pure being, pure spirit into some tangible apparent solid form or at least a fleshly covering over spirit.
I am aware of the impermanence of this visible form and yet with all its so called perceived imperfections it is a carrier and and sacred bearer of the spirit within the capsule of mortality.
This cocoon spun by the Being of spirit over many incarnations has spun the web of experiences which embed and enfolds it with many silken or coarse threads and bind it into realities far beyond and away from its original pristine birth.
The claustrophobic atmosphere can begin to urge the the witness to this confinement the urge through boredom of the repetitious state of the same old, same old, that begins to stir the indwelling witness to seek expansion and so the investigation as to what constrains this adventurous spirit that feels incarcerated by its confinement to the mortal coil and so begins the quest for liberation and freedom.
As I as the witness examines these threads these weave's, the warp and weft, I begin to realise that these are the many incarnations and the inculcation that those presented to me as real and permanent realities, solid foundations and the truth of my being and life and was presented with opportunities to break out of them by many incarnations but I failed to recognise those opportunities that were windows in time and space and a chance to elevate my consciousness and awareness and so remain stationary in the capsule of time.
Like a chick pecking away at its shell and gradually struggling to get free and into the open so the threads through many lives are cut through with the sharp scissors of awareness and spirit bringing light to the former dark dank interior.
And so this ancient call that has been reverberating over time immemorial and not heard by many and myself and was falling on deaf ears covered by the conditioning, the habits and customs of the age and the evolutionary status, the process of consciousness from primal brain, the serpent brain, the neocortex to the next brain the frontal lobes all of which are only decoders of the higher awareness and consciousness which is commensurate and concomitant as fit to accompany, facilitate and accompany such commodities of consciousness.
So the beautiful new brain of evolution is receiving the upgrades and codes to awaken the the witness within as to the breaking out of the 'old outworn', not fit for use, well past sell safe date' and carry the participants who feel the call of the ancient which is saying 'arise leave the old, sever the last of the stagnant, stultifying, putrid ways that leave a bitter taste a sour belly and feeling of nauseous repulsion'.
Arise and surf the waves of the next step in evolution and receive the blessings of a new life arising from the ashes of the old. For truly the Phoenix is rising from its former self and having been cleansed by the purification of fire arises and flies into the clear blue sky to fly on the wings of grace.
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