Friday 26 May 2017


At times when I was doing the Forensic work the sheer horror used to hit me. There was a bag which was in the laboratory and it was a demonstration to police officers yet it was a real exhibit taken from a rapist.  

When the bag arrived as an exhibit I unpacked it from the parcel sent to me from the main laboratory and as soon as I saw it I felt a draining and a sort of sticky energy, as like muddy water.  When I opened the bag there was the equipment he used on his victims.

I have sat next to people on the bus, airplane, car and train and even passing them on the street and felt this energy, I can see it in their auras as well and in my own.  

When I had my NDE at fours years of age I used to be telepathic to a large degree, mainly feeling however I did 'catch' words and I saw auras.  The telepathy is coming back, the feeling sense is always there, that is a sense of knowing, especially in my psychotherapy days.

I could feel the unease of many in a deep sense and if I ignored my deep feeling (some call it a gut sense) then some discord or problem may arise.

I found in meditation at a session that the meridians, the nadis or whatever not only transported ki, chi, life force for the body they distributed it to the organs which stored it as well as doing their physical job.  This was not so much fatigue or not feeling well, it was a sort of subtle 'one degree under'.  Some people talk about psychic vampires. I found there were physical, mental and psychological with life force and spiritual vampires, they suck the life out of you if one lets them.

One of the patients who came to see me was a dominatrix and also had an Internet 'dirty talk and pose business' she did well, she had a lovely house in the country, drove an expensive car and had a villa in Spain.  She felt after some years she had a kind of sack or basin that was full of as she put 'shit, excrement, filth' she could smell it and hear it talk back to her and vivid dreams of being pursued by it. 

We did imagery, drawing, Qi Gong and meditation.  She felt a stream of energy unblocking her 'plumbing', these were the tools I used in workshops and on myself.

When I felt clear as it were I could feel an energy 'underneath' my physical strength, it was subtle and hardly perceptible, to me it was like waterfall of soft energy and slight tingling and smile.

This feeling gently loosened up the mental / mind waste a sort of stale negative debris, detritus, stains and soiling allowing it to dissipate.  Not a flushing or extreme detox but a soothing  almost caressing it away, a detox of soft loving energy, a sigh of release and a feeling of  it is very, very well indeed. 


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