Sunday, 2 June 2019



Fascinating and intriguing is a lovely idea or insight that as everything is made of particles, atoms and molecules that we ourselves are made out of the recipe and mixture of a designer or if not appealing of an architect and its all an accident from nowhere with no cause and just by synchronicity and coincidence it self organised itself without any intelligence and a plan and is just by chance by coalescing it formed its own intelligence from a non entity then be that as it may atoms are around, or is that part of the great delusion and non intelligent plan and they arrived from a seemingly empty buzzing energy field to baffle the intelligent scientist looking at a dead universe apart from himself?

It is said by science that atoms are 99.99% empty and the little bit left over is not understood. So now we have a situation where not intelligent atoms are inserted by the trillions into this flesh body and an intelligent scientist is looking at his dead atoms although they are vibrant and are formed into molecules and then cells and so on without any intelligence in them and yet how did they form out of the stem cells---obvious chemical interactions and so forth, the foetus is alive without intelligence and yet some intelligence informed it, just because a boffin does not know how and believes they are the only intelligence they put it down to these mysterious signals from a non intelligent source forming an intelligent formation.

In SHACK 625   Then for me came the realisation that words are just words and no attempt and beautiful eloquent writing, music, art or anything else can give one the feeling of an empty pure awareness because one is that awareness and how do you define something that is empty and yet full of energy and experiencing and is alive?  It can be a spur to find that one is looking at oneself which is awareness.  When one looks within as it were and becomes still without thought one is looking at oneself in the mirror, awareness reflects awareness which is experiencing awareness which is life without form’.

One is aware or conscious of one's awareness, awareness is awareness of its nature which is awareness. So one is conscious and is experiencing Itself and to experience is to be intelligently aware. Consciousness is conscious of being conscious.

So just as the mirror of awareness recognises itself in stillness and quiet meditation or just gazing at oneself in the mirror at one’s face in a non focussed way and seemingly if one had breathed and entered a sort of light awareness without bias, one really comes to the conclusion one is a mystery, a face within billions of faces.

So a scientist looking at atoms is looking at the composition of themselves, and where did the particles to form the atoms and so arise from and why me in this particular body or my parents and indeed the world population that is, was and presumably will be? Of course that is why scientists study the structures to find out why and how this arose in such and such a way.

However if one starts off with the premise that humans are the only intelligence and everything else is a dead entity apart from chemical, enzymes and non intelligent as in human intelligence then they are arrogant and fearful that they are the masters of academic prowess and know the answers, as a famous scientist said a few months back in 2018 ‘it is a dead universe apart from us and with AI and robotic advancement we will go out into the Universe and enliven and give life to it and we will invent God’.

So there was no God in the first place and we invented ourselves from a big bang. Well now let us look at our dead atoms in the sense they are not intelligent, so by the above we give life to our atoms and form them from the intelligence we are and not from God, so no God and only our intelligence we got from an accident.

Why are these atoms more or less empty? Going back to the awareness being aware of itself in a thought free mode, it is experienced but indescribable in context, material or explanation. An awareness that is aware in a dream and looking at TV and knowing you are watching the TV. Of course one will say it is my brain that is the decoder of the TV and without my brain I am a dead entity, no afterlife, brain dead body dead and yet annoyingly there is the quantum field buzzing away, or is this just an illusion, and it is said there is every possibility and probability and in the Dr Quantum two split / slit experiment (YOU Tube) the observer principle and as he says ‘ and what has the observer got to do with all this’?

Well the observer is said to ‘collapse the wave’ and perhaps the observer is awareness and awareness is consciousness, an experience. When the experience’er intends to a definite form or experience one then collapses the ‘buzz’ of the field and begins to coalesce by thought, thought kind of magnetises particles to the desire of the intention and so called solid form, which a collection of trillions of atoms are held together by thought.  Form is then thought solidified.

Now we have the scientist looking at his own bodily composition that was formed from the buzz field and was intelligently formed by an observer who collapsed the field.  So by this conjecture there was and is an intelligence that is the Source Of Life.

We are indeed the people we are waiting for, to wake up to the fact we are life in or out of the body. We are intelligence personified and can be also without form. For life creates life simply for its own perpetuation.


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