there is not so much of a difference between AI (Artificial Intelligence) and
so named human intelligence;
the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills.
"an eminent man of great intelligence"
intellectual/mental capacity, intellect, mind, brain, brains, brainpower, powers
of reasoning, judgement, reason, reasoning, understanding, comprehension, acumen, wit, sense, insight, perceptiveness, perception, perspicaciousness, perspicacity, penetration, discernment, sharpness, quickness
mind, quick-wittedness, smartness, canniness, astuteness, intuition, acuity, alertness, cleverness, brilliance, aptness, ability, giftedness, talent;
"a man of great intelligence
of this does not encompass the brains computing ability and where the thinking
process is. Some say the intuition is a higher intelligence from a source that
is beyond the brain as a TV and computer imports the information via
frequencies and vibrations commensurate to the decoder so installed. In fact either
way it is all frequency, waves and vibration which can be sound, colour, feel,
touch and sensation. Maybe here we can
see the very nature of the Universe is frequency, vibration and waves.
implication as above maybe is to indicate that Intelligence is as we humans
define it and AI is our defined set of algorithms about intelligence inserted
into a computer or robotic entity. In a
way we do this with babies born almost brain clear accept for nuances or feelings
without reason imbibed in the uterus. Then the baby born is subjected to
information intelligence or intelligence information as defined by the parent’s
culture and so on.
many people have never thought outside the box of their brain washed
conditioning, it may seem safe and maybe not comfortable but is the known and
we may fear outside of the friendly prison is threatening. However a robot may be
programmed to not know or comprehend fear or maybe it does!!?
we believe as some academics do there is no God or Intelligence other than the
human mode and animals, plants and so on just are a matter of simple reactions
from basic monitoring systems of an organic nature and that planets, stars and
the like are merely dead inanimate matter then some aspire to give them AI and
as such make God into the Universe, we humans create God. We are the ultimate intelligence throughout a
lifeless in the sense of intelligence, emotion and reason in the Universe. However everything is vibrating in waves and
particles, atoms and molecules and it is known all of these frequencies hold
information in order for them to form. I
feel gravity is the intelligence language and is a frequency code to allow the
formation of planetary and star formation, the same information that informs
the cells to de-differentiate.
premise may allow a basic understanding of a Universal Intelligence contained
in the particle to atoms to molecules all of which are vibrating to their concomitant
and commensurate frequencies which carry their signals codes and information
and is their mode and language of intelligence.
One may put forward that if their is a God HESHE has programmed us and the Universe and we are the AI of God.
One may put forward that if their is a God HESHE has programmed us and the Universe and we are the AI of God.
along with this one may deduce that particles and atoms, molecules are but the
building blocks, the ingredients of the cake or bits of the jig saw puzzle and
some intelligence as above as in distinction from a understanding of it brings
them together and creates a form. Intelligence a sort of consciousness through
thought beyond our mode of thinking coalesced to building blocks according to
its own endemic blueprint.
being said the metal of a robot is formed from atoms as is everything and is
therefore a frequency intelligence of that specific nature and design, it is
still at base a vibrating atomic particle frequency structure which in some
cases can shatter with the correct sound.
The gripe I have with AI is it could make humans redundant and lazy and who
ARE THOSE who want to programme them and of what use would they be put it too---war, domination, power –medical,
health, artificial limbs, organ replacement, better quality of environment. Who
will be the moral compass for this?
by the moral compass media fake news and social media in the time February
2019, it would be suicidal for the planet, wars, authority, fake climate change
information, culture and religious clashes, extreme capitalism and extreme
fascism and so on. Those globalists who want a one world Government, one
philosophy, one army, one destiny, all wearing the same uniform and mask, the
ultimate control, masters and slaves and law and martial law implemented by AI
robots who have no sense of compassion and just obey the programme, the ethic,
the law---well dwell on that.
whether you believe and have deeply researched and not throws out the baby with
the bathwater in ET and UFO research and I have deeply researched this worked
in it for an Institution, spoken to Astronauts, pilots, police officers and
high ranking Military officers and yes have met an ET there maybe another take
on AI.
the film version of ‘Fire in the Sky’ which differs from the forty five minutes
interview of YOU TUBE with Travis Walton they do show nor Travis talks much
about the non type ‘grey’ type persons who like us and like the ones I met and
several cases of meeting them as per my Posts in they seem as human as
you or I, yet the grey life form types seemed intelligent and seem to be used
as a robotic instrument to do the examinations and sort of basic work. Travis
describes them when he lashed out as having a type of different texture body to ours, the human type led him away and was smiling and flesh like.
