Saturday 6 May 2017


The two boys were friends and went to the same school. One was the son of the Chief the other the son of an air force Captain.

There was an unfortunate crash in the high mountains of an air force plane.  Search parties reported after a long while they had found the bodies. There was a military funeral.

The boys were out hunting and fishing and were in their summer vacation and so tented out. They came across the crashed craft and bodies.  They reported it to the Captain and who  went to the air force and said what was found. They exhumed the coffins and found they were filled with rocks.

It was suppressed from the media and the captain was dismissed in a fake court martial and both the Chief and Captain's family were threatened.

The captain was broke, no house no money, no pension.  The Chief invited the family of the captain to live in the community and work there as member.

The Chief saw the captain was a great photographer and offered a loan to set him up in a business.  The business thrived and after a few years the captain went to the chief and offered to pay back the loan.  The chief said no, in our tradition we do not take loans back if we can afford them, or interest on the loans, one day it comes back to us in some way, however you must solemnly promise if someone comes to you in trouble and you help them financially you will do the same as I did for you.  The Captain promised.

The Captain was the photographer that did all the shots at my presentations and TV appearances and videos with audio on Radio.


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