Friday 26 May 2017



Nothing really matters in the long run and in the scheme of things.

What is the meaning of this?  Look into the Universe and some scientists tell you that some galaxies have dissolved and their light is still traveling to us and can be seen by telescopes and some still navigate by these apparent stars and galaxies and so suggesting Life is Temporary as long as it has, all matter is transitory and expedient , and our Milky Way has only four Billion years to live. 

On this note or theme we could postulate that Life is indeterminate and that matter is here today and gone tomorrow.  So what is matter?  A bundle of molecules and atoms mixed in a certain cocktail, a formula of creative intelligence, or an accident emanating from the Big Bang and per chance self formulating Itself without direction or intelligence----take your pick--- the intelligent gene one may say ---there is no place for God-----this is a personal decision.  

Be that as it may atoms one is told are 99.99 % empty, space yet there is activity in that space. Just what that activity is nebulous to say the least.

In the long run is it worth 'holding fast to matter' knowing it dissolves and fades with time as we know it.  In a way it is like holding onto ice and hoping it does not melt or slide and slip through the grasping hand.

Perhaps a more congenial way to regard matter is to enjoy it without hoarding it or being over possessive about it.  One has to face the awesome fact that our bodies are made from matter which fades after a while and try as we may until we are made bionic, we are transitory, expedient here today and gone some years later.

What's the matter----What is the matter ---does anything really matter----who matters most-----?


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