Saturday, 2 March 2019

Expect miracles but leave the details to the Universe. Some people equate miracles with synchronicity.

If a mind is so fixed, set, bemused, beguiled, befuddled, obsessed and almost hypnotically possessed with a set of programmes and so deeply entrenched that it cannot, will not go outside the safety net of the brain washing, grooming and conditioning. This mind has a very limited view and the base belief programmes become the encyclopaedia, work manual and reference library to the box set named ego.

This closed circuit has a few deviations and a tolerance which when breached or challenged provoke withdrawal, anger, guilt, attack, extreme defence and counter measures a veritable arsenal of mechanisms that assist and extend or diminish the programmes to within safety limits and proximity to the core belief.

 The core belief is that it is not a programme or brain washed and that it is real, it is reality and that this is unshakeable, however there is always a silent nagging shadow of a belief that this is not so and so the ego has to build more walls of protection and in this event loses its core and the fake / false ‘I’, the knowledge of I am real, dominating and exist as a reality.  This feels so solid and real until either  by per chance, a shock, choice and the choice to examine its existence and question its very programmes and in the course of this discovers it is not as real and solid as it was once thought and experienced.

This then can result in a dilemma; then what is a real belief and lasting belief system if originally we are taught and not much is learnt outside our conditioning.  In a way we are robotic and work on automatic systems which cause our reactions and life styles. This dilemma is often experienced by those truth seekers of human nature and the mysteries of the Universe.

Some reach the end of the road and find there is no such being or entity, beliefs or realities that bring peace to the mind. Thought seems to have receded and sparse far off and not needed so much and there is a strange inner peace that grows out of  and into the space vacated by dominant inner mind chatter dialogue. Some at this point panic and feel madness, numbness and shock and stare down at the perceived abyss of a dark worthless world of boredom and misery and a life as a hermit with loneliness and cut off from society. Many of these minds back off and find distraction in worldly affairs.

Then for some as they vacate many of the programmes through a series of mind detoxing mainly through awareness and recognising dysfunctional software corruption begin to create natural gaps, empty spaces where the Universe can drop in a seemingly miracle or synchronicity.  In these gaps one is creating an invitation an open door for the Universe to become one with this mind as it was originally before brain washing took place. These minds have retained awareness otherwise the ego will try to regain its old hunting grounds.  The ego is a predator of exceptional cunning and guile, a master of disguise and ruthless as well as sometimes irresistibly charming.  Fighting the ego merely makes it stronger, submitting to it, then the mind becomes set back into a belief system and once more joins the minds of the great brain washed asleep, the waking walking brain mesmerised.

Strangely enough should one have the occasional ‘flash or gap’ and there is no lethargy or sleep, aberration, trance or gone off on a trip somewhere, a fantasy or altered state of consciousness, then this mind may find itself, free, dynamically alert, content and at ease with most situations and not a hermit nor a socialite but just a content mind living in a contented body.

A cup full of tea has to be emptied to receive another drink so the mind emptied of irrelevant and trivia makes space for inner peace and the gifts this manifests.


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