I am aware of myself being aware, I am conscious
of myself being conscious, how strange to be aware of awareness and not being
able to define or grasp this strange aliveness.
So what must I conclude? I am forced to go no further I cannot say how I
became alive, perhaps physically by conception, yet I feel no matter how
irrational and illogical or unscientific or logical that I am the aware aliveness,
that which is conscious of itself was conscious aware and alive before being
encapsulated in a cocoon of bone and flesh.
This aliveness does not seem to name or categorise
the forms it perceives but merely notes them with wonder, it does not possess
anything and realises that its origin is beyond form and wonders mysteriously,
magically and in awe of this so called solid existence.
The forms may wish to label and define themselves in order in their effort to understand the nature of themselves and how they were created and by what or whom.
The forms may wish to label and define themselves in order in their effort to understand the nature of themselves and how they were created and by what or whom.
This awareness seems all pervasive and without
limits and the forms that arise within in it, like a screen and things appear
from all directions for the awareness to view then in unlimited space named the
Universe and this space provides the backdrop to the moving forms that move and
have their beingness within and on in this space. Actually it is as if this space not only
spawned the form from within itself but was the very nature of the substance
of the forms and a sort of coagulation and strange kind of wrap around, birth
from within itself, yes, solidified in a way space. Like water frozen to ice and vice versa.
So this space awareness is invisible to its forms
of which appear solid and yet known to be composed of tiny bits named atoms,
particles and given these names in an effort to give meaning to their
existence, yet being empty as space itself and space forming these forms to try
to solve the mystery of its own nature which being space, having no tangible
form to define itself to itself has to remain an awareness aware of its
awareness and forced to surrender to the mystery of its creation if there ever
was one and marvel how and why, where and when all this came about and the
myriad of countless forms which come out of itself and by what means it does
The more this awareness which it calls itself as
Life endeavours to find the answer to itself and how the creation forms and
then disappears the more complex and frustrating it becomes and because of its curiosity
of itself seems desperate and hungry to find and seek the answer and stop the
agony of this relentless pursuit.
So I the awareness can only say at this point I
AM, and that the definition, the very substance of this I AM is not tangible,
only the forms that issue forth from the I AM, the Space the womb, the matrix
of forms is tangible. Something indeed seems to come from nothing and that
something slides back and dissolves back to the nothing that made it something.
So it is indeed the I AM WHAT I AM and will always
be what I AM, my AM-NESS is a stand alone quality and because it is
incomprehensible to the forms it spews forth it creates a mystery for the forms
which is why they were created and since the I AM cannot comprehend its own
nature both are partners in the wonders of creation and the invisible non tangible
space in which all is manifested.
Each is a mystery to itself and themselves
collectively. Indeed those who name themselves scientists are aware of the
nature of form, so called material substance as being fundamentally empty at
least 99.99% and the rest they give various names, dark matter, the big bang,
Higgs Bosun particle as they build bigger and bigger collider’s to find smaller
and smaller particles going deeper into space until they will find themselves
looking at pure space with nothing in it and they will realise this is their
consciousness, one can go no further than realising oneself as oneself without
form and seeming without rhyme or reason and the mystery is no more or less I
AM AN ALIVE AWARENESS without definition or labels, I exist eternally and as
such am unlimited such is the nature of space in order to form an ocean of
which issues forth waves which are seemingly solid but on close inspection are
merely waves, vibrations, frequencies which appear solid and forms but are
merely space’s ways of creating forms, these forms collapse when the waves
subside. The burning question for the
forms and creator of forms is how did 'I AM' creating forms and all there is, was
and will be if it is space and eternal which is another name for space which has
no beginning or end----well it maybe it is a consciousness, a mind, space is a
mind an awareness, it is what is called life and the problem with that is, it
just another explanation.
The Möbius strip or Möbius band is a surface with only one side and only one edge. It can be made using a strip of paper by gluing the two ends together with a half-twist. The twisting is possible in two directions; so there are two different (mirror-image) Möbius strips.
The Mobius strip is known for its unusual properties. A bug crawling along the center line of the loop would go around twice before coming back to its starting point.[1] Cutting along the center line of the loop creates one longer band, not two. Cutting one third of the way in from the edge (and parallel to it) produces another amusing result.
The Möbius strip was discovered independently by the German mathematicians August Ferdinand Möbius and Johann Benedict Listing in 1858.[2][3][4]
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