also describe that in the Rendelsham Forest incident that contact with
hieroglyphics touched like Braille imprinted itself somehow in the soldiers brain
and he understood it and that UFO craft are of a an organic like structure and
self repairing and attuned to the very cellular Intelligence of the body of the
Ufonaught and as the flesh body heals so these beings have a technology that
has found the frequency of organic repair and healing as do their craft and modes
of energy and travel.
eventually when the human race grows up and is like our space cousins with
compassion, sharing no need for hoarding and acquisition and understanding the
Cosmic Plan and lore we can programme robotic assistants who have only a
programme and are not self teaching and so become rebellious and jealous.
teaching or learning robots could become resentful of humans or want to have
flesh bodies and take over and some humans would like robotic bodies so they
could live longer and have replacement everything’s and become bionic and maybe
this is indeterminate at this present time. What with very young children into
gender change and confusion with sexuality these times are confusing and change is rapid;
Agender Somebody who either feels they have
no gender identity, or who identify not as male or female but ‘neutral.’
Aporagender A fairly new word stemming from
the Greek ‘apor’, meaning ‘separate’. Aporagender is an umbrella term meaning
“a gender separate from male, female and anything in between while still having
a very strong and specific gendered feeling.” That latter part is key, then,
distinguishing it from Agender.
Female to male trans
Female to male
transgender man
Female to male
transsexual man
Gender neutral
Intersex man
Intersex person
Intersex woman
Male to female trans
Male to female
transgender woman
Male to female
transsexual woman
T* man
T* woman
Two* person
Two-spirit person
The list of the 50 previous gender
Cis Female
Cis Male
Cis Man
Cis Woman
Cisgender Female
Cisgender Male
Cisgender Man
Cisgender Woman
Female to Male
Gender Fluid
Gender Nonconforming
Gender Questioning
Gender Variant
Male to Female
Trans Female
Trans Male
Trans Man
Trans Person
Transexual Female
Transexual Male
Transexual Man
Transexual Person
Transexual Woman
Transgender Female
Transgender Person
Bigender Relatively straightforward: a
bigender person sees themselves as having two gender identities. The separate
genders could both be male, or female, mixed or other – and may be felt at
the same time or entirely distinctly.
Butch Used as both a noun and an adjective,
this refers to a person who identifies as masculine (either physically,
mentally or emotionally). The term is occasionally used as a lesbian slur, but
has been reclaimed by some gay women and turned into a affirmative label.
Cisgender Pronounced "siss-gender",
this refers to anybody who identifies with the same biological gender they were
born with. Tentatively, then, it could be seen as the opposite of transgender.
Demigender A catchall term for all identities
that only have a partial connection to a certain gender. Demiboy and demigirl
are also frequently used.
Femme Used by and for anybody who
identifies as feminine, but more commonly associated with feminine-identifying
gay women.
The new census question will be trialed in a large
survey next year CREDIT: ALAMY
Genderfluid A term describing individuals for
whom gender is unfixed: they fluctuate between different identities aside from
their biological assignment.
Gender neutral A synonym for 'agender': somebody who
identifies with no gender.
Gender queer An umbrella term covering any
feelings about gender alternative to society's traditional expectations.
Intergender One of the oldest (and thus often
deemed outdated) terms, this is used by anybody whose gender identity is
between male and female. Some believe intergender should only refer to those
born with different genitals to the norm, though this is more commonly known as
Nonbinary Fairly simply, anybody who doesn't
identify as simply female or male.
Miley Cyrus previously stated she was pansexual CREDIT: REUTERS
Polygender Identifying with several different
genders either at the same time or different times. Normally the term is given
to those with four or more.
Transgender/Trans An umbrella term for any individual
whose gender identity is different from what is typically associated with their
assigned biological sex at birth. It should be noted that transgenderism is a
gender identity and not a sexual orientation, therefore no assumptions should
be made as a result.
and how do we put a robot into any of the above and as humans what definition
are you and if you have read my earlier SHACK’s you will understand the
specific question ‘Who am I?
Remembering the moment one
assumes an identity then that defines but also imprisons, so is there a way to
be that is free---read through the many articles and decide for yourself.
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Many of the above symptoms and ideas maybe the signs of the evolutionary change which I call the Ascension process, The Shift or Tipping Point are other names, this process if allowed to go through and I believe there are attempts to thwart it, will at the most delay it. However in the process of delay there maybe some very uncomfortable sequences and experiences.
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