Sunday, 2 June 2019



For years the message from Qi Gong, Meditation and Tai Chi, even at Judo, Kendo, Aiki Do was about the hara, dantien and go within and so on.

So it would seem the so called inner world, not a withdrawal from life, but ones attention awareness becomes aware that it is aware is another kind of centre, the hara and dantien in the body, the bone marrow inside the bones, the cells, the mitochondria, the molecules, the atoms, the particles / waves / frequencies that are all leading back to emptiness as it were which I feel is awareness, consciousness, the experience, the witness, the dynamic interplay at the zero potential quantum field, actual total unexpended potential which is total life force without form.

The moment a thought is stimulated the potential is kind of leaked to form a form, which is no more than solidified thought. The Universe is a solidified thought in the mind of the awareness of the creator.

Then looking into matter or form it in its surface appearance and feel may seem to have texture and yet delving deeply one finds it is compacted molecules, atoms and so on held together by strong or weak forces, I say mind intention, in particular patterns, vibration-al  frequencies / waves and predilections of the awareness consciousness of the dreamer or intension-iser.     

The true centre of all creation then is not a point of reference but an all pervading awareness or consciousness which is aware of itself. This is the centre of no centre and is invisible and indescribable and yet it is aware of itself.  Such is the mystery of life from the form side.  The pot is trying to find out who created it and the potter is wondering if this is me I am breakable and finite, however the mind which the idea of the pot came from is what it is, which a mind is.

To illustrate the above there is a story in which a monk came to a master and said I have a troubled mind can you please help me? The master produced a knife and said cut out your mind and I will heal and cure it!!!. The perplexed monk felt so it is said, a sudden realisation that the mind is not something tangible and realised in that moment the illusionary, delusion, dream like non existence and the hop scotch, monkey antics of this unsteady quality of mind.  In that infinitely fast nano second of surprise and shock which hits one like a super ah ha, a deep realisation beyond logic, a truly enlightening second, logic is suspended the past eradicated and kind of blank awful stupendous idiotic nothing is there, wherever there is and one, whoever one is feels joy, laughter, insanity a kind of ecstatic madness and knows without knowing what is the true nature of oneself and cannot put it into words nor describe it and can only feel the indescribable and is content to leave it at that.

One then retreats from form and the so called outside world, the world that many say is the real world until death and decay wakes one up to the reality of this ever changing so called world out there at the most a temporary affair and on questioning what is everlasting, safe and secure which form apparently is not one may on reflection and contemplation arrive at a sort of place where that which form appears from would apparently be a sort of pool or fountain, an ocean where all the bits of form come from and seemingly go back to, the rise and fall of waves from the still ocean.

The potter at this point may say well I produced the form and design of the pot, so now where did I come from and who designed me? The potter may come to the conclusion that his mind thought up the pot, so where is my mind, the brain scientists say, and yet in post mortem and carving up the brain, no mind is found, an electrical phenomena they say caused by the firing of the synapses and neurons, and yes where did they come from before the brain evolved, well the big bang and accident, nay God where did she, he come from, then the same incredulity comes like the monk, where is this mind, the master asked the monk to show him it, the potter may reason all of this and so goes on to a search until he finds the awful shocking truth, there is no logical answer, at this point he may get frustrated and angry and take to religion, alcohol, sex, indulgence to get relief from not really knowing who he is and the age old question ‘who am I’ and in truth if one is serious there is no answer and some on this path have gone mad when the indulgences and distractions have worn thin and some have committed suicide, some keep running hither and thither until worn out and exhausted, simply give in and accept there is no answer and may become depressed and neurotic.

The human mind has become brain washed from birth and taught what religion, culture and profession one would be and among this is seeking always to be safe, to acquire land and even simple living, native or off grid it is always seeking pleasure, safety and the avoidance or pain, illness and injury. However when the reality that form is not lasting, the body will perish all things are and have a limited life expectancy, then searching for the ultimate safety can be more than one life and then as many lives in such beliefs may not find an answer.

It is when then one comes to the acceptance that change is inevitable and that a logical safe theory and equation, a formulae a direct tangible knowing, a safety net no matter how flimsy and a mind set that says I will survive no matter what has come hopelessly short of a definite knowing and safety, secure, watertight, seamless and then in denial, there is no such thing as safety or the guarantee of security, yes riches may abate the end but death will bring one up short, that is why death is the liberator and should be contemplated.  Although the wealthy may say I have had a wonderful life I die satisfied and if there is oblivion so be it, the religious may say I go to heaven and all is well, there is God and His Angels I will be all right, the drugged and insane (what is insanity, one persons insanity is another person sanity) may not care at all, and those who have seen the emptiness  and the nature of nothing have already died whilst living and may remain in the body or not, not a zombie, wild or raving, but empty and joyful, no mind no trouble and more sane so to speak than those who base their sanity on logic, religion, culture or form, because form changes, the emptiness does not. 

So one arrives at a terminus, a blocked road until one understands its all in the mind and that again leads us back to take out the mind put I onto a plate and I will see it and heal it with a medicine or some magical remedy and one realises  its all in the mind and there is no content in it or tangibility, not just a construct or intellectual indulgence, there is a shock, a sudden realisation beyond words and definition and the search ends to find out who one is and what is mind and one is what one is and is content with the nothingness of mind which is everything.



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