Due Process in legal terms is that process which should be afforded to citizens in a process of judgement through legal means which are fair and just. Due Diligence is the examination of all aspects in a deal and expose any fraud and so on, so that the deal is honest and fair.
This in the world of law and business and transactions maybe in the letter of law be safeguards and promote ethical standards however clever and inventive lawyers and solicitors may dilly dally shilly shally in order to gain time, procrastinate and for many other reasons such as earning more money in fees the longer the process goes on or tiring the jury and court to frustrate the outcome and so on, all of these I witnessed in my 'Forensic Days'. I witnessed political and religious prejudice in cases going unchecked for nefarious political agendas and so forth and very evident nowadays (2019).
I got to wondering how this applies to the 'Spiritual Path'; the due process seems to me the process of the Cosmos and Universe and its laws and lores with rituals based on cycles, rhythms, evolution and growth shedding with due diligence that which is waste and outworn and recycled to new life and forms. To the human frame of mind the Mammoth the to Elephant may seem a long repetitive cycle of time for these changes and those before the Mammoth and the five extinctions and I feel an imminent sixth. However running silently in the background is a process of grandeur and design which is unique.
The process is Life, a River of Light which reveals by its Life Light a running stream like a moving walk way, the process is not a set of rules forcefully imposed but by its movement and its free will affordability choices as seen on the walkway can be selected, some will require gates in order to step off and explore and later perhaps out of boredom or realising the side shows were a distraction and then to rejoin the moving river of Life.
There may come a time when in one's life that one relaxes the logical brain which has its place in the scheme of life, mainly to conduct measures to feed and maintain oneself and to co-operate in harmony with others and nature and indeed should one totally relax and remain loosely alert one can feel a throb of silent moving through the body and sense its presence as a silent river of energy, a tingling and aliveness and then perceive it as light and feel it as joy and uplifting without a specific image conjured up by the minds accumulated graphics store and library.
This moving escalator, this walkway may have seemingly no obvious or logical destination, the galaxies, the expanding Universe, perhaps just an expanding consciousness which presents itself as the hologram of planets, stars, galaxies, humans, bacteria, seeming atoms as fine matter only to realise they are waves of frequencies and coming to the conclusion it is a picture show a moving frame by frame, nay a seamless display as a river, the movement is the process, it is not a deliberation as the law above, a planned sequence of events from a traffic manual or highway code, court, or political book or some form of ancient obscure statute's or laid down legislation, it is a way of Life and this silent river is the way of no way, it is too immense and magical, to me the DO in Japanese and Dao or Tao Chinese, the Chi of living.
This process maybe mystical and seemingly random in its movement, beyond logic and reasoning and many sayings portray this ' peace I leave you not the peace of mankind but that peace that passes all understanding' 'lean not to your own understanding' 'lean not to your brain washing and conditioning' 'The Kingdom Heaven is within' ' be like a child to find this Kingdom' 'The child before it was taught to be something or other and is brainwashed' 'Who were you before you were born' 'Show me your original Face' ' What is the naked mind, the mind at rest, not searching, not desiring and acquiring' 'Be still and know that the Divine is within you'.
Letting go is not being in mind conditioning acquiring mode, reacting from the programmes, the software of grooming and conniving by learnt strategies, ploys and tactical planned attacks and defences. When one relaxes as suggested above and just feels the tingling aliveness when all the tensions in the muscles and joints utterly let go and giving them a rest from their duty of protection and care for a while and trusting the aliveness of relaxation whilst not drifting off to sleep or dozing, one can feel the process.
The process of not doing allows one to realise that the controlling obsessive mind is an energy sapper and relentlessly pursues its fanatical obsession of protecting often spurious, meretricious, kitschy brain washed agendas which through belief which is a repetitive advertising campaign to utterly convince and make one a servant and slave to these beliefs which eventually with enough pounding become one's reality and Life, whilst the moving walkway, the subterranean river is the real process of life and carries on regardless of the usurped rogue, the thief of the aliveness and joy de vivre to eventually on waking up seemed reality and one can adopt many beliefs only to find that they are thought up daydreams and have no real substance.
This can be a shock at first, the carpet has been pulled from under one's and the bare floorboards or concrete seem barren, hostile and unloving. Then can come a series withdrawal symptoms, searching for a lasting belief, distractions, sex, money, TV, computer browsing, hobbies, drugs, alcohol and indeed anything than an empty vacuum in the mind, so the search goes on and in some 'spiritual' systems this is encouraged. Then one may turn the search inward and watch the endless random or organised day dreams and fantasies and maybe get so introverted and to reside in the mind make up movie and not come out and be sectioned or termed mentally ill and given a horrific medical classification. This void and all else above is energised by the river of life whether the 'electricity' is aliveness with no words, pictures and is felt as joy and peace or the electricity of life is used for brain washed agendas, fantasies, dreams, sickness and so as indeed electricity feeds many different appliances from cars to hair dryers, from TV to children's battery driven toys.
So the River of Life continues to fuel Galaxies, planets throughout the Cosmos and its multidimensional 'spaces' of energy driven forms and we as humans with our limited local brains, the small self can only wonder where this spiralling ongoing seamless river is going and its destination or maybe there is no specific destination but is a continuing work in progress / process. The journey to nowhere specific unwinds itself and modifies itself through the process of having no specifics, just the journey and there is unlimited in options as the vacuum zero potential quantum 'real' of unlimited possibilities and probabilities which through interacting fluctuations in the process somehow in magnificent algorithms in deep quantum interacting interactions produce the seamless river of Life.
The river of Life is a quantum phenomena and in the beginning was a void, a vacuum and Consciousness Awakened and out from the void, Life poured Forth, the Tathagata Womb, The Cosmic Egg and so forth.
The human body then can by relaxing is way of feeling the awakening and the brain being a quantum computer assists by allowing itself to deregulate control and allow the process to reveal itself from deeper levels to open up to the non local mind or the True Self.