The Hip Guru's Guide
Goodness me! this came as a complete 'out of the blue' ah ha sort of thing in completely unrelated circumstances. I have always been interested in space and UFO ET stuff and have blogged extensively in the late energygrid magazine which my friend Andrew was editor and he closed it down suddenly without warning and the contributors had to salvage their work hastily from Andrew and I retrieved a lot of it and started; which is a rather raggedy tagged-ty sort of affair but is an archive more than a blog, I should say more like a compilation of articles which have a real source of historical facts I needed to back up my and the POSTS therein.
Be that as it may and to come back to this SHACK entry, I found myself thinking about Stargates again and the work in a private laboratory with Doctors Mikael Balanoski and Deshe Karoctov in which my theoretical plans and blueprints would or could manufacture a Stargate (names of Doctors I have changed slightly to avoid their true identities, accept to say they were from Ukraine and Russia originally and the lab was just outside Cambridge UK and sponsored by a very wealthy Arabian person) the story of the experiment is in the later link above. which is a rather raggedy tagged-ty sort of affair but is an archive more than a blog, I should say more like a compilation of articles which have a real source of historical facts I needed to back up my and the POSTS therein.
Be that as it may and to come back to this SHACK entry, I found myself thinking about Stargates again and the work in a private laboratory with Doctors Mikael Balanoski and Deshe Karoctov in which my theoretical plans and blueprints would or could manufacture a Stargate (names of Doctors I have changed slightly to avoid their true identities, accept to say they were from Ukraine and Russia originally and the lab was just outside Cambridge UK and sponsored by a very wealthy Arabian person) the story of the experiment is in the later link above.
On reflection I, now as I write this and recall last evening as per date 08 June 2020 and last night the seventh I did watch a rather crass science fiction movie and was so 'far out, noisy and really crazy and zany' that I ate a take away because it was still lock down and I desperately needed a break from my own home cooking and veggie, veggie, veggie, the lock down being this spurious Covid-19 pandemic and I half looked at the video and the noise and hard to hear the fast American swearing, fast 'hero growling talk' the outrageous colours and costumes that it turned me off it and I switched off and in the silence finished the meal which by the way was equally crass.
OK then in the middle of consuming this uninspiring choice of fare, this began to dawn on me; I had written in the archives about a set of coordinates and an experience much later on from these related coordinates with a series of meetings with Timothy Good an author of UFO / ET research and Lord and Lady X, an MP, a News Reader and two ET's and it was about the coordinates. These coordinates were a mystery and I made several guesses and hunches of what they may be. One was that they were planetary line ups and the energies of the New Era were attuned by 'refraction and bending with entrainment from the planets in their celestial positions to the Sun and so on' I had many years back been in touch with Dr Percy Seymour who wrote a book on a similar vain using gravity as to my version of an electromagnetic phenomena and also to the meetings with the Lord's X and co, possible references to UFO 'Pilots' or navigational references in space or such like.
However this was a very definite tie up with the above and there was a sort of coalescing, a coming together in an apparent logical or not academically accepted manner in the above mentioned facets of this subject and it has now dawned on me that this has been brewing and fermenting and strangely enough it needed the trigger and unbeknown to me the crass meal, the ear piercing noisy blinding shrieking 'shark like frenzy' video and somehow with the lock down to facilitate these strange bed fellows into a flash ah ah and still to many a mere science fiction fantasy but to me very much on the ball so to speak.
In the vastness of space, seemingly with no reference point to location and yet by doing geometrical calculations NASA can get trigonometrical, vectors, triangulation's, astronomy, calculus, simultaneous equations, algorithms, algebraic and so on and so make 'invisible windows' in space.
So it came to me that there are vast electromagnetic fields in space and this is where it ties in with my Stargate invention; whereas the Stargate relied on a black-hole, wormhole sort of thing and apparatus to make an event horizon a spinning deconstructing molecular 'funnel' and then zero point, reverse spin and reconstruct the molecular structures (explained in blogs and POSTS) this was needed from land or a solid platform in order to launch whilst the latest version did not.
This could be done by a craft in space and it could trigger the invisible magnetic fields which held the information as a matrix ( in fact had been hinted by Harold Saxton-Burr;
Burr discovered that all living things - from men to mice, from trees to seeds - are molded and controlled by electro-dynamic fields, which could be measured and mapped with standard voltmeters. These "fields of life," or L-fields, are the basic blueprints of all life on this planet.
Burr got into hot water over this with the 'intelligent design and Darwinism' and yet the seeds were there, this led me onto that space is indeed intelligent and has the possibilities and probabilities and endless computations and the matrices in space are indeed invisible to human senses but a set of frequencies that are know to higher intelligentsia such as ET would know these frequencies and might have aligned these Space Stargates and trigger them or the matrix by remote beaming at the 'point in space' and would open up a 'corridor, a portal, a wormhole similar to a black hole or maybe a type of black hole. So these coordinates would be the frequencies and I felt symbols on the crystal 'dashboard' that would emit from the craft, like a remote control to a device such as a TV and so cause the magnetic matrix to open and do the deconstruct and reconstruction of molecular composition or maybe can let a craft or whatever through in tact, but I would doubt that, simply because the 'spinning process involved would shatter the molecular compositions in a random, willy-nilly fashion and scatter the atomic / particles in a jumble, whereas the magnetic fields that disassemble (in computer terms disassemble means to extract a programme from machine code to a higher form of language) and similarly the scattering is contained in a higher coordination and 'held' together in atomic particle sequence in readiness for reformulation in its original form.
Then a reoccurring theme arrived during this ah ah ha this concerns the work of Karl Pribram and the holonomic brain; this brought up again a rift between the 'intelligent design and the Darwinism in a different angle; the view of some was that consciousness is but an electrical phenomena and that is an interaction by neurons and so on and such like are stored in the brain and so is a localised experience and dies with the individual. The holonomic theory suggest that the fine-fibre dendrite webs caused oscillations which cause wave interference patterns that fire as above and the interweaving interrelating fields of electrical activity cause many series of reference beams that are characteristics of holograms so that consciousness is in fact a quantum consciousness and is non local phenomena which caused the argument as above and in fact as a quantum effect, many others like Dr Baum and co noticed the similarity in the storage in holograms and so the consciousness of the brain is therefore non local and quantum.
The next bold step was to realise that in a hologram all parts of it contain the whole. This would or could suggest that in the brain which is an interface and decoder of quantum realities and has access to all the vast amount of data and information and is like a computer node in a vast net of information, like a TV, cell / mobile phone, a radio, an antenna for all information everywhere and anywhere only as far as the decoder brain is enabled to attune and receive such local or non local information, this would mean a super brain or decoder.
For such a brain in human or something akin to human the evolution of consciousness would have to leap enormously from the serpent brain, to the primal brain, to homo erect-us brain, to homo sapien brain, to neocortex brain, to binaural brain and the expansion corpus coliseum to homo energetica / spiritulana brain to a non human flesh being 'brain' for it would go beyond flesh organisms to energetic beings / spirit beings.
However let us envision ET; the UFONAUGHT and their holonomic brain which can access more of the downloads of the Universal Hologram and have access to the codes and frequencies which they can generate with their brains as a sort of telepathic emanation which triggers the matrix to the Stargate and thereby allows free passage to another dimension or part of space which is their destination or home planet or another for visitation.
So there are visible Stargates on land and invisible Stargates in space which are maps connecting all parts of the Universe and are contained in the holograms of the Universe. There are advanced brains and super organic computers, energy computers that can obtain this information by known codes and frequencies and by super brains that can access through altered states of consciousness as to the information required (incidentally in my site of POSTS above I write about the Redelsham Forrest Incident and the strange hieroglyphics which were 'imprinted telepathically' into one of the soldiers mind when he touched the craft, of course all that has been wiped with many other things from censorship by Facebook, Twitter and the security governmental authorities, one must keep to the dictates of the Deep State and anything 'outside of the box' would be a threat to lock down and utter control of the populace).
Then we may see that the ET can use their brains to open a Stargate or they have supercomputers and the information stored in crystals, holograms and some of the suggestions as above are already seeping and creeping into our present 2020 technology and on one hand the governments of the world and the Deep State enjoying the bounty as long as they can control it and use it for gain, power and control and the pioneers who are showing some signs to relax the control, surveillance and to share the fruits of their labours with the less fortunate, its slow, but the battle continues especially in academia and the intelligent design and the stuck in Darwinist thought.
One thing is for sure Evolution will grow naturally, it maybe delayed but it will win through.
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