Monday, 25 March 2019



It has often occurred to me that thoughts are heavy. My head feels heavy with negative thoughts and even lighter more positive  thoughts seem to take up space, the space of peace.

Lighter thoughts can occupy the mind like buzzing bees that fly and that will not go out the window or the wasp that follows you everywhere. Many of us feel that thoughts are part of the natural mind and we cannot exist without them. Ask a baby or young child that and see what the baby or child mind is like before us adults drop in, force, coerce programme, condition and groom in our ‘stuff’ and we may think original great life and style on them.

Sure some basic morality, respect and ways around the world with safety, decency and nature wisdom are necessary but just to earn a living and amass wealth and its consequences of materialism can often lead to selfishness and security in more and more and more, surrounding oneself with material objects that eventually rot and decay, the child with a new toy and its charms fade and looks for another. It becomes an addiction.

Sometimes thoughts are a reminder that I exist, whereas in sheer joy, inner peace and happiness there is not much thought, so there is a toss up between heavy thoughts or just thoughts to verify I am here, this could well be the programme, brain washing and conditioning the combined array that is marketed and packaged as the ego.  This becomes an entity that like a surreal being and mimics reality only it seems so real and really is a virtual reality and an illusion. This is simulated reality.

Born free of conditioning and then taught to be whatever your parents want you to be is really simulated reality.  This is so because when one has leant choice or unsatisfied with ones ‘simulated’ life one can then change to another simulation. There are now headsets which are linked to software and visas, small screens and one can change the virtual programmes, they are so real that given enough time on them and gullible perhaps a sad mind one like internet addicts become disassociated with the world and live in a simulated dream world.  What's the difference---its all simulation, one brain washing the other by machine

To some extent as long as we follow our ‘upbringing’ without questioning it at some time, not running away from the horrors or wishing only the pleasures we remain firmly embedded in the role, we think  and feel this is reality and defend or even attack to keep the status qua.  This is my team, my religion, my preferences, my flag, my territory and these are its borders the circumference and the line you or I cannot step over. I must have like minded people, loyal people in fact like me, I am your role model and if you are not like me then woe betide you I will try and convert you, you see really I am saying secretly, privately that you make me feel unsafe, your different, there cannot be different this  is what I have been brain washed and believe, after all my parents were right and they are right its been proven by the family cultural line, all those other cultures well they are heathen, however I can tolerate them in order to not war with them, but I tell you make sure you know and recognise my borders, no incursions mind you. 

Now all of these thoughts become buried in a package and run around the neurons, synapse’s buzzing micro electric firing circuits wired to the shape and connections modulated and commensurate and concomitant to become a tuned circuit which in turns forms habits and these habits become habitual and routine and build the safety fence around one.  The fortress is not solid it is an assumed solid, on close examination by closing ones eyes, looking lightly but with awareness look at the nature of the thoughts and pictures that the thoughts provoke with colour and emotional content, which will fascinate one at first, then remind yourself I am merely watching a TV in my mind screen.

This may provoke the thoughts ‘is this who and that I really am’? The thoughts seem to flash in or evolve slowly, some like bubbles, in fact thoughts have ‘no body’ and seem to have no tangible substance and they come from seemingly nowhere and disappear into nowhere all produced by so scientists tell us an electrical phenomena by the brain, you are your brain and that is all and a splendid computer that evolved by itself from a big bang and an accident.

Now the brain is established and even with choice whatever one’s decision to move from one set of programmes to another there is the same predicament. One goes round and round on the hamster wheel, stop the world I want to get off, the trap of duality and so on.

Then along comes the Quantum ‘Stuff’. Nothing is solid, atoms are 99.99% empty, everything in the Universe is vibrations, frequencies; the two slit / split experiment and the observer.  Hey, we, you and I observing. Here am I looking at a virtual world in my head so to speak if I lay back and say I am watching the TV in my head and I am not getting emotionally involved in the programme.

A very weird and strange experience may arise; whilst gently breathing and not falling asleep, not being uptight and the tensions, itches and seated comfortably, quietly and sometimes quickly the mind becomes bright, sometimes like a slow rolling venetian blind or garage door rolling up, the mind becomes empty, perhaps thoughts seem far away and something like a diver below the surface and looks up and sees vague silhouettes, then this absence of thought, an empty mind, can feel happy, joyful, blissful feel full of grace, the body relaxed and one is not a vegetable or bored, in fact boring are the same old same old rota of programming and conditioning unless one resigns oneself to this opiate of illusion-ed  safety of the known. 

This joy de vivre seems endless and is not static it is on the move and yet still, it is dynamic and yet is not revving one up, it is pure potential, spontaneous and not impulsive, it is what it is, it does not seem to have boundaries and ones head and brain seem to be open, light and boundless. Any attempts to really get to grips and define it, for the words above are vague descriptions of it, limit it and the limits bring one back to words thoughts and a programme.  This is what scientists do with the Quantum ‘Stuff’ explain it, write a mathematical equation about it to make sure they understand it and make their ego’s safe and secure in their knowledge, this exactly what I do, we all do, we must have a framework of thought ‘I know that I know through my thoughts that I am who I am, my name, address, knowledge such as xyz  religion, culture, degree, social status, insurance number, driver licence number, my socialising, the pub, the team I support, what I look like in the mirror and most of all like minded people and all those not like me I either tolerate, shun, condemn or fight or just blank them. Then again I might be an educator, a therapist who has a theory, follows a particular psychological or mystical or even home made philosophy and tries to convert others in order that we are a family and makes me feel safe that’s why I became a therapist anyway. Of course I am generalising-----aren't I?

To think or not to think this is the answer. In my view the world has got into trouble because we over think. Perhaps we need to be simpler and just have thoughts and programmes to negotiate every day living and coming from the happy joyful peace mind as base.

Too simple, too naïve, well will never know unless perhaps  we may say‘I know that I don’t know but when I need to know I will know’


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