Sunday, 2 June 2019


Art Ranked Discovery Engine

I have had this feeling many times whilst doing Qi Gong however now it has prompted me and brought it to the fore now I just feel that with the breathing and the hand movements that they are causing a perturbation amongst the atoms or a feeling and sensing the spiralling energetic chi streams and sparkling dots of energies and which appear to be willy- nilly and haphazard and yet I sense they are directed by an intelligence and by doing these movements over the meridians and chakra with acupressure points it is enhancing and stimulating the flow of chi and assisting in removing blockages.

This assists any healing that maybe required and takes time to work its way through long standing mental mind blocks that cause much of the turmoil and blockages and the emotional upheaval caused by long standing trauma and erroneous brain washing.

I feel these energies are fine and subtle and arise from the air one breathes and the finer elements held within the breath, also the cosmic rays, the sun, planetary, star mix, the Full and New Moon phases and the phases of the Moon with solstices and so on, the direction one faces as the seasons change and the weather and atmosphere of the place of practice, all these make a cocktail of energies that are breathed in and are absorbed by the pores of the skin and the chi from the breath into the meridians and then to the organs and so on.

I can sense at times a vast orchestra of movement going through the body and brain also enhancing the bone marrow, auras and subtle bodies.

All these energies cause interference patterns and are therefore causing updates, reconfigurations and permutations orchestrated by the hand of the vast networks of intelligence’s throughout the Cosmos and under the banner of the Supreme Intelligence which delegates great beings of intelligence to transform the vibrations and such like to the forms that can take such frequencies and not blow their fuses so to speak.

This vast network of integrated mutual interfacing, this co operative network runs smoothly and yet by free will gifts graciously given by the Supreme Intelligence the self agendas can run counter wise and cause ripples of disharmony and ripples of eddy currents and harmonic discord.  This is where meditation and stillness come in a sitting still mode which causes the ripples to subside and reveal the discordant emotions perhaps of fear, anxiety and all else of a disturbance to the natural Cosmic lore and natures balm(this is maybe why a walk in beautiful quiet nature soothes the soul)

This whole process is the loom of energies, weaving its warp and weft in the chi of the dancing energies of the arising particles and photons from the field of all energy, the Leggo and Mecanno sets of the Universe.    

Such is the majesty of such movements whether it be Yoga, Tai Chi, Qi Gong or some ancient movement with the breath and this can include dance, traditional movements and such like.

These gifts sent to heal, harmonise and bless the forms and life and evolve all its forms onwards and upwards to eventually lose its form and become the energy of its source.


Grade Gorilla
Could it be that by the observer effect the seeming chaos as above at top of article which is of course art and this above which is from a bubble chamber from physics experiment that from the seemingly chaos the observer intelligence collates these seeming random building block by the intelligence of consciousness to organise chaos into order.  Perhaps that is what happens when one practices the Qi Gong and such like and takes the random chi and organises it to a specific use in the body and all who need its energy and so the randomness is configured to a use guided and supplemented by the divine intelligence, the master plan at work. (SHACK)

